Saturday, October 10, 2009

WOW...More Bloggy Awards

I guess my week just got better....

I was sent a very nice message earlier. I was supposed to go check out someone's blog...and I am a rule follower, so off I went to Matty Thoughts. I love visitng his blog anyway - he always has something great to say on his blog and he is the best commenter! Each one of his comments is so well thought out (unlike my crazy ramblngs). Go check him out NOW and follow along like the rest of us...

Anyway, Matty has given me an award...I am so excited and honored. So here is my shiny new award...

I must pass it on to one person who I think has one hot sizzling blog. I am new and unsure of blogging etiquette (ask me about wedding etiquette and that is a whole different story), and there are so many fantastic blogs that I is so hard to make a decision. Matty said this "Anyone I follow could have it, otherwise I wouldn't even be following them. So if you are my list, don't feel left out but rather consider yourself hot." I think that sums it up (sorry for stealing that line Matty, but it is a good one...and I gave you credit!). So, in keeping with the rules, I pass this award on to:

Holly and Charisse at Life Laugh Latte
They are hilarious...I dare you to watch their videos and not laugh. They give great comments and are great followers (I mean that in a good way). And of course, Holly has a great name! (You too Charisse, but I am partial to the name Holly)

And now...
Now, a couple of days ago I posted that Cynthia at Running with Letters passed on the One Lovely Blog Award to me. She too gives great comments. Her stories are fantastic...I look forward to catching her new posts...and she does this great photography. You must run now, quick and check her out....

OK, there are rules...The rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award" are accept the award, post it on your blog along with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award along to several other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award...

And last but not least...

I was given this by Lee at Hormones, Headaches, & Hot Flashes last week. This award was created by Matty over at Matty Thoughts and has some rules (see bottom of post). He is a great commenter - they are all so thoughtful, and it is super fun to have a man's perspective on things. I was remiss in passing it finally, here it is...

Go check out these'll be happy you did!

Along with Matty's award are these little questions that are SUPPOSED to only have one word answers. It is really hard for me to use one word...but I did it almost!

1. Where is your cell phone?.... Pocket
2. Your hair? ......Blonde
3. Your mother? ......Sweet and Loyal (she deserves more than 1 word)
4. Your father?.....Life-of-the-Party
5. Your favorite food? ......Pizza
6. Your dream last night?......Huh? (If you don't sleep can you dream?)
7. Your favorite drink?....Mocha
8. Your dream/goal? .....Bestseller
9. What room are you in? ......Family Room
10. Your hobby? ......writing
11. Your fear? .....Something happening to my kids
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?......good question!
13. Where were you last night?.....Molly's
14. Something you aren't?.....Fake
15. Muffins? .....Yummy
16. Wish list item? ......Pool (but not at this house)
17. Where did you grow up?...... L.A.
18. Last thing you did?...... Night-Night
19. What are you wearing? ......Sweater
20. Your TV? .....Old-School
21. Your pets? .........Dog
22. Your friends? ......Cool
23. Your life?......Crazy!
24. Your mood? ......Content
25. Missing someone? ......Yep
26. Vehicle? ......SUV
27. Something you're not wearing? ......Shoes
28. Your favorite store? .......Target
29. Your favorite color? ......Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? ......Tonight
31. Last time you cried? .....Thursday
32. Your best friend?......Loyal
33. One place that I go over and over? .......Coffee
34. One person who emails me regularly?.......June
35. Favorite place to eat? .......Rizzo's Pizza (Torrance, CA--THE best!)

OK, I think I did it..I have fulfilled my duties (I hope). Thanks again to everyone....I sure hope I didn't duplicate, etc., but I can barely remember where I am much less everyone else this week :).


  1. Congrats on the awards and thanks for introducing me to some new blogs :)

  2. You are a rising star Holly. On everyone's radar. No wonder you're getting all this glitz and glamor.

    But you deserve it. Congratulations.

  3. Congratulations, Holly...and I agree with Matty-you are really making quite a splash--good for you!

    And thanks for the award--it is so appreciated, and will be posted with due thanks and gratitude very soon :)

  4. Whoo Hoo! Bring on the bling...there's nothing stopping you now! Congrats!

  5. WAY TO GO HOLLY!!!!!!! you are a wonderful and you deserve this recognition.
    MJ of Dirty Little Confessions

  6. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest and congrats on your awards, Holly!!! I am your newest follower.

  7. Thank you for the award! I'm flattered that you chose me!

  8. So many thanks Holly for giving us the Sizzling Award. Really touched us, and we are thrilled to accept it. So glad to see that you are being discovered and appreciated. Your blog is top notch. Again, thanks so much! Holly at

  9. Congrats and you deserve them!!

  10. Wow! Great awards!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am excited to go check out some new blogs that you linked!

  11. Congratulations Holly and thankyou thankyou for my award. You are far to kind.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!