Monday, February 1, 2010

How Do You Define Beauty?

Yes, I love makeup.
Yes, I love a good haircut and a few highlights/lowlights.
Yes, I love clothes, shoes, bags, and especially sunglasses.
But, how do I really define beauty?
How do you define beauty?
About a year and a half ago, over at Hey Gorgeous
(that particular part of the blog is no longer up, 1/15/12),
there was something fabulous going on...
The author of the blog was compiling stories and photos for a project called
A Beautiful State of Mind - The Project
(blog no longer up, 1/15/12)

 A Beautiful State of Mind - The Project (blog no longer up, 1/15/12) iexplored what women of all ages, all ethnicities, all walks of life think is beautiful, how they define beauty, and what they think makes them beautiful.

I am in a constant state of self-exploration and discovery, so this project simply fascinates me. Gone are my days of turning heads as I walk down he street {it happened once or twice} - a 6 foot tall blond is bound to do that no matter what - and as those days disappear , I must really consider what makes me beautiful, not physically, but what really makes me and other women beautiful.

I have met gorgeous women, only to get to know them...and not really like what I see anymore. There lack of inner beauty, of kindness, or anything substantial has left me thinking very little of their outer beauty. I have also watched this process in reverse.

Now that I have a daughter, I know I will always think she is beautiful, but I want her to know what true beauty is...what it is to have a "Beautiful State of Mind."

So have you thought about it...How do you define beauty?
And what do you think of these wacky shots - crazy hair and all - my son took of me tonight!?!

 Have a Beautiful Day!


  1. I think you have beauty on the inside and the outside, Ms. Holly!!!!

  2. I love Rhiannon's idea and the message that it puts forward. It is very important in a society that seems to emphasize the trivial.

  3. Beauty is on the inside...maybe send in some xrays??

  4. Hi Holly, I'm so happy to be following your blog now! I am challenging myself to take better care of my 'god pod' by working out 3x a week. I take care of my spirit by living with TONS of personal integrity and asking for help when I need it.

  5. Lee had me snorting...xrays! Ha!

    It is very true though - I've met many a persons who's outter beauty just blows me away...then I get to know them and suddenly all their ugly is hangin' out. It's amazing how that happens....and many times a person's inner beauty shines so brightly I'm suprised they aren't wearing a Tiara!

  6. This has been a major discussion in our house lately. With two tweens they are constanly talking about their apperances, what their wearing, how they look and it is very important to me that they understand that the most true an pure beauty that you possess is what you have to offer on the inside. After the 7yr old informed us that she wasn't concerned about what she would be when she grew up because she was beautiful and would have no problem finding someone to take care of her, we really kicked this into high gear.. lol I want my girls to know that looks fade and what is really important is what you have to offer the world through your life and your actions. Great post thanks for the link I'm heading over to check it out.

  7. That is so true Holly! I'll check out her site.

    Thank you for entering my Spring giveaway sweet friend.

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  8. I think you are a beautiful person. Inside and out. Great pics!

  9. I may just have to get in on this one!

    I think that one thing that makes a person truly beautiful is if they are true to themselves and don't try to change the way they are to please other people. I really appreciate the beauty of honesty in others.

    LOVED this post!

  10. Awesome. BTW, I think you're still turning heads, you just don't realize while pushing a stroller and grabbing at children ;)

  11. Love the pictures and the post. I have thought about this a lot, raising 3 daughters in a world that seems to prize superficial and often times unrealistic body images is scary for me. I really want my girls to grow up knowing that they are beautiful no matter what.

  12. Your pictures are great. You have inspired me to join in on the project!

  13. Beautifully done! I am off to check it out!

  14. I agree with blueviolet...

    I never was considered not did I ever consider myself beautiful. It used to bother me when I was younger.

    I always look what's on the inside and if the outside matches the inside than I call it a jackpot.

  15. I think your beautiful! Great job, now I need to do this....

  16. You are beautiful!
    And I think you are so right, if there is nothing on the inside then it doesn't matter at all how beautiful someone might be.

  17. I totally agree with you. I think REAL beauty begins within...

    p.s. You are really beautiful!

  18. I agree with all of the above comments, I think you're beautiful inside and out!

    I agree that this is a worthwhile topic. I have issues, I haven't let anyone take my picture in years. That's probably not the best message for my kids.

  19. I think beauty is hard to define. Its like art, you just know it when you see it. Facial proportion helps also, lol. :)


  20. I love this idea, Holly. Going to check out that blog now! Love all the pics your son took of you--you are so photogenic!

  21. I bet you have turned heads more than once or twice, and just because you are six feet tall! (A sister amazon!) But this has me curious...I am off to check it out.

    Your son did great with the pictures.

  22. I am so glad this is getting such positive feedback. Just so ya know I was not fishing for compliments...and as for the photos, I figured I couldn't post this without proving I would post a non-posed, non-profesional photo!

  23. This would be hard for me. I have always hated pictures of myself. Now that I'm a bit older, I really notice things (like my neck) and I get obsessed. I really believe that beauty comes from within...but, I'm not that crazy about watching the outside slowly fall apart!


  24. You look very similar to Natasha Richardson who was drop dead gorgeous!! You're a stunner Holly. I am so lucky to have you as part of my project :) xx Thanks for the shout out too!!

  25. Anonymous4:38 PM

    One of my girlfriends is doing sort of the same thing. We met last week for our first meeting. It's a very interesting project and should be fun to do. I'll be blogging about it sometime this week. I'm going to bounce over to Hey Gorgeous and check it out!

  26. I think you are VERY beautiful, love the pictures, and love your blog. I will definitely be following you now. Thank you for visiting mine.
    The Hey Gorgeous sounds like a fun blog, I'll go check it out!

  27. Wow. This is a hard one for me. I have felt beautiful only a couple times in my life - the rest of the time, I've felt "less than" because my appearance doesn't fit a social norm on what is considered beautiful or pretty. Its a hard judgment to carry and a burden that I don't know how to let go of. Perhaps this experiment might help me in that quest.

  28. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hi Holly-
    My daughters are 20 an 22 now. It was so important to me to teach them what the true meaning of beauty is. They are confident girls, and that is what I think is the most important. We all are beautiful. I love what Audrey Hepburn once said, "Happy girls are the prettiest."
    I also wanted to thank you for the comment on my blog about the slipcover. You should try a small project first. You will be able to do it, just pick a square or rectangular shape. Go for it. I am now going to make some pillow covers for m blue sofa. I am loving your blog.
    Diane @

  29. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hi Holly-
    My daughters are 20 an 22 now. It was so important to me to teach them what the true meaning of beauty is. They are confident girls, and that is what I think is the most important. We all are beautiful. I love what Audrey Hepburn once said, "Happy girls are the prettiest."
    I also wanted to thank you for the comment on my blog about the slipcover. You should try a small project first. You will be able to do it, just pick a square or rectangular shape. Go for it. I am now going to make some pillow covers for m blue sofa. I am loving your blog.
    Diane @

  30. I agree with BlueViolet. You are beautiful on the inside and outside and I'm sure your daughter will be too.

  31. Miss Holly - you are simply GORGEOUS from the inside out. I *heart* the pictures your son took, so natural, so raw, so beautiful.

    Confidence in oneself is the ultimate building block for beauty to me. I know that I am not a classic beauty, but I believe that my inner beauty shines through so I hold my head high and forge through each day - looking for the beauty in others.

    (wow how many time can I say beauty in this comment)

    xo MJ

  32. Holly, YOU are breathtakingly GORGEOUS! I agree with Rhiannon, you look very much like Natasha Richardson. I'm gonna see about joining this project. Sounds so interesting!

  33. Oh, i love this and am going to check it out. You are SOOOOO beautiful my dear!

  34. Now you are quite beautiful -- and I believe that you are turning heads. Thanks for your recent visit -- I'm going to be posting again soon. Just had to take a little break.

  35. Love the photos ~ beauty has many definitions. You are beautiful in many ways! What a great project. I'm off to read more!


  36. Anonymous9:17 PM

    You've got me intrigued and I love your pics. Beautiful!

  37. I just hope I am half as beautiful on the inside as my mom.

  38. I think those pics defined beauty pretty well!

  39. What a great idea!! :) XX's and OO's Holl!! Your GORGEOUS!! ♥

    Iris :)

  40. I define it by personality and voice. Like you said, I too have met some beautiful people (on the outside) and either mean or dumb as a rock on the inside.

    So Sad.

  41. great idea..Ill go check it out is so many different things to me and none have to do with todays advertisements or mockery of what is beautiful in a woman..its something that all of our senses need to grasp..not just sight...Love your pics...!!

  42. It is very important in a society that seems to emphasize the trivial.
    Make website india

  43. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Wow Holly.

    This is wonderful. I will definitely check out the links to the project. Beauty is definitely not just based on the exterior, but on the interior. I totally agree with you. It comes from the inside because that is what will matter 30,40,50 years down the road. That is what will make me beautiful to my husband, to my children, and to my friends.

    My goal is to be the Proverbs 31 woman. That my children, and husband call blessed because I have loved them, and taken care of them to the best of my abilities, and used any gift God has given me for his glory to make an impact on not just the lives of my immediate family, but also to those around me. Even though there are many days where I fall short, I will keep moving forward, and keep trying.



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!