Monday, October 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home

In my mind I am a world traveler....unafraid to jump on a plane and take off to a fascinating destination at a moments notice. In reality, I am a homebody. And, yes, a week ago I proclaimed I {heart} L.A., and I do...but I love HOME!

As I was driving, I was thinking about my home. My home is the rolling golden hills of California and the crashing waves along the coast (my favorite part of the drive is between Ventura and Carpinteria where you drive right alongside the Pacific Ocean). It is the busy streets and glamour of Los Angeles. Most importantly home is the foggy little peninsula and the house with the purple door.

My home isn't perfect (I gave up on that in favor of my sanity...and apparently blogging) needs a new master bathroom (Can you just imagine saloon doors? OK, they are gone now, but they were there!), the kitchen tile is atrocious, the grass is a little brown, and there is plenty of dog hair to go around.

Yet, when I drive up to the house, I hear the "sniff, sniff" at the door waiting for me, my favorite picture hanging on the wall, the smell of my favorite candle, and again all is well with the world. The one where my kids make messes and laughter, where I stay up too late, and where, when the sun sets on the deck, it is pretty darn near perfect...especially if chocolate chip cookies have just finished baking in the oven!

What welcomes you home?

Just for fun...
This is what I see when I get off the big highway and on the little highway that takes me to the peninsula...just look and see if you see what others see...

P.S. Sideshow Doug took this photo...he and his lovely wife Melissa were the ones who first noticed it.


  1. LOL! My post for later today is titled "Heap o' Greens". This gives a whole new meaning! LOL!

  2. lol---green balls instead of blue balls?!?!?!

    hee heee!

    love your description of home.

  3. Welcome home. There really is no place like home.

    lol at the picture!

    Have a great week!


  4. My kids have painted all over the outside walls of the house, so that is what I see!! That at balls...and not the kind that go in pants!!

  5. PS Love the new look!!

  6. Your backyard is beautiful!

  7. GASP! Can you believe I wasn't following? How did that happen??? Did you delete me? Just kidding... I am now firmly following and please accept my appologies for my lack of presence up to this point.

    You are beautiful (no, I'm not sucking up. I mean it!)

  8. Your back yard looks like a nice cozy place to chill and feel warmth and I love the purple door!


  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    You had to go and post the picture of the giant farmer holding his...lettuce. LOL I'll be sure to share this one with the hubby (you know he'll giggle.)

    Welcome home!

  10. Anonymous11:18 AM

    How lovely, Holly! Your home sounds wonderful and welcoming. I am also a world traveler in my mind. What welcomes me home is my garage door opening. I get excited knowing I've finally made it through another work day and my family is waiting inside. Pure joy!

  11. Home Sweet Home - There is nothing like coming home to the familiar comfort that wraps you in it's arms. Life is too short to make sure that everything is "picture perfect".
    What - all I see is some giant lettuce!
    MJ of Dirty Little Confessions
    PS - I left a little love for you over at my place.

  12. there's nothing like walking into your home...i love it! it's my reward for being at work all damn day. :)

  13. Haha, I know those cut-outs! Isn't it kinda weird that they do that? Anyway, I like going away but I love coming home.

  14. I love home too. I love our little house, my favorite colors everywhere, millions of pictures of my favorite smiling faces, a great collection of cozy blankets, 2 amazing latte machines. I'm thankful for home...that is for sure. Have a great day. Holly at

  15. We drove by the lechugas-nads farmer once. (I believe that's the official name.) I made Melissa stop so I could jump out and take a picture in the pouring rain! :)

  16. Funny pic! Your blog looks great!

  17. Beautiful post Holly. I always feel like I'm "home" from a roadtrip when I hit that extra curvy part of Highway 68 and you get a peek of the ocean through the pines. I love returning to my street and seeing the white picket fence and walking up the stairs of my porch. Spencer and Pancho are always good for an entusiastic, tail waggin' "Welcome Home".

    Jenn @

  18. I feel the same way. I love my house despite it's faults. There's no feeling quite like being home.

  19. I agree...I talk big about wanting to travel constantly...but I love to return to all that's cozy and brewed the way I like it, the sunlight filtering through my stained glass...and my very own bed. There really is no place like home.

    Thanks for sending sunshine my way...I did see the yellow orb today for the first time in 10 days!

  20. Isn't amazing how much you appreciate home when you finally come back to it? Welcome home. :)

  21. Oh, and I have another award for you :)

  22. My welcome home comes in the form of two spoiled dogs, a rambunctious toddler, pubescent preteen, doting DH, a bottle of wine chilled, steaks or chicken on the grill, and a back lanai overlooking our pool at sunset...I disregard all messes and laundry for at least two days when I come home from traveling ;-)

    P.S. Is the farmer happy to see you or is that lettuce in his pants?

  23. Thanks for stopping by...

    Very funny picture.

    When I come home first thing that welcomes me is my huge construction site front yard (we're in the midst of renovating a house)with lots of potential and then my large front porch with beautiful new front door in deep burgundy color

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's a little one-sided, but we do have debated from time to time! Hope to see you again!!!

  25. Hahaha, yep, too funny. And yes, I love coming home... home sweet home for sure. We all feel so comfortable and relaxed here!

  26. Holly, I love the purple door! And the backyard view...looks like a place I would spend a lot of time enjoying. My yard is not yet calming (as you'll see in future posts).

    Thanks for linking.

  27. I love it when I get home after DD and Ollie - and Ollie comes running up the hall with a big "mummy" and a cuddle to go with.

  28. What a sweet little girl you have! Your back yard is gorgeous! And...I LOVE the ruby slippers in your header image! :D

  29. Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS. You have a fun blog!

  30. Stopping by from SITS :D Hope you have a great New Year!!

  31. Love your sweet baby, love the door, love the backyard! And dang, girl! Those are some BIG balls!!!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!