Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rethink Your "Must Haves"

This week's discussion topic at Rethink What Matters is
RETHINK Your "Must Haves."
At first I thought, I could go "deep" and talk about the "must haves"
for sustaining my sanity and creativity in this crazy world...
but I really don't know that answer...I just keep plugging along...
figuring it out as I go...really, I have no plan!
Then, I thought I could just go light and easy, have some fun...
and tonight...after this week...I am thinking light and easy
is the best way to approach my "must haves."

I could cut to the chase, after all,
the first sentence of my bio sums it all up...
"Makeup, mochas, and "I love you Mama get me through my day,"
but that is no fun - Let's elaborate!

I did decided to limit my "must haves" to 5 per category.
And, just so ya know, the categories are just kind of random.
Have fun and make your own list!
Must Haves in the A.M.
*One {or three} make-it-at-home mochas.
*Kiss and hug from Joe.
*Kiss and hug from Jules.
*Saying bye to hubby before he takes off to work.
*A quick email check {come on...the computer was off for 6ish hours!}.
Pretty "Must Haves"
*{Really} Good moisturizer and 70 SPF sunscreen {2 for 1 must have}
*Spellbound perfume by Estee Lauder - Yes, it is from the 90's. I have tried new scents, but this one is apparently "me!" People stop me all the time (really) asking me what I am wearing.
*Mascara - In "Very Black." Big lashes are a must for me.
*{Cheap} Lip Gloss - Color 568
*MAKEUP - I love my makeup...and guess what about 2 weeks ago I went out and bought the Bare Escentuals Starter Kit. After who-knows-how-many-years of watching the infomercials I did it...and you know what I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. My skin feels great...the coverage is fantastic...I {Heart} Bare Escentuals! They have won me over B-I-G time.

Relaxing "Must Haves"
*Sitting in the sunshine.
*5 minutes of quiet {somewhere, somehow, someplace}.
*A good book - Fiction or Non-fiction {mostly non-fiction} - I love books.
*A steamy hot shower - 'Nuf said.
*A Mocha - Yes, fueled by caffeine!
Entertaining "Must Haves" 
*Good music - Sets the mood {I almost always forget to turn it on though}
*Candles - Makes everything {including people} look better and makes a room feel warm.
*A clean bathroom - the whole house does not need to be spotless, but the bathroom must be.
*Great food/beverage - It doesn't need to be fancy, but it needs to be good and fit the occasion.
*A smile and some great conversation - Do I need to elaborate?
Pantry "Must Haves"
*Lemons - Put lemon on it my kids will eat it.
*Balsamic vinegar - Better yet, put balsalmic vinegar on it, my kids will devour it.
*Cinnamon - Buy it in bulk!
*Almond butter - Even the kids prefer it over peanut butter.
*Mommy's vice - Special Dutch Chocolate No-Sugar Added Powder from the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. I mail order 4 or 5 canisters every month for my make-it-at-home mochas.

Crafty "Must Haves"
*Good Glue - All sorts...glue sticks, white glue, hot glue, tacky glue, and even Mod Podge.
*Glitter - It must sparkle.
*Sharpies - Best pen {Marker?} ever.
*Shape Cutters - I have punches for shapes and blades and templates to cut all sorts of crazy things...but sadly no Cricut...yet!
*Paper - Handmade, scrap book, can do crazy stuff with paper!

Make-My-Life Complete "Must Haves"
*Finish and sell a work of fiction
*Travel to Norway, Spain, and Greece {No all at the same time silly!}
*See my grandkids - I am not being morbid, but if my daughter {or son} wait as long as I did to have kids...I am going to be really up there in the years.
*See hubby retire...on second thought what would I do with him around the house all day...he needs a job!
*Build our custom home.
{Honestly, I have not thought about this much...but I can guess what I will be dreaming about tonight!}

What are your "Must Haves" to get you through your day?
What are your Make-My-Life Complete "Must Haves"? 

Go visit Rethink What Matters.
Think about your "Must Haves."
Answer the five questions...
{did I mention there are prizes?}
Then come back next week for some more!
Happy Rethinking!
Rethink What Matters is a campaign by Bare Escentuals that challenges me...challenges all of us to Rethink What Matters. Each Friday through March 26, 2010, Bare Escentuals will pose a new topic for us to consider, to ponder, and to discuss. It is not just about is about living your life and what is truly important. So gather your never know what you'll discover! 

Want to join in on the discussion...
There are prizes and free products to be had..and more importantly thought provoking topics coming your way. Just visit Rethink What Matters to answer 5 simple questions. Then you can see how your answers compare with others. Seriously it takes no time at all to do this...and you may learn a little something about yourself or your friends! And if you are lucky enough to live in San Fransisco, New York, or Chicago the Quickie Van could be coming your way.
DISCLAIMER: So, here's the back story and legal who-ha I must include. I was contacted via email about this campaign and checked it out myself. I thought it was interesting and thought provoking. I was not paid for this review/post or compensated in any way (products or otherwise).


  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Hey! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! Stopping by to give you love <3

  2. This was interesting reading. Thanks for sharing. Now I'm off to get one of my 'must haves' - Coffee!!

  3. Hi there! Thank you so much for stopping by our blog. I am following you now from Friday Follow. My must have right now is Lortab & ice because I just got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday, ugh. Miserable. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Great post....I need to ponder on my must haves a bit...LOL!!


  5. Fun list! Happy weekend- thanks for following! :)

  6. Oh list might very well be endless.

    On a very simple minimalist level, I suppose I must have shelter, food and a place to sleep. However, my real must haves are as follows:

    1. a bar of my bergamot grapefruit soap (this is my most favorite soap in the entire world)

    2. my husband's arm around my shoulders

    3. a really good cup of coffee

    4. peanut butter sandwiches

    5. to be on the bestseller list at LEAST once

    6. my cat Aslan


    I could go on. But there's only so much space.

    Have a great weekend!


  7. Thank you for coming by! Your blog is beautiful I look forward to reading more. I love your list I need to write on of my own now!


  8. What a thought provoking post ~ we have several must haves in common. I'll post my list and let you know.

    Have a great weekend~

  9. What a great exercise. With so much going on out there, I think it's really important to take a step back every now and then and think about what we want versus what we need.

    Thanks for stopping by the Yellow House! Have a good Saturday!

  10. Hehee, love your must-have's!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following - I'm following you back!

    Have a great weekend :)

  11. These are great!! I love me some mocha!!!!

    I gotta try that powder that you order!!

    Almond butter? Never heard of it; I gotta try that!

  12. Ahhh....Sitting in the sunshine with a good book.
    About the candles..I always forget we have them.

  13. I grabbed your button.


  14. I find a cup of coffee and a small piece of chocolate are at the top of my "must have" list if I'm feeling a bit down. A mocha would also work ;)

  15. Love your "Must Haves" Coffee and tea have to be up on my must haves. Lots of joe in the am and my camomile tea before bed.
    I am 100% w/you on the clean bathroom. I am obsessed with cleaning mine, I have four in my house and they have to be spotless and I bleach the hell out of them.
    I started using Bare Escentuals about a month or two ago and I can't believe that I didn't start with them sooner either.
    Great blog!

  16. Oh wow! I love reading your lists Holly. I'm going to try some of these products. BE for sure. My skin is super sensitive though. I must be really careful.

    Have a blessed Sunday.
    ~Melissa :)

    PS Thank you for displaying my button and your kind words about my recent weight loss. I do feel good these days and I'm grateful.

  17. Coffee is my must have, too! Can't live wihtout it!

  18. WOW! I can relate alot of your must haves!

  19. You are a Mama that knows what she likes! I think that's the best part of being in my 30's...really being able to identify what brings me joy and what is truly necessary to make it through the day!

  20. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I think I need to print off your list and refer to it daily.

  21. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I love your must haves, esp. the am ones..simple, sweet, and important!

  22. Boy do I have a lot of re-thinkin' to do!

    m ^..^

  23. I was laughing at the Clean Bathroom one- I just spent a lovely Sunday afternoon scrubbing ours down only to have Felix cut Urijah's hair in it after I was done! Grrrr.

  24. Must haves - close friendship that is truly open, great coffee, dark chocolate, lots of hugs and kisses, some validation, tons of laughter. Holly

  25. My must haves? And I get to put them into categories? Diet coke would certainly be on the list somewhere. I will have to give this some thought. I think of must haves as just that...must food. We must have food. But you are talking for yourself...just give me a few pats on the head. I get it now. ;)

  26. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Love your must haves!

    I must have coffee, diet coke, lipgloss, and Grey's Anatomy.

    The list could go on and on, but those are the main 4.

  27. Mocha is m fav too, but right now since it has chocolate in it I can't have it.

    Great post! It was fun reading it.

  28. I love these! I'm totally doing my own for one of my happiness posts. I'll link it back to you when I do. Thanks for making me smile with some of them this morning. :)

  29. Hahaha! Holly, I love your must-haves! My must-have at the moment is my iphone, which I've lost on Friday and as a result my life has become chaotic without.

  30. I love your Must-haves.

    My must-haves changed so much from a year or so ago.It's funny how life and situations changes our must-haves we had for a long time in seconds.

    My must-haves these days are very simple.Coffee is one of them,lol.

  31. I especially relate to your pantry must haves!!! HOW GOOD ARE THE COFFEE BEAN POWDERS?!?!!? Oh how I missed them when I lived in NYC past 2 years!!
    A good balsamic, to die for!
    Have you tried a regular coffee with cinnamon and Silk Soy light Vanilla??? IT TASTES so rich but it's healthy, i loves it!

    Great lists thanks for sharing!

  32. I always need music. No matter what music makes everything better. Good food & sweet peach wine also make things go a-lot smoother on the home front. Last but not least kisses. Kisses keep me young. I loved reading this post :o)

  33. Hello, Happy Monday! I have a surprise for you on my blog,

    Also, check out they have the best deals on Cricuts and a big sale ending today! I finally bought one through them after wanting one for about 2 years!


  34. Hmmm, this is a really thought provoking question. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon thinking about it.

  35. Those are some great questions and even better answers! I want to travel too! We have a RV and want to see the entire US! Plus, I want to go to Italy. I made up my "bucket list" last year and a few things have even been crossed off!!!

  36. Thanks for stopping by from Friday Follow! I'm following you now too :)

  37. I LOVE your relaxing must haves. I think everyone must have those!

  38. Oooohhh candles! GOTTA have those!

  39. Anonymous7:24 AM

    You've really thought out this must-have list. Maybe I need to do the same. I am so with you on the coffee and clean bathrooms.

    I hope you get to do all of the future must-haves, my friend!

  40. I must say-- what a fun read!

  41. Wow, that's quite a long list of "must haves." I read a lot of blogs and this is the first time I've seen the "what matters" post.

    I must have my eyeglasses, God time, hubby time, pet time, computer time every day!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  42. A clean bathroom is a must-have all the time.

    Happy SITS day.


  43. My must haves include: good wine, good books, good friends, good food and a certain amount of private time to reflect and be grateful for all of it!

  44. Awesome list! Mine would be very similar! :D


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!