Thursday, October 15, 2009

Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes!

My kids and I love breakfast for dinner...
my hubby, well, that is another story.
So, whenever daddy is working late or out of town,
the kids and I make breakfast for dinner.
Our absolute FAVORITE is Pumpkin Pancakes.
Yes, we all know I like to look at pumpkins,
but I love to eat them too!

I am not quite sure where I got this recipe.
I don't usually make up my own recipes,
but rather tweak them. Just as an FYI, when I googled
"pumpkin pancakes," a similar one came up on
(click here for their recipe).
I have some yummy additions however! So, with no further adieu...

Perfect Pumpkin Pancakes
2 Cups White-Whole Wheat Flour (or all-purpose)
1/4 cup Ground Flax Seed (optional)
2 TBLSPN Brown Sugar
1 TBLSPN Baking Powder
1 1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 1/4/ tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger (optional)
1 tsp salt

1 egg
1/2 cup pumpkin ( canned or fresh...just be sure it is smooth)
1 3/4 cup milk
2 TBLSPN Vegetable or Canola Oil

A Very Optional Ingredient...
Chocolate Chips!...preferably mini-chocolate chips
(isn't everything better with chocolate!)

Mix the dry ingredients together
Mix the wet ingredients together
Add the dry to the wet, gradually

The batter is thick...and the pancakes are too.

Now, this part is very technical...
...Heat up the griddle/pan and cook like regular pancakes!
Makes about 8-10 depending on size of pancakes.

I add the chocolate chips prior to flipping.
Serve with your favorite toppings.

These pancakes are so good my kids
eat them for a couple of days like cookies!

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. It's funny. I can't make pancakes to save my life! That's Mr. Sister's job and one he takes very seriously. Breakfast for dinner is one of our favorite meals, too. Have a great day!

  2. Those pancakes look soooo good! I'll bet they smell fantastic, too! I haven't made any pumpkin recipes yet this fall, I think this would be a great one to start with.

  3. I love to have breakfast for dinner. My kids just like to have McDonald's for dinner. Those look awesome, but would they require cooking or will you just have us over??

  4. everything is DEFINITELY better w/chocolate... never would have put chocolate and pumpkin together but I've gotta try this one...

  5. I've never liked pumpkin anything, including pumpkin pie. But that does look good. However, the family loves pumpkin pie and I wouldn't see why this would be any different to them. I'll show this to the wife and see what she thinks about giving them a try.

    Thanks Holly.

  6. How funny--we had breakfast for dinner last night (eggs and hash browns) and my daughter and I just enjoyed pumpkin pancakes for breakfast last weekend (my husband and son wouldn't have anything to do with them). My recipe was a lot different, and I never would have thought about the chocolate chips. But I love pumpkin and I love chocolate, so why not? Seems like you can't go wrong, there.

  7. I would have never thought of pumpkin and chocolate together was my sons idea (I think he maybe a chef in training). I have a super yummy pumpkin bread recipe too...

    I'll make pumpkin pancakes for everyone...just stop by when the electricity is back on...I am still in LA but poor hubby has had no power for 3 days (the storms...I paid the bill!)!

  8. Oh are completely right my friend...pumpkin and chocolate are the perfect pair. I use the Trader Joes pumpkin bread mix, add 1/2 a can of pumpkin puree and two handfuls of chocolate chips, and bake into muffins. Sooooo awesome! I'd say more, but I'm printing the recipe to make for breakfast in the morning. Thanks Holly! Holly at

  9. Mmmmm pumpkin and chocolate...*drool*

  10. This sounds so good! I love pumpkin!

    And (this is off subject, but...) I love your profile pic. Your hair is just beautiful. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Tea (SITS)

  11. Our favorite local bakery sells "pumpkin yumpkin" muffins. they are pumpkin w/ chocolate chips...SO GOOD!

    These look every bit as tasty and I can't wait to try. Thank you for sharing the recipe!


  12. well that is something I never thought to do with a pancake!!

  13. p.s. something for you over at my blog today!

  14. Those look so good! I've made them before but never with chocolate chips. Yum!

  15. I've been wanting to learn how to make these. Thank you!

  16. Holly, Yum! The ground flax cancels out the bad stuff in the chocolate chips, right; leaving behind only the good anti-oxidants and the oh-so lovely chocolate flavor! The pancakes sound sublime! It brings to mind another infamous pancake story that I never get tired of hearing...tee hee

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Those look delicious! Pumpkin pie and pancakes together?

    Instant happy!

  18. we had breakfast for dinner just the other night. I love french toast on those such nights.

  19. Yum, pumpkin pancakes sound so good! I have some pumpkin in my fridge that is calling to me now to turn it into pancakes :)

  20. What a great idea! And perfect for the season! Thanks for sharing.


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