Monday, October 5, 2009

Friend Makin' Mondays--Hobbies

I am having a mental meltdown trying to get my "real" work done, and so todays' regularly scheduled post will have to wait, but I saw this on Nicolasa's blog Low Expectations (I met her on SITS Sharefest Saturday!). And thought, since I {heart} these things (see Sundays post) I would go for it...
Amber @ aefilkins is hosting another fabulous Monday at her blog..Friend Makin' Monday. To meet new people check her out!

What are your hobbies? 
*Scrapbooking (not that I am nearly caught son is 8 and I am on his 4th year)
*Crafting: Never met a project I didn't like!
*Cooking and Baking (I call this a hobby because I am still old am I?)
*Home Improvement: Used to be design, but when we moved, improvement became more necessary than finally at the point of meshing the two.
*Writing: Who knew? I would have never guessed this 15/20 years ago...I hated writing.
*Blogging: Apparently, my intention to start one little wedding blog to support my books/wedding biz has turned into two blogs (one for the family) and a full blown hobby. 

What do you wish that you knew how to do? 
*Quilting: Have wanted to do this since I saw "How to Make an American Quilt" way back when. Quilting to me is an art and I love it. (My great-grandmother made the quilt above, my grandmother added on to it, and my mom has embroidered all of the girls names on it)
*Golf: No time...they don't take too kindly to 2 year olds as caddies on the Pebble Beach Golf Courses.
*Gardening: I do it but not well. I need to be able to do more than read the tag at the nursery and bring the plant home to die.

What I {heart} to do, but don't do enough:
*Crafting: See above..all the supplies and intentions, but where does the time go?
*Sewing: Was a fashion designer and have not done much since...really miss it!
*Art/Drawing/Painting: Ditto the above two answers.
*Knitting: Great friend taught me how to knit a couple of years ago and I loved it, but with a little munchkin, home duties, and everything else, it has taken a backseat...but I have lots of projects in mind.


  1. I've always wanted to quilt but don't even know how to begin. I've done some fabric art in the past which is more of appliqué. I am impressed.

  2. I loved your answers. THIS is why I started my craft blog! For that exact reason. Had all the supplies but would not make the time, now I am forced to do it!!

  3. I totally agree on the quilting front - I wish I had some kind of know-how when it comes to sewing and quilting. Nice to "meet" you!

  4. I've always wanted to learn to quilt too. Maybe someday when I'm retired from my day job I'll have time!

  5. Holly,

    This is a great way of revealing parts of yourself. Your readers now know a lot of things that we didn't know before. And you know, we all have things we wish we knew how to do, things we want to do more of, and hobbies we don't have enough time for.

    I love chess but rarely play, and wish I knew how to fix things. I AM NOT handy.

    P.S. The quilt is lovely.

  6. I started quilting but abandoned it for......, blogging. Because I am single minded in my obsessions, er, hobbies.

  7. I've been thinking the same things, I need to make time for the things that I do just for myself. I would love to learn how to knit, I'm so jealous of people that can make cute sweaters/hats/scarves.

  8. Ah yes I have a hankering to learn to quilt as well. One of these days.

  9. Are those Holly Hobby dolls I'm seeing on that quilt? I grew up with a whole line of Holly Hobby accessories!

    Thanks a million for your kind words on my post made my day! Also--this is a bit of a cheat, as you already received the "One Lovely Blog" award--but I still added your link as part of my acceptance of the same award...hope it brings some more folks your way :)

  10. I can quilt, I just do it slowly. Very.....slowly.... I started one for my son when he was a baby. He's sixteen now (years, not months!) and it's still not finished. The worst part is, if I did finish it, it's a little too small for him now (okay, a lot too small!).

  11. be forewarned---I am not AT ALL crafty, but I am jealous of people who are.

    I, too, love to write and blog (obviously)...

    And we follow a few of the same people, so I know I'm onto a good thing w/ you, missy!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!