Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Tickled Pink, No. 4

I'm Ticked Pink, No. 4!
I’m Tickled Pink at 
504 Main
Be sure to read all the way to the bottom to see who won the book and for the NEW giveaway!
{what the heck is "I'm Tickled Pink" you ask, click HERE}
This week I'm Tickled Pink about
1 scentsational inspiration
{and a giveaway!}
1 clever blogger
...and since it was Earth Day,
these GREEN projects tickled me pink!
1 GREEN and gorgeous upcycle
1 GREEN dinner party
There are a few other little things
that are TICKLING ME PINK too!
{don't forget to grab a button - at the bottom of the post- if you have been tickled pink}

The scentsational inspiration is
{There's a giveaway compliments of Amy too! See bottom of post!}

I have many serious loves {bordering on addictions}. 
Soaps and bath products are way, way up there on my list.
While perusing blogland I hopped on over to Bean Street Market
and there is was...gardeners soap!
I am one of those people who owns 20 pair of
gardening gloves, but never wears them...
I seriously need some cleaning
and moisturizing after I "play" in the yard!
So, seriously...I took this as a sign that I MUST
share her other creations with you!

Every single one of Amy's soaps are beautiful...
like the kind of beautiful
where you do not want to use them because
they are so beautiful, beautiful...
but you MUST use them to really get
the full effect of their beauty.
I am tickled yellow over the Lemon Ginger Marmalade soap.
How cute is the Apricot Freesia Goatmilk Soap?
Seriously...Is this not gorgeous! 
I have to mention the soap inspired by The Grand Canyon.
I {heart} the Grand Canyon - long story!
Amy is also busy clicking away some fabulous photos
of poppies and blue bonnets {soap to match}.
Her photos are as pretty as her soap!

You HAVE to check out all of Amy's soapy Inspirations.
Looking for a great Mother's Day gift?....
Amy has a little discount happening! 
Go HERE to get the code.
Bean Street Market also offers Lotions and Body Butters!
Poor hubby...literally!
 Go say "Hi" to Amy over at Bean Street Market.
You will L-O-V-E her...of course -
I think being NICE needs to be an I'm Tickled Pink requirement!
Then, go visit the SHOP or the Etsy shop!
And enter the giveaway at the end of the post!

one clever blogger
I have been reading Emmy's blog for awhile now
and have always been a big fan.
You have to see for yourself what
Emmy does on her "Time for Tots" posts.
The way she puts together these lessons for
her kids and then shares them with us
is super fantabulous  - and I am not just saying that
because she made my chicks on a stick!
**Check out Solids, Liquids, and Gases and prepare to be blown away!
**Or then there was Color day - They learned and got to make cupcakes...
my kind of time, for sure!

Emmy also hosts a Cooking Club...brilliant idea!
Check out what it is all about and put a little jump start in your meals.

Well, dessert is my favorite meal...yes I called dessert a meal!
Emmy has rules for her dessert! How great is that!

Go Visit Emmy! You will not be disappointed.
1 GREEN and gorgeous upcycle
from Eco-Friendly Freckles 
Before I dive into telling you all about how talented Jessica is,
I just have to say that I read her post
about the Sun and was blown away.
All we ever hear is bad things about this beautiful Sun of ours.
Check out some Sunshine Love! It Shines!

Now for the upcycle...
We all have jars and cans around the house...
and well, at 504 Main, oatmeal canisters and coffee tins
{from my favorite coffee place} are in abundance.
post to show us how to upcycle these containers and canisters beautifully!
All-around, Jessica simply has some awesome projects!
I have been wanting to reuse and repurpose my
little {er, slightly big} collection into beautiful, useful works of art.
I will be using her tutorial ASAP! don't feel like crafting your own...
and snag one of Jessica's creations!
{images from Eco-Friendly Freckles}

You must check out Eco-Friendly Freckles 
and all of Jessica's recipes, info, and eco-friendly ideas!  
a green dinner party
Evette Rios, a Rachael Ray content buddy, worked with DecoArt 
and Goodwill of NY/NJ to create a series of videos using DecoArt
{I heart DecoArt} products to upcycle Goodwill finds
to create an "Earth Day Dinner Party".  When I saw this,
I just had to share. I {heart} Goodwill and all thrift stores.
{um yeah, that's what I did on my b'day last week...went treasure hunting}
And ya know I love DIYing!
Check out these videos.
There are some great ideas anyone can use!

There's a series of 5 videos located here:
Inspired and GREAT GREEN ideas tickle me pink

I just have to say that I'm Tickled Pink over
my recent SITS Day and I am still working my way
through the comments...but just know, I am coming! 
I had just caught up on my commenting, and then SITS Day hit...
and since I believe in paying it forward,
I will be visiting each person who visited me
{provided I can get to their blog...some have no links}.
So, I will catch up and you will see me again {cue evil maniacal laughter}!

Also...I will be mentioning this often...
check out the details for the
DIY CLUB blog hop coming May 7th.

Go ENTER to win
 Perricone Cold Plasma
at Hip Weddings!
{you only need to be a follower of Hip Weddings OR 504 Main}

Thanks for continuing to come by and visit,
and remember I am always on the look out
for things that will tickle us pink!
****I'm Tickled Pink to announce the WINNER of the Re-Creative Book****
Erin at Creek Bed Threads!
Email me with your mailing address! Yipppeee! 

Oh, you wanted another giveaway!?
Well, Amy is offering three of her Fantabulous soaps!
 1 each of the gardeners soap, lemon kitchen, and oatmeal.  

There are 6 ways to enter!
--Entry One {required}:
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main
*You need to leave a relevant comment about one feature!!!!
"Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from home,"
and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry Two:
Go give some comment love at Bean Street Market
--Entry Three:
Go give some comment love at Emmy Mom-One Day at a Time
--Entry Four:
Go give some comment love at Eco-Friendly Freckles
--Entry Five:
Go watch the Earth Dinner Party video and tell me your favorite thing.
--Entry Six:

Join my Blog Frog Community....go right over there and click on it.

Contest closes Thursday, 4/29/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The winner will be announced on Friday 4/30/10.

What more info on I'm Tickled Pink or how to nominate
a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE.
Loving all of your ideas!!!!!!
Bring them on!

if you have been featured!



  1. I'm tickled pink by all of your green finds. That gardeners soap is a must even if I never use it. It's just beautiful. I can't believe you don't wear gloves in the garden! I love those green rubber dotted gloves. The dirt comes through anyway, which is fine, but no blisters. HA!

  2. I'ma gonna be clogging up your comments for awhile. I visited Bean Street Market, fell in love with ALL of the soaps, and left some comment love.

  3. Here's entry 3. I visited Mommy ODAT, read her matter post which I loved, and left her some love.

  4. Eco-Friendly Freckles was great. Again I was drawn to the soaps. I loved her description of the process, her explanation of the ingredients' therapeutic value, and left her some love.

  5. My favorite part of Evette Rios' dinner party was that centerpiece. It reminded me of some driftwood I have in my home. I do wonder where the heck there'd be room for the serving bowls. Does she go around serving everyone too?!?

  6. Great Blog. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Wow Holly, I'm tickled pink with your lovely choices. Now off to visit some of these featured sites.

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Another great edition of Tickled Pink. I love smelly good stuff. Congrats again on your SITS Day!

  9. great finds! the soaps look beautiful and i'm sure they smell as good as they look. i'm a follower! happy friday.

  10. Emmy's Dinner Club is so cool- a great idea, but simple and low stress!

  11. I'm loving the soaps. I just made a body scrub yesterday that turned out fabulous. Now I'm inspired to try other bath products. :)

  12. That soap is gorgeous!

    Off to check out the blog you recommended!

  13. Yes, but what about if I leave a post in Chinese characters? Does that count?

    Just kiddin'.

    Great finds. I'll have check them out later when I am not inundated with a three year old Granddaughter wanting to eat me out of house and home.

    Hooray, it's preschool day!

  14. Yay! I am so happy to see Emmy is in the "pink seat"!"

    I am not a gardener by any sense of the word. I can pull weeds. Does that count? ;)

  15. Holly, I have come to look so forward to seeing your Friday spotlights! This week's are all terrific...the soaps are absolutely a-ma-zing!

  16. Holly, I adore your "I'm Tickled Pink" series! Such fun stuff, I'm obsessed with all of your soaps! Going to check out your links now! :) XOXO CONGRATS again on your SITS day!!

  17. Oohh. I LOVE that garden soap! How cool are those borders?! Such cute stuff!

  18. Love homemade soaps, and think Bean Street Market is a clever name.

  19. I just love homemade soaps. Those are so adorable!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog--and yes, that was/is my husband. :)

  21. Those soaps look so stinking cool! I am headed over to check them out!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  22. So much great information in one post! I may have to come read it again. I love the soaps...the "flavors" are yummy! I think some of them need to live at my house:)

    Sue (I follow)

  23. I love hand made soaps! They make me feel super fancy! I need to hear your story about the Grand Canyon! I went when I was little, and have wanted to go ever since.

    I love Eco-friendly freckles canisters. I was actually checking out her Etsy shop the other day. Awesome.

    Heading to check out the blogs you mentioned! You have directed me to SO MANY great blogs already!

    Have a wonderful weekend Holly. :)

  24. Thank you Holly for featuring me in this wonderful post...I am so happy that I tickled you pink! ;-D

    - Jessica (Eco-Friendly Freckles)

  25. Hi! Loved your Tickled Pink spotlights! I went over to Bean Street Market and did a little shopping! Love your blog and enjoy visiting!

  26. Just the thought of that Lemon Ginger Marmalade soap makes me happy.

    Also loved all the different links and features in this post. You are like a library of cool stuff!

  27. Holly Girl,

    I'm having a 100 post Blog Giveaway,,,,,which CAN include a Custom Wedding Cake Topper for the Winner,,or TWO winners-see my blog for details.

    I KNOW I need to create a link/slideshow of all the various custom cake toppers I have done, and I WILL, but stop over if you have a minute and say "hi" to enter.


  28. First visit here and LOVEing this Tickled Pink to browse around!

  29. Just think,shea butter and silk soaps filled with "confetti" and scented with in romantic rosehip might be just the item to use before a date nite. Imagine the smell, imagine the glow. I believe my hubby would like it.
    I'm a follower of 504 Main

  30. I left some comment luv at Bean Street Market

  31. I left some comment luv at `Emmy Mom-One Day at a time`

  32. I left some comment luv at `Eco-Friendly Freckles`

  33. Evette Rios made 16" X 16" napkins out of a curtain panel. I also like the fact the Goodwill's sales goes to help Special needs people.

  34. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! You have a new follower.

    What a great list of finds. I esp love those Grand Canyon inspired soaps - too pretty to use.

  35. Thanks for the follow. love your blog, I'm following you too.

  36. There is so much here to talk about--but what really caught my eye were the Grand Canyon soaps...because I, also {heart} the Grand Canyon...and happened to look at family vacation pics of same scrolling across my digital picture frame just prior to reading this. Would love to hear your long story sometime :)

  37. Homemade soap is the best! I have a friend who makes it, and she says it is the easiest thing to do. Since I'm not that crafty, I'll just take her word for it and continue buying it from those that have the craft down.
    Wishing you a beautiful week, Holly!

  38. Ooohhh, I definitely owe Amy a pay it forward!! She bought one of my aprons!
    I'm going to check all these peeps out!
    You're so awesome for these features!
    Blessings friend,
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  39. Holly, I'm in love with all of your green ideas/links here. Things have really taken off for you and I'm so proud of what you've done with your blog. You're amazing and inspiring!

  40. Thank you for commenting on and following my blog. Your styrofoam castle sounds great fun. There are lots of project for mums and kids to make on my tuts page for those MUM I am bored times. Your long post made my eyes boggle I think I need to go back and re read it slower :-) The soaps look fab though and I am terrible for not wearing gloves for any jobs I should too. :-) Juliet

  41. Beautiful looking soaps, I wonder how on earth they are made, but perhaps to explain that would need a blog in itself. Have enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for joining me as a friend, my blog is at feel free to visit.

  42. Beautiful soaps. That Lemon Ginger Marmalade one just SOUNDS like it smells yummy!
    I would love to win some of this soap. I'm a follower already of course :)

  43. Left a comment on bean street market.

  44. Left a comment on Emmy Mom_One Day at a Time.

  45. Left a comment on Eco Friendly Freckles.

  46. I love you...relevant comment. I know I know, oh how I know what you mean. I do love that letter can. How cute is that thing??? You know I'm a follower already, and I could always use some soap to clean up my act! In so many ways! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner?

  47. what great ideas and Happy sITS sharefest. Great contest ideas :)

  48. I'm tickled pink to find your tickled pink comments. My grandmother used to say it all the time so this made me smile.

  49. I am tickled pink by the BEAUTY of this blog!! YUMMY! How can you not be happy looking at this!?!?!?

  50. Holy Cow! "I'm Tickled Pink" is a huge undertaking. Great job doing this on Fridays. I will have to come back every Friday to read up on these posts! This is new to the blog world (as far as I know.) Great creativity!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!