504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Have A Seat, My Sweet!
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Have A Seat, My Sweet!

I just L-O-V-E this tablescape so much!
Even though it was originally designed for Valentines,
there is nothing so overtly "Valentiney"
about it that it cannot be a used for a beautiful
Spring tablescape too!

When I think of Valentines Day,
two very different visions come to mind...
The first is of me and my hubby having a quiet romantic dinner.
Did I mention quiet..as in we we both sit down at the same time,
in the same room and can actually eat our food!
The second is of me and the kiddos sitting in a pile of paper,
tissue, and doilies - fingers covered in glue -
making homemade Valentines.
One of the above has happened. Can you guess which one?
{I actually attempt to not "celebrate" Valentines Day...
stick around...next week, I will explain.}
This "Have a Seat, My Sweet" Valentine's Day table
is inspired by the "characters" {a.k.a. Kiddos!} in the second vision.
So, I went more sweet than romantic for this weeks design.
I imagine cleaning the glue off of our fingers
to sit down for cookies, scones, finger sandwiches and tea.
My kids actually love tea {both of them} and scones.
 A chandelier of found branches hangs from the camellia tree,
adorned with ribbons and miniature paper globes,
it creates a whimsical focal point.
A view from overhead.
A nest provides the perfect spot for a paper globe to rest.
A glittering monogram awaits the guest.
A simple glass container set a top a silver tray
is home to a bed of moss, baby's breath
and gorgeous red camellias.
I just love baby's breath when it is paired with
the unexpected or grouped in a large, full bunch.
Petite vases on either side of the main
centerpiece hold pink baby roses.
A shot of the overall place setting - my favorite
find last week were these pink basket weave plates.
I paired them with toile saucers and
a rose/love themed larger plate.
I dug deep into hubby's "treasures" and
found a glass and pitcher set with a platinum rim.
I used that because it complimented
my tea cups with the platinum rim.
I played with the linens a lot.
First I laid a basic white linen,
then layered burlap on top
{I am officially in love with burlap these days}.
I topped the burlap with a small embroidered square linen.
The napkins are simple and ecru.
I just loved the look of the contrast between
the smooth, rough, and vintage layers.
Embroidery detail from the topper.
A close up of the mixed and matched tea cup and saucer.
Handmade paper globes with flowing ribbon
hung from the chandelier.
Crystals were add for some sparkle.
I used some decorative iron garden chairs
{that are always on my porch},
wrapped them in a lightweight white fabric
and tied them off with a strip of burlap.
Tucking some baby's breath, and topping the chair
with a vintage doilie finished the look.
Of course, I had cookies!
Hope you enjoyed it!

I am linking up to the..
Trendy Treehouse's Creative Share Blog Hop


Have a sweet day!

Resources: Toile plates and Love plates (Marshall's); basket weave plate (vintage, Goodwill); tea cup (Goodwill), Centerpiece (Marshall's); Topper (grandma's); Burlap (Ace Hardware); Glassware (Vintage, grandma's); Paper globes, monogram (handmade); ribbon, nest (Michael's).


  1. So pretty! Love the outdoor setting! Your centerpiece is wonderful!


  2. Your table is so beautiful. I love to set pretty tables too. And I have dishes that look a lot like your red ones. Come check out my sweet little vintage giveaway over at my creative blog. I sure enjoyed visiting yours.

  3. Anonymous2:15 AM

    That table has got to be the most supercalifragilistic thing I have EVER seen!!

  4. where do youlive you can have such a beautiful warm looking table setting in feb. I love it all, I wish I was coming to lunch or bruch at a friends house decked out like that I love it, are people joining you or is it to sell your vintage wear?? do let me know your talented.

  5. WOW. I would love to have a romantic dinner sitting there!

  6. A wonderful Valentine table -- so pretty!

  7. Beautiful! Straight from a romance movie!!!

    I hope you enjoy a wonderful Thursday and that you'll stop by my blog and enter my newest giveaway!


  8. love it! My kind of party!

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    That is the sweetest table setting I have yet to see. I love every detail, especially the baby pink roses. I heart roses.

  10. Gorgeous, and romantic!!~ I love it! I am new to blogging and really enjoying all these wonderful blogs and people I am meeting!!~ Come and take a visit sometime!

  11. Anonymous8:54 AM

    With a setting that pretty, who would dare eat and mess it up?!

  12. Lovely Valentine table Holly! The lace tablecloth is very romantic. The roses are so romantic. By the way, your book is finally on its way..sorry for that delay.
    ♥, Susan

  13. Ha, I am with Suzicate, and would be afraid that I would mess up the lovely view.

  14. I love all the details you put into this! The pink basket weave plate is beautiful!

  15. I love the table. Thanks for taking close-up pics of it so we could get a bird's-eye-view.

  16. Lovely table setting.
    I predict the first scenario to happen.

  17. I love the paper globes......yes, whimsical and fun!

  18. I didn't think you could top your table setting from last week, but I think you did. This is just gorgeous! It belongs in the pages of a magazine!

  19. your posts on tablescape thursdays are one of my favorite posts (of all the blogs I read) each week! I love seeing your creativity and the beautiful scenes you create as a result.

    And those cookies look awesome too!!

  20. Amazing, of course! I love Valentine's Day for the kiddo stuff- paper hearts, vintage doilies, glitter...not the Hallmark card faux romance shtuff.

    Thanks for inspiring me!

  21. Oh...this is just perfect. It is so pretty, I love the florals and your plates are darling. This looks so welcoming.

    We did all holidays with our kids. New Years Eve was always taking the kids out to a "dressy" dinner and back home for videos. Those are some of our favorite memories.


  22. Look at you go! How beautiful. You make me feel so simple and plain.

  23. What a beautiful outdoor setting! I cannot even imagine outside these days, lol. Lovely table and every detail is just perfect! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  24. ♥ your out of doors romantic setting!

  25. I simply adore your mixture of dishes and linens, love the way they just evoke such a romantic feeling, love the outside setting and the wonderful items hanging fron the tree, love it all, i am a new follower of yours and I will be back for more, come for a visit...Phyllis

  26. Very dreamy! Very heavenly! Very lovely and just simply amazing! You have quite the talent!

  27. My goodness Holly. You seem to out do yourself with every creation. I envy your skills.

  28. Hi Holly,

    What a beautiful, magical, romantic tablescape! I'm sure you can hear little cupids giggling in the trees above this table;-)

    Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  29. So romantic and dreamy!

  30. You are really eating outside? I'm so jealous it's freezing (24*) here. Love the chandy and the table is so pretty.

  31. Simply gorgeous! You really have a wonderful talent. Thank you for sharing it.

    PS We don't really do Valentine's either.

  32. So beautiful! You have quite an eye, Ms. Holly.

  33. ab-so-lut-ly beautimus!

    I love it!

    Great eye for detail, whimsical and sweet!

  34. Wow, every little detail is wonderful, from the gorgeous layered linens to those perfect pink plates you just recently acquired, it's all so lovely!

    And I hear you about trying to find a moment of peace with your husband. Our children are older and we're still waiting for that quiet dinner for two!

    Really beautiful, thanks for sharing!

    Kat :)

  35. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Oh my goodness, you have time to do this for fun?! It is absolutely beautiful and dreamy and I want some tea and scones!! BTW, I'm in love with burlap too. Desperately want to make burlap throw pillows with stencils. Maybe some day! Beautiful tablescape!

  36. Wow so pretty i love it all !! you have such great taste & style thanks for sharing !!

  37. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Hi Holly! Oh, what a wonderful table! I love everything you've done! So so pretty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  38. Oh my dear LORD! That table is absolutely gorgeous! I adore the layering of both linens and china, and the colors are exquisite.

  39. Your tables always look fab. You must have the best selection of dishes and linens ever.

  40. Love the whole setting outdoors and the sweet theme! Especially like the glass jar of flowers on your table

  41. Oh Holly ~ It's so beautiful! I love the colors and the vintage elegance of it all!

  42. I thought this was out of a magazine! It's beautiful - I am so impressed. Are your children a little bit older to really appreciate this lovely setup?

  43. Anonymous8:28 PM

    What amazing designs! The look great. I love red anyway. It looks great in your table layout. Thanks for stopping by.

  44. WOw. I am speechless over the amazing work you do. Stunning.

  45. What a beautiful setting! Your tablescape is perfect for a romantic dinner or a special tea. It is all so beautiful! I'm in love with those pink basketweave plates. What a terrific find! I love it when something like that happens. Do they have any identifying marks? Thanks for sharing...

  46. I use this word too much when I write, but it's so appropriate when I look at these gorgeous pictures: Lovely! Just, lovely!

    Thank you for sharing! I feel romantic just looking at them!

  47. WOW! Beautiful Thanks for sharing and linking up. Enter all you want the blog hop is open til Tuesday.

    Would love to have you share some of these on our flickr group.


    Trendy Treehouse

  48. That is so sweet. I can imagine sitting there with dressed up little girls. Yes I know I have boys, but I can dream, can't I? LOL

  49. Your tablescape is breathtaking...stunning.

  50. I love this!!

    From Follow Friday. Trendy Treehouse Memember and Deal Wise Mommy

  51. Very cute!! I'm glad I'm on Follow Friday and "found" your blog!

  52. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Hello Lady,

    Your asking me if "I am enjoying" Are you out of your mind? AM LOVING IT... so romantic and so elegant. Wishes am sitting there and enjoying your palatable recipe.

    Million thanks for sharing.

  53. You set a beautiful table. I also like it outside (with no snow) under a tree and how you hung decorations from the tree.

  54. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Love the setting. Very delicate. Happy Friday Follow - Rita @ http://one2try.blogspot.com/

  55. What a beautiful table scape!!! I LOVE IT!


  56. How amazingly lovely! I love it!
    Following you back!

  57. What a beautiful and romantic Valentine's table -- this should be in a magazine -- your photos are gorgeous! Love your mixed china that blends together beautifully.

  58. seriously Beautiful! Wow! I just love it and it could be used for both! I love the outdoor setting! Thanks for finding my blog and I will definitely be reading and following yours!

  59. Your tablescape is breathtaking...stunning.

    Web hosting india

  60. absolutely stunning! Did you say that one of those chairs is for me?! great job, Holly!

  61. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Rather cool place you've got here. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

    Hilary Hakkinen


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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