Monday, November 30, 2009

The Easter Bunny Made Me Do It

Let me begin by saying I am a cynic, delightfully so, but a cynic.
All this "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" stuff drives me nuts.
Why can't be just be kind and happy all year (as if!)?
Nice way to start a holiday post, eh?
I am not sure why the holidays and I do not get along
(OK, I probably am sure - more of those stories later!).
I have tried, really I have! But alas I now have kiddos,
so I put on my (semi) happy face and deal.
Just so you don't think I am not willing to see the light,
 so far the holidays are proving to be quite fun!
I am crafting and the kids are too.
Is this the year that breaks my holiday curse?
We'll see... Now on to the story...

The Easter Bunny Made Me Do It
The most amazing thing happened in our new home that April of 2006. It was Easter, and it was our first away from the family. Honestly, I try to ignore Easter (that is a whole other story). I do not make a big deal about it, but it is hard to do that when you have a kiddo...and then here comes the Easter Bunny to mess with things even more.

Joe was 4-going-on-5 that year and we were still adjusting to life up here - carving out our niche in the community, creating new traditions, and learning to deal with the fog. That Easter we were sans was just the three of us. The Easter Bunny must have known this because he was awful nice that year. When Joe awoke on Sunday morning, that silly bunny had filled his entire room with balloons and left him a treasure map.

Joe was beyond excited - he raced around the house collecting his treasures. He thought this was just about the best thing that had ever happened...and I agree! At the end of the festivities, Joe looked up at me and asked, "Can we write Santa a letter so he can do this too?" I sure didn't want to hear the conversation between Santa and the Bunny that night!

Fast forward to December 25, 2006...
and Santa came through! What a guy! Ever since that Easter in 2006, the Easter Bunny and Santa have left a special surprise for Joe (and I assume he knows to leave one for Jules this year, now that she is older). This is one of the things that could actually make me change me cynical ways...Joe loves it and I cannot wait to see what Jules does this year.
Just in case you want to let Santa know you like this idea, I thought I'd share a snippet of Joe's past hunts.
  • In 2006, he got a map of the house and backyard with X's to mark the spot of his treasure.
  • In 2007, the kid was seriously into the Magic Tree House Books, and just starting to really read on his own, so the map became a list and it included rhymes as the clues (like the ones in the books...Santa could work on his rhyming ability...maybe he can chat with Matty?)
  • Well, in 2008, Joe was all about I Spy. Santa sent him on a hunt using abstract photos from around the house (boy was he sneaky...I never heard him!)

The treasures Santa leaves are simple little things like rocks, small books (I am sure he gets them from thrift stores), Pokemon cards, playing cards, etc. Santa seems to know just what it is Joe is "in to." Santa is great because he always reminds Joe of the things we want him to work on too!

These are some of the clues he left for Joe...once Joe began the hunt, at each location throughout the house, there was a photo to send him to the next location, until he ended up back at the Christmas Tree.
Mom and Dad really get a break too, because while Joe opens his treasures and admires them (he is very thorough about examining his gifts and appreciating them), Mom and Dad get to make coffee before diving into what is under the tree.
How are your holidays going? Do you have a special tradition?
I would love to hear about it!
 This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. I love the treasure hunt! We did that the year the kids got a computer. They had a blast. Oh, I have something for you over at my place. Come on by!

  2. That is such a cute idea! I love that you aren't into the holidays but fake it for your kids. I'm a Grinch and everyone knows it. LeSigh....,

  3. I love that!! You are such a great mom! Unfortunately, my kids aren't so lucky...maybe I'll send them to live with you.

  4. That's such a creative and cool idea!

    We have Hanukkah around here and we don't do anything fancy like that. We just light the candles and open presents some nights...and make a yummy latke dinner!

  5. Wow, you have a million of um, friend. Just stopping in for a good snoop. See how you are doing. Hope you have a great holiday season. Let's see, are many people getting married this time of year? I'm sure there's some pain in the... Uhhhh I mean wonderful client you're working with. Never a dull moment. Come see me, Love, Keri

  6. LOVE this idea! Def might have to do it once AJ gets older!

  7. I remember one year Santa sent us kids on a wild goose chase for presents. We ended up in the garage, and then finally back in the house to find our gifts waiting for us. As for traditions: We go out shopping as a family and see Santa. The kids draw names and buy presents for that sib. On Christmas Eve, we read: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Twas the Night Before Christmas and we read from Luke. We also go see a house that is known in the community for its unique light display and show. I will likely blog about that sometime in Dec.

  8. How fun- we've done something similar in the past, but not as elaborate. My husband gets a little bah-humbug around the holidays for the same reason you mentioned- shouldn't we be generous and loving all year?

  9. I so love this. Honestly, the years that my Parents put in a lot of effort, well Santa and Easter Bunny did, were always memorable. I remember how exciting it was, all the fun... I don't have kids around for the Holidays so I don't get to experience this yet as a "grown-up" but I can't wait to watch little excited kids run around on a quest from Santa. Great story and I believe, totally worth the effort.

  10. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Holiday traditions....hmmm... not really, though I've been finding that as my younger ones are growing, I'm starting to develop some. I hope to have some set soon. (here from SITS)

  11. We do a hunt with clues for Easter and at Christmas I do a candy cane hunt. I've never thought to make a big cool map like that though. AWESOME!!!

  12. Totally love the treasure map idea, Holly. Must try it out with my little darlings.
    Saint Nicholas visits our house the early morning hours of December 6th, and stuffs our cleaned shoes with goodies.

  13. You are such an awesome mom!!! Love this!

  14. A treasure hunt is suuuuch a fun idea! I hope I remember it in a few years when my son is old enough!

  15. I've been trying to think up an activity for the neighbor children who attend our annual holiday cookie exchange this year. This just might be the ticket! The birthday fairy used to leave treasure hunts for my children's birthdays. I'll have to get in touch with her (him?) again!

  16. Holly, for all your Bah-humbugs, you still put one heck of a magical touch into the holidays for your children! Joe and Jules are so lucky for all of the creativity, wonder, and love you put into creating these very special memories!

  17. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Wow, Holly that is very special! You are a good mommy and daddy. Good for you also for putting on the face and fun for your kiddos. I do miss it now the boys are older.

  18. Holly, this is really a nifty idea. One of those "why didn't I think of that" deals.

    We didn't have anything really unique as a tradition. My children are grown, but when they were young, they were each allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, they had to give each other something they got for the others.

    Thanks for a great idea that I might try now with my grandsons.

    And send Santa on over here for some rhyming lessons.

  19. That's a great tradition! I can imagine how much fun it is for the kids.

    Our unique holiday tradition is that the kids each get a small gift from Mrs. Claus on the day after Christmas.

  20. This is too cute Holly! Our family just loves the normal. I haven't had my own kids yet so I have no new traditions. I can't wait to start my own. Thanks for the sweet comments on my novel post, honey. Next year let's do it together? It actually wasn't as bad as I thought. Kori xoxo

  21. That sounds so exciting...makes me wish my girls were still at home...enjoy they grow up way to fast..

  22. Wow, you are super mom er Santa!

  23. That is such a great idea!

    I, too, am a cynic come holiday time. It makes it a little easier now that I have my girls and Raouly, but I still have to take a little time for myself to kind of "get it out." Raouly is understanding and helpful...which helps a LOT.

    I like this idea! I can imagine how well it would go over around here! Tacha would love it!

  24. That is the cutest thing I have ever heard of...

    I love the holidays, but not really into the crowds everywhere. People are nice in church, and then while leaving the church people are giving others the finger for parking like a jack***.

    I do shop, but mostly online. My kids hate Santa, and have never sat on his lap. We do go to Mass, and pray that I don't join in on cussing at the people that can't park.

    I am an "alright" mom, but you are a GREAT one!

  25. I think your Santa has a lot more energy than my Santa! My son always leaves Santa a bowl of chicken noodle soup instead of cookies - it gets cold out there!

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday! I've seen you around too and I'll admit I've lurked a little here. Your blog is beautiful. Let's be blog friends - new follower! Have a great day!

  26. Love your blog.

    You're the second person this morning that's mentioned that they're just not into the holiday spirit. I think this year in particular is tough for some people. You show promise however! Sounds like you may be coming around as you're getting into more crafty projects. Baking cookies and shopping with my kids (for gifts for each other) gets me into the spirit. Their enjoyment and delight in it does it for me.

    Love the treasure hunt idea! I'm going to see if I can incorporate that into this year's festivities. They're a regular thing for birthdays at our home.

    As for our traditions, we make a day of baking cookies as gifts for teachers and neighbors, and we also always enjoy homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning as we're opening gifts (or rather Dad and I enjoy Cinnamon rolls while our 3 girls open gifts).

  27. Hi Holly...I've missed you. I'm way behind and it really shows in my Followers. Hmmm. I think Followers numbers is the only thing that truly makes me Bah Humbug. But look at well deserving friend...140 is nothing to scoff at! You are really doing a fabulous job. I love decorating, baking here and there, and buying the few gifts I know my kids really want. The hard part is finding all the other gifts for other family members. I wish there was an easier way to do that. But in the end, my in-laws always love what we do for them and that makes it ALL worth it. Have you ever done the Elf on The Shelf? Google it. Hub's sister sent it to us 4 years ago, and it is the biggest bang for the holidays. An Elf that you name that listens to everything the kids do and say and reports to Santa each night. Then reappears in a new location each morning. They wake up eager to find him! I find them whispering to him what they want. They argue less because he is listening. It is fun for us to hide him in strange locations in funny positions. I think you'll love it. Holly

  28. That sounds like so much fun! What a great idea ummm Santa/Bunny ;)

  29. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Treasure hunt?!? Sounds exciting. I may need to, I mean Santa may need to incorporate that into this year's Christmas fun. Thanks so much for the great idea. Love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by mine. You're welcome to over anytime. :)

    Kristi, Hello...Is This On?

  30. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Treasure hunt?!? Sounds exciting. I may need to, I mean Santa may need to incorporate that into this year's Christmas fun. Thanks so much for the great idea. Love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by mine. You're welcome to over anytime. :)

    Kristi, Hello...Is This On?

  31. Holly you sound just like my sister-in-law and my brother. He can't believe she hasn't seen any movies older than 1990! You have to check out the film. It is wonderful. Thanks for the comments friend. Have a great day! Kori xoxo

  32. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I gave you an award on my blog, check it out!

  33. What a great idea! Easter?!? You are too funny and creative! My preschoolers would love a pre-gift treasure hunt

  34. I'm like you with the holidays so traditions are hard. I didn't have many as a kid, so I'm struggling to figure out what works. These are great ideas. Thanks!

  35. Thanks for visiting me! With "Holly" in the title, you must have been confused? Holly at Life Laugh Latte had made a request for instructions. I'm very happy to have all Hollys come see me!

    I love what Santa (and the Bunny) does for your kids. It does sound like added work, but so fun to watch. I have to work on that Christmas spirit these days. We have kids living 1000 miles apart and now travel to be with the one who would be all alone. She needs us there, but that means we spend Christmas in a hotel and our other "child" is left behind as is most of the rest of the family. My parents join us for hotel Christmas. This is our 3rd year of non-traditional and we are adjusting. If you go back through my old posts, you will see we were robbed the first year of everything...all our suitcases and Christmas gifts. So, after that...we learned to just "go with the flow"!

    I really find taking a few minutes in the evening to sit alone with just the tree lights, maybe some Christmas or eggnog...really helps me appreciate the season.


  36. Oh wow! What fantastic memories you are creating for your child! I love the idea and I think I just might copy this when she is a bit older! Loving it, so far she is too young to really have an established a tradition but this little idea is a great place to start next year!

  37. That is so cool. My boys would think that you are the coolest mom ever...they love treasure maps. I usually do it for Easter only around our house as we live surrounded by orchards and it takes them sometimes almost an hour to get back (depends how creative me and my best friend get.

    We do celebrate St. Nicks Day on December 5th. The kids have to clean and shine their boots and put them on the window sill before bed. In the morning they will find either treats or coals in their boots depend on their behaviour...and dirty boots don't even get the coal.

  38. I think this is a wonderful LO is still a little small, but this is one of those things I'm going to "file for the future".
    Still, I'm trying to establish a few traditions for this year.

  39. I think this is a wonderful LO is still a little small, but this is one of those things I'm going to "file for the future".
    Still, I'm trying to establish a few traditions for this year.

  40. This is SO creative, Holly! You are too much fun not to simply LOVE the holidays--maybe this is your year!

  41. What an awesome idea! I don't know that we are quite that creative...but I think we may start the tradition of leaving one of Santa's bells on the front lawn for our son. Still trying to figure out what our traditions are I guess!

  42. Anonymous1:30 PM

    What a great idea!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just read through a few of your posts and really enjoyed them. I'm your newest follower!

  43. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I think that's a wonderful idea!

    I once did something similar to my brother one year for Christmas. I wrapped up an empty box with a piece of paper with directions in it. The directions took him all over my parent's house and his present was hidden in his bedroom! haha.

    Happy Saturday SITS Sharefest!

  44. That is SO awesome! What a great idea!

  45. That is a great tradition, very fun! Thanks for reposting so I could read it!

  46. What a fun idea and kids loved treasure hunts and so great you do it around what he is interested in for the year.

  47. I love this idea! I often share your holiday cynicism, so it's a relief to know adding a dash of playfulness is the perfect solution. This is so clever.

  48. That is so freakin' adorable! You are the cutest mom :)


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!