Monday, November 23, 2009

A little something for me...a lot of somethings for you!

Wowie...another crazy week and lots of awards to share.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
to all those bloggers who have passed on the following awards!

There are a lot of names on this list...
it could take days to notify everyone...
so, check the list...and I am working on it!
I still have a Theta Mom tag to finish!
And a turkey dinner to prepare!

Wanna know who won the giveaway...
go to the bottom of the post.
Thanks everyone for playing along with me.
I really wish I won the lottery
(I almost did...that would be a good post!)
and each of you could have a stamp,
but alas no such luck! Only one winner here!

From Jenn at Rook No 17 passed on this award...Muchas gracias!

The rule to this award is simple: 
Pass on the award to 10 other people while notifying and prompting them to do the same.
My nominees are:
  1. Candyfloss and Persie
  2. The McDonald World
  3. Sandwich 365
  4. Pink Flip Flops and Wine
  5. Blonde Episodes
  6. That Crazy Baby Mama
  7. Low Expectations
  8. Theta Mom
  9. Leigh vs. the Laundry
  10. Peeling an Orange with a Screwdriver

Kori at Blonde Episodess created this sparkling award (my favorite kind) and passed it on to me...XOXO!

1. Link the person who gave you the award.
2. Pass the award on to 10 blogs and link those who you gave it to.
3. Let those bloggers know you chose them!
4. Post your award on your sidebar if you so choose.
5. Recopy the rules for someone else.

And, now I pass it on to...

  1. Blonde Episodes...I am not regifting...I just think Kori did such a great job that she deserves one of her one awards!
  2. How to Survive Life in the Suburbs
  3. NYC Gal
  4. The Mother Load
  5. Hormones, Headaches, and Hot Flashes
  6. Batcrap Crazy
  7. Life Laugh Latte
  8. Stir-Fry Awesomness
  9. Speaking from the Crib
  10. Stilettos and Ink
  11. MJ
From Caitlin at Candyfloss and Persie passed on this sweet little award to me...

I'll play the game and list 10 random facts about me, per the rules of acceptance of the award! My list is a little lame..sorry!
  1. I love serial killer movies, books, anything. When I was younger, the Night Stalker was "loose" In So. Cal. and my brother and I decided that it would be a good idea to have a camp out in our backyard.
  2. For my next career switch, I am going to design wedding gowns.
  3. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would probably move back to L.A.
  4. I would love to try living in NY for at least one year...I wish I would have went to design school there.
  5. My house (in L.A.) was on Jack La Lanne juicer commercial. We were not home when they filmed it...I was having a baby!
  6. I had to ask someone to my senior prom and pay for his tux (how embarrassing!)
  7. My favorite sandwich is pickles and cheese...Oh yeah, it is really good (and nutritious!)...white bread, processed cheese, mayo, and sliced dill pickles. I have not had one in ages, but was FAMOUS for them in school.
  8. I go to bed at 1:30 am, get up at 7:00 am and drink A LOT of coffee.
  9. I am a magazine junkie...seriously you have no idea how many I have...and neither do I.
  10. I fight the urge to put on sweats and "call it a day" everyday...I do sometimes wear yoga pants, but I always wear mascara and lip gloss!
    This goes to...
    From my friend Matty at Matty Thoughts...

    From Holly at In the Kitchen with Holly and Lisaloo at One Step at a Time

    There are conditions to accepting this award and they are as follows:

    - put the lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
    - nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
    - link the nominees within your post.
    - let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
    - share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award
    So, I would like to pass this along to:
    1. Twenty First Century Housewife
    2. Sevin Family
    3. Matty Thoughts
    4. Show Me The Mom
    5. Facts from a Fact Woman
    6. Muddy Runner
    7. This Stop Willoughby
    8. Tattoos and Teething Rings
    9. Simple Sweet Inspirations
    10. Warm Chocolate Milk
    11. Family Soup
    From the lovely Katrina at Sevin Family...

    Here are the rules:
    -Display the award logo
    -Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside
    -Link to your Nominees and leave a comment on their blog telling them about the award.
    -Link to the person whom you received the award.
    And now for last weeks whoopsie...SORRY!
    Shannon from Show Me The Mom also awarded me the Superior Scribbler
    Click HERE to see my recipients

    Oh, you thought I was done...NOT YET!
    Risley at Adventures of the Wilkinson's tagged me for the Happy List

    Here are the rules:
    List 10 things that make you happy.
    1. Hugs from my Jules
    2. Hugs from my Joe
    3. Really cool boots
    4. Great fitting jeans
    5. Laughter
    6. My hubby (when he isn't driving me crazy...J/K)
    7. Crisp clear sunny days
    8. The perfect Mocha!
    9. Looking for sea glass at the beach
    10. Being creative in any way shape or form!
    11. My hubby's contribution is this: "comments and followers"...he thinks I am obsessed!
    Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
    Make sure to link back to the person that tagged you!
    Seriosuly, I cannot do another list,
    so If you are reading this...
    consider yourself TAGGED!

    Who won? Who won? Tell me NOW...

    I couldn't deal with the random-number-computerized thing, so everyone's name (each entry, as per the post, got one ticket). I threw them in the good old orange bucket and picked a winner! Just like the old days!

    I promise I am done.


    PS- Is my font easier to read now?

    PSS-I am working on my button/badge display. If anyone wants to swap buttons let me know!


    1. I am speachless!!! I never win anything then to win this super cool stamper!!!!!

    2. Yea! Congrats to MJ!

      And thank you for the nod!

    3. Holly...Diamonds are MY best friend, and I love this award!! Dang girl, that was one hell of a post!! Congrats on all of yours and Thank you!!

    4. awe congrats on all your bling my friend! you deserve them all. you are fabulous!!

      thanks for thinking of me. i am honored :)

      congrats to the winner of your giveaway! woohoo!

      happy monday love!

    5. Thank you for the beautiful flowers!

      I am a serial killer junkie, too! I also read forensic pathology books. I'm a little strange.

      I also get very little sleep. My bedtime ranges from 12-2 am but I always have to get up at 6...except on the weekends!!

    6. Thank you for the award :)
      We almost share the same sleeping time, I always figure that is what I will do when I am old right? ;)

    7. Wow! Congratulations to you and to your winner!

    8. Wow! That's a lot of awards Holly! Thank you so much for recognizing me friend! I am putting your current blog button on my page, let me know when you have a new one. Have a great day honey! You just made mine! Kori xoxo

    9. Thank you so much for my award! I would love to swap buttons with you. The problem is, I don't know how to make one! Congratulations MJ!

    10. haha, look at you Miss Thang! So many awards! Thanks for passing one on to me! I'll be sure to acknowlege it! Also, I love #8 and #9 :)

    11. Holy awards batman! You go girl! You deserve every one of them, you know I heart your blog. :) Thanks so much for passing the bloggy love my way, means a lot!

    12. Congrats on all of your awards and thank you for mine! It's a new one for me & I'm so excited!

      I'm off to check out some of these new peeps you mentioned.


    13. Aww Thank YOU! My first award! sniff. sniff. So sweet!

    14. You must be exhausted after linking up all those awards!

      Congrats to you AND thanks for the love:)

      Off to check out some of the other big winners!

    15. THANK YOU so very much!
      I love flowers as you can see from my profile pic. This was one of my favorite pots of flowers on the deck this summer.

      Congrats on receiving so many fun awards. I enjoy your blog very much!

    16. Aw thank you so much! I finally got internet service back! I so happy! :-)

    17. Thanks so much Holly!!!

    18. Congrats on your awards!!! And thank you for passing one onto me. :D

    19. I can only imagine how long it took you to complete this post. Yikes.

      Thanks Holly. Look at you go.

    20. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Wow! That is seriously the most awards I've ever seen in one post! Obviously very well deserved. :-) Hope you have a great week...

      pk @ Room Remix

    21. Oh wow girl you have so many awards !! I had to become a follower to see what all the buzz is about :) i came over from NYCGAL cant wait to browse your blog :) BTW Im Connie Hopefully a new freind XOXO

    22. Anonymous7:09 PM

      OH MY GOODNESS! An award?! For little ol' me and my silly little blog?! I don't know what to say! First, I'd like to thank the academy, oh, no, wait, that's my OTHER acceptance speech! You're so sweet to hand over the heartfelt award! I can't believe it! You KNOW I'm going to BRAG, BRAG, BRAG all about it on my blog tomorrow!! Thank you SO MUCH!!

    23. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Wow - congrats on all your awards. You rock!!! Thanks so much for mine, too. I will be posting about it this weekend. Yeah!

    24. Holy Freakin' Cannoli Holly! How do you do it? You must need a Spa weekend after completing that post!

    25. Wow! Congratulations on receiving so many great awards! And thank you so much for passing one on to me. I'm always thrilled to receive an award and there just isn't anything better than being recognized by a fellow blogger. Thank you so much!

    26. oh my goodness that's LOTS of awards! Congrats on them ALL and thanks so much for mine! I need to do another ceremony myself... but WOW this one must have taken you forever!!!
      (obsessed? no..... tell hubby noooo, neither am I! ha ha)

      Congrats again!
      Tami G

    27. Wow! You go girl! ALl those awards- and thank your for mine...I dont even know 9 blogs LOL! Oh my goodness! Gonna have to work on this one!

    28. Wow! You go girl! ALl those awards- and thank your for mine...I dont even know 9 blogs LOL! Oh my goodness! Gonna have to work on this one!

    29. Just wanted to say that Pretty in Pink is also one of my favorite movies.

    30. Aw, Holly...a bouquet of flowers, just in time for my birthday, too!!Thanks so much, my bloggy friend :)

    31. Thank you thank you! I will post it tonight! :) I have barely had time lately to get my blogs done. So the cheese bread...I had to finally tell myself, walk away from the bread bowl. It was fabulous and I've been eating little bits for breakfast. Totally taking it as a holiday party gift.

    32. Thank you thank you! I will post it tonight! :) I have barely had time lately to get my blogs done. So the cheese bread...I had to finally tell myself, walk away from the bread bowl. It was fabulous and I've been eating little bits for breakfast. Totally taking it as a holiday party gift.

    33. Wow! Congrats on those awards! Oh, yes, and to your award recipients. Dang that's a whole lot of them! I sleep very little too as I figure once I'm dead I have nothing else to do but sleep. And, I have a love affair with coffee. I convince myself I need it, but really, i don't. I just LOVE the way it smells and tastes!

    34. Way to go on all those awards! Thanks for thinking of me. :)

    35. Thank you so very much! I'm so sorry I'm late to collect.

      This is wonderful! A new one to me and I love it! Thank you for thinking of me!

      Hope you have a fabulous Holiday!

    36. Congrats on those awards.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    37. Thank you, Holly! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to let you know how much I appreciate your . . . appreciation!

      Liz @

    38. Congrats on all of your awards! You changed your blog - it looks super-cute! Thanks for passing an award on to me! I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving.

    39. Phew...that is a lot of awards...and a lot of lists!! I can only imagine how tired you are from writing all of those ;) Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!

      ~Working Mommy


    Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!