Monday, December 14, 2009

Winner! Winner! Winner!

Yes, there is a winner!
But first...
thanks to everyone who entered -
my "old" followers, my "new" followers,"
Ecostore USA newsletter subscribers,
and those of you who now tweet with me
(not that I tweet that much).

But, first, I apologize...
I have been a bad blogger this last week..
very few comments or emails returned,
but watch out...I plan on catching up this week!
And look for an awards post late tomorrow!

Guess who won the EcoStore USA giveaway!
...Go ahead guess...

So, I threw everyone's entries in the bowl,
and had a kid pick the name the old fashioned way,
and the winner is....

Krista of Daily Happenings

So email me or leave a comment on this post by Tuesday 12/15 at 1:30 am PST.

If you did not win, you still have a chance
to enjoy these amazing products...LOOK at this deal:

(wording borrowed from the web site)
Share the Love: Holiday Sale
As you know Ecostore USA loves making a difference in people's lives.
We want you and your families to be able to partake in our annual
"Share the Love Holiday Sale"
ALL of our plant and mineral based products are 40% off for the rest of the year.
Thank you all for your support, your suggestions and your call out for safer products  for your families and the planet.
Please continue to make No nasty chemicals™ a part of your lives.

Go and SHOP now!


FREE Shipping for ALL Orders of $25 or more


  1. It seems like only yesterday that I read about this give-a-way. Oh, yeah! It was only yesterday. I'm finally under 100 blogs, but will be taking the morning off to exercise and meet with a friend, so I'll be up over 200 again.

    Just wanted to let you know that I left something for you at my place.

  2. Congrats Krista. Loved this giveaway.

  3. I've been a bad bloggy bud period. But, this week I promise to make it up to you!

  4. Congratulations to your winner! She's very lucky!


  5. Congrats on winning Krista--it is always a good thing.

  6. Congratulations Krista! That is a cool giveaway!

  7. Congrats to the winner! This was an awesome product feature! Thanks Holly!

  8. Congrats, Krista! What an awesome giveaway!!

  9. Congrats to the winner!

    I'm being a bad blogging buddy too, but it's the holidays so it's all good!

  10. Wow! congratulations Krista! Hey we all need to take a break from blogging once in a while, especially this time of year. I'm going away for three weeks in January and I'm a bit freaked out. No computer will be traveling with me. Yikes!

  11. Anonymous2:58 PM

    OH MY GOSH! I think I might pee my pants I'm so excited! I've never won ANYTHING and I'm thrilled I won this!! As you know, I have gone through all the products and have a VERY specific list of all the goodies I want! (is that bad? should I be getting stuff to give as gifts?) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU DARLING KIDS FOR PICKING MY NAME!! ; )

  12. Aww dang. Guess I'm going to have to get off my cheap derriere and buy some now!

  13. Congrats Krista! And thank you Holly for sharing the 40% off info that way we all feel like winners!

    You have not been a bad blogger - you are a busy blogger!!! Book comes out soon or just did didn't it!?! How exciting :o)

  14. YAY FOR HER!

    Thanks for sharing the love!
    :) Have a great day!

  15. Congrats to Krista!

    We've all been lax on the blogging stuff lately. I'm soooo behind. It's the holidays---so I think we all need to cut each other some slack!


  16. how cool, love the eco products!!!

  17. Congrats to the winner! I've been a bad blogger too honey! I've been terrible at commenting lately. I've missed you though and will be back soon! Kori xoxo


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!