Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday Inspirations

The DIY Show Off
I am determined to not get taken by surprise this holiday season. I am looking forward to crafting and enjoy this time with my family. So, I am participating in the DIY Show Off's Holiday Highlights Week #1 with my Christmas Tree Cards. Click on the button above to take a trip over and check out the DIY extravaganza and all the great projects for the holidays.


PS - I look forward to catching
up with everyone over the
next few days.
I am just drained from
the crazy (but WOW!) weekend!


  1. Holly! Your font is too teeny tiny! These old eyes can't handle it. But from what I could glean, it looks like we have lots of crafting to look forward to!

  2. I'm going to go and check it out!

  3. Take the stress off. I'm not going has nothing to do with you coming by or commenting. Other people that love you will do the same. Take a deep breath! I'll take a peek at DIY...but is it going to stress me out? Holly:)

  4. I get it. We have been sick around here, so I have not had time to blog on a regular basis. Today was an "almost" normal day.

    No worries, I keep coming back to your blog because I like it so much. You have warm stories I can relate to.

    You are a great cyber friend.

  5. Can you believe only about 39 days until Christmas! ah~! I look forward to your tips!

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

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  7. crap. this reminds me i need to order my xmas cards!!! ahhhhh!

    happy tuesday :)

  8. Yay! I love new Holiday craft ideas!! :)

  9. I love crafty stuff!! Fun!

  10. Go on with your craft self! I don't think I'm sending cards this year. (Terrible. I know.)

  11. yes your font is blinding me but i shall hop on your to view your cards

  12. OK all...I am working on my font...any suggestions?

  13. Hi Holly,
    Stopping by from SITS. I'll have to go take a look at the craft ideas. I've also just posted on great home decor gift and decorating ideas. Enjoy the holidays!

  14. I am quite sure I'll be taken by surprise this holiday season. It seems I'm taken by surprise by somethings at every turn these days. Glad your weekend went well--looking forward to hearing about it!

  15. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Wow, this looks neato! I admire those who can DIY. Me not so much. Hope to hear about your Wow weekend in a later post.

  16. I'm excited to check it out!!



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