Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pass the Pickles and Cheese, Please!

I must - absolutely must - tell you about my favorite sandwich of all time. And it is a winner, a truly magnificent concoction of processed, white bread deliciousness!
(insert sarcasm here!)

Now, after you read this, you may never ever come back to read one of my recipes again...or you may never come back at all...I mean, I ruffled up a window screen yesterday and called it a wreath, and now, I have this delightful story about a sandwich that will never be on Top Chef, but may end up as a signature dish on the Worse Cooks in America.

Ever since I can remember, I have loved pickle and cheese sandwiches. I remember eating them in elementary school, middle school, and even in high school. I also remember my friends thinking I was totally weird...and they were kind of right.

In deciding to share this memory and super secret recipe, I had to ask my mom {who conveniently happens to be here visiting} where the pickle and cheese "recipe" came from. Apparently this gourmet creation is passed down through the generations. It was my granny's favorite sandwich and she used to make them for me at her house. My granny died when I was 7 and I had a really strong bond with her, so I am guessing that is why I still love the idea of the pickle and cheese sandwich. Pickle and cheese sandwiches take me back to my childhood...a simpler time - hanging at my granny's house, eating pickles and cheese, playing on the slip, and slide and finishing the day off with plums from her tree. Pure heaven for a kid...this kid anyway!

Since I know you are dying to make one for your self, here's the scoop!
You need:
1 slice American cheese - preferably in one of those fancy plastic wrappers
2 slices of white bread {preferably Wonder}
1 Dill pickle, whole
1-2 Teaspoons+ of Mayonnaise

Make it:
Spread the mayo on both side of bread, unwrap the cheese and lay it on one side of the bread. Slice the pickle and lay them out on top of the cheese, in a single takes about 9 slices. Place bread on top. It is very important to spread mayo on both sides of the bread so that the sandwich sticks together.

{I really do not expect anyone to make this...but if you do....please tell! I won't tell anyone.}

Now, as yummy as this sounds, I really cannot tell you how long it has been since I have had a pickle and cheese sandwich, but my friends still remember these sandwiches. 

Anyone have a crazy sandwich concoction to share?...
Or just a favorite normal {boring} sandwich?

Oh yeah...come back is giveaway day!



  1. Wow, that sounds so good. I haven't had white bread since like 1989.

  2. you are not going to believe this but I love the same sandwich, the only difference is that I grill it... it's a melted, gooey dill pickle masterpiece!! But they have to be hamburger chips! Funny, I have never admitted to this secret sandwich love affair either.

  3. Girl -

    First, I totally hope you know how much I heart you - and since your blog has grown, it is getting SO hard to comment like you used to, right?

    I'm at the point that I still read the blogs I adore, I just can't comment as much. For example, I was here the other day so excited for you when I saw you were the featured blog at Lady Bloggers Society - but didn't comment.

    Anyway, know that I totally think you rock and I still read your blog!


  4. You would think this sandwich would sound good to me. ;)....not much of a mayo fan!

  5. I love all of those ingredients, I just can't picture myself eating them put together that way. :/

  6. I love to eat sliced tomato and cojack cheese on toasted wheat bread with miracle whip.

    A sandwich I loved as a child thanks to my aunt was bread (any type),hard salami with cream cheese spread on it and sliced green olives. That combo was the bomb. :)

  7. I don't think it sounds bad at all! I would probably cheat and use pre-sliced pickles, though!

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I adore sandwiches that are made from Sunbeam King Thin White Bread and Boar's Head Garlic Bologna...and that's it. I love how squishy the bread is due to its utter lack of nutrional value.
    Also? I thought the screen wreath was adorable!

  9. I used to love mayo sandwiches. Right now I'm into Smoked turkey, Smoked cheddar and mayo on white bread (Wonder) that's so fresh it sticks to the top of your mouth. YUM!

  10. Funny thing is, the only ingredient I would change is the mayo. Ha, ha!

  11. Pickles & cheese, hmmm? Well, since I haven't made it to the grocery store in forever, and those just happen to be 4 of the only (edible) ingredients I have in my fridge at this very moment, it might be pickles and cheese sandwiches for supper tonight...

  12. Sounds like a craving sandwich to me, I love everything on it!~

  13. Holly, BTW I loved your screen wreath-very clever!
    I bet you are not the only one who loves this homey sandwich. This is your comfort food. I don't know if I'll ever make one, but it got me thinking that I haven't had a cream cheese and olive on white bread sandwich for years! Yummy!

  14. Sounds pretty good actually!!! When the tomatoes are fresh out of the garden I LOVE a tomato sandwhich. Just white bread, sliced tomato, and lots of mayo. mouth is watering....

  15. Okay, it doesn't sound as odd as you think....except I can't do white bread. I hate how it sticks to the roof of my mouth...and it's pure sugar, right? I can't remember the last time I had white bread. But my mom swears on it for turkey sammies post-Thanksgiving. LOL!

  16. Hi Holly! Well now, this is making my day. I love that a seeminly insignificant thing like a sandwich can conjur up loving childhood memories like this. That's the message about the lowly sandwich I love for people to get every day. Pickles, Mayo, American Cheese and Wonder Bread! LOL ... it's the American Way! So happy you shared it. I wish I had a photo of one so I could put it on With your permission of course. Next time you make one, don't forget to get a photo. Love, Keri (a.k.a. Sam)

  17. It actually doesn't sound all that bad. I love cheese and I love pickles. It might be something I have to try! Not really a good staple in my healthy eating goals but whatev!!

  18. Ward like Horseradish Sauce on most sandwiches.

    And I have an issue of cheese being next to the mayo or miracle whip... it's like a phobia!
    So I get a little anal when it comes to stacking a sandwich.

  19. my husband grew up on grilled cheese and pickle sandwiches and they are quite tasty. We mix it up and do jalepenos too. I think your food memory is terrific!

  20. Well, you should break out the pickles and cheese and make yourself one for lunch then! My dad loves mayo sandwiches which I can't fathom placing in my mouth. My fav. sandwiches that are about as close as I come to "different" in this category are Heinz 57 and Roast Beef sandwich or PB banana & honey sandwich, mmmm. :)

  21. Yeah even being pregnant that doesn't sound so good :). But my grandpa used to make grilled cheese that I loved and thought the world of, my mom now tells me that he always used to burn them.

  22. I hardly ever eat white bread and American cheese anymore, but just for memory's sake I would make one of those!

    Thank you for playing along :)

  23. I hardly ever eat white bread and American cheese anymore, but just for memory's sake I would make one of those!

    Thank you for playing along :)

  24. It sounds good to me i love me some pickles on almost any sandwich.

  25. This sounds amazing.

    When I was young my sisters and I would make "silly sandwiches." We would put anything we could find between two pieces of bread. A typical silly sandwich would have mayo, peanut butter, bananas, chips, lunch meat, cheese, sugar, good n plenties, chocolate covered raisens and much much more. For some reason we thought they were so good!

  26. Hmmm...I don't know about pickles and cheese sandwiches...but take out the pickles and put in some bologna and I'm happy!

  27. That's funny - I LOVE pickles and cheese, so this would probably be a delicious lunch :) I think I would opt out of the wonder bread though... My favorate concoction as a child was mixing peanut butter and syrup together - YUM! o_O probably a very common child-hood mixture but we spread it on our "mud pies" from the back yard. No- we didn't eat them, but they sure looked "yummy".

  28. Hmmm, sounds interesting! :) I DO like pickles, cheese, wonder bread, and mayo. Maybe I should give it a whirl. I love random recipes, that get passed on from generation to generation.

    My question... Do your kids like it?

  29. To be completely honest, your sandwich sound SO GOOD! I love cheese sandwiches...why not add pickle? And I love that it was your granny's favorite sandwich too!

  30. I love ya, but that's gross! Still, I like cheese with jam sandwiches, sardines, and liverwurst - so I shouldn't judge! :)

  31. My childhood sandwich was bread, butter, and homemade jelly.

  32. I had to laugh at someone commenting from pickles and cheese!

    I would have been jealous of your sandwich. We NEVER had American cheese or white bread when I was growing up.

  33. You are not a weirdo. This is totally one of my favorite sandwiches...only I grill it. You should try it that way...tis YUMMY!!!

  34. Red onion and mustard sandwiches (with beer). OR (I stress the "or") peanut butter and sharp cheddar cheese sandwiches. Seriously. It works.

  35. personally I enjoy my cheese and pickels with some roast beef smashed between two slices of bread, but yours doesn't sound that bad either.

    My husband on the other hand, while a teen went through a week long phase of eating RAW onion sandwiches. Just bread and onion, nuthin' else. Can you imagine? I'd rather just have the bread on it's own. And to think I still married him! On second thought I may not have found about the onion sandwiches until after we were married, but still. icky!!

  36. My daughter, age 5, loves this type of sandwich! I have to grill hers, but anything with a pickle on it and she's game!!! Thanks for sharing.

  37. I think I might like that and will give it a try. I like trying new things. Thanks for posting and sharing. I like Red Beans & Rice sandwiches. YUM! HAVE A NICE FAB DAY!!!

    Visit my blog at

  38. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Hmm..interesting combo there. Not sure I could down it though.

  39. I like tuna melts, clubs, and sometimes a good old fashion PB&J. When I was preggy with baby #1 I craved subway turkey subs for about 2 weeks straight. Seriously, one night I ate a foot long in about 10 minutes flat. With baby #3 it was subs again, but roast beef.

  40. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Sounds odd, but I won't knock it till I try it! I've been known to like some weird concoctions! It's wonderful when there are special memories to go with certain foods. I love homegrown tomatoes on white wonder bread with mayo and lots of salt and pepper. Is that a southern thing I wonder?

  41. Actually, this sounds pretty darn good!!

    My weird sandwich concoction would have to be a mayo and banana's. Same concept as yours, but no cheese, and, uh, pickles. This sandwich is part of my childhood, and the memories I have with my dad. Back in the good 'ol days.

    Came your way via Heather at Gerber Days. So happy I did!

  42. Umm, no offense, but i think i just threw up in my mouth. :) but i love that you shared your favorite sandwich with everybody! and yes i will still check your blog faithfully!

  43. If I was going to make that it would have to be on good Artisan bread and pickles had to be Sweet'n'Sour European style....sorry, but that's the only pickle I'll eat,lol.

    For weird sandwich....fresh baguette with fine herb liverwurst and sweet cherry tomatoes....yummy

    I have something for you on my blog

  44. If you like'll love this: dill pickle, cream cheese, and a tortilla shell. Spread the cream cheese on the shell, wrap the pickle in it and enjoy...mmm...sooo good!

  45. I'm a boring sandwich eater. I add chips inside the sandwich. Sad but true.

  46. If you add ketchup I'll bet it tastes like a meatless hamburger. We used to put that on crackers when we were kids. It grossed out all the grown ups but we loved it!

  47. I love you.
    You are my soul sister.
    My kindred spirit.
    Though I've never tried it on bread, I have eaten dill pickles wrapped in the fancy (peel off plastic) American cheese slices ever since I was old enough to chew.
    They are my absolute favorite!
    You and your palate ROCKS!!!
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Absolutely LOVE this post! I'm all about weird recipes in the kitchen. . . my favorite? Why, it's SPAMWICHES, of course! Yes, for real! SPAMwiches. English muffin, spread some tomato paste, and a slice of SPAM, some shredded mozz on top, throw it under the broiler for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted and wah-lah! SPAMWICHES! It was one of my dads favs!

    Thanks for the FUN FOOD post!

  50. Popped in from Lady Bloggers to say hi! I don't think pickles and cheese is crazy--people eat pimento cheese sandwiches down here--even jelly sandwiches! I used to eat jelly sandwiches all the time when I was little!

  51. I think my son would LOVE this sandwich -- he loves pickles the mostest! I think I'll try it for him and see what he thinks!

    Found you on SITS - and I'll definitely be back!

  52. That sandwich sounds so yummy! Too bad I'm on a diet. lol. Just found your blog via Friend Friday. Lovely blog!!


  53. Oh my, lol. The oddest one I've ever made was PB, Bananas and Choc syrup. I couldn't do pickles and cheese, lol. You are brave.

  54. I eat some funny stuff, too. I love to eat sour cream & onion chips ON my PB&J. Crazy good (sweet, salty, tangy - all in one) lol

    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend :)

  55. How awesome! I'm so glad I stopped by, this really cheered me up. Visiting from SITS. Have a happy Tuesday and come be sometime and visit me.


  56. Ooooh! That actually sounds really good to me. *runs out to buy pickles*


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!