Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Swapping It Up For Spring

Hello all! 
Did ya miss me?
I have been a little MIA.
Soon to return...I see light at the end of the tunnel...
I am actually making a dent in those SITS visits.
In fact, I was not going to post again until 
I caught up with SITS Day commenting...
not to mention the other posts...
but then today, I received a
wonderful, fabulous super-dee-duper package
in the mail from Nancy at Tender & Crazeye Me
This was the first swap I joined in and it was so fun...
I cannot wait for the next one...
oh yeah, I had an awesome swap partner too!
I had to share with goodies!
If you want to see what I sent Nancy...
you have to go visit Tender & Crazeye Me.
A box full of goodies..what oh what can they be?
The pulled them out and set up this display for me.
And then they {carefully} had at it.
There were as excited as me.
**A stationery set based on Thomas Kincade's Heather's Hutch
{did you know I have a friend with almost that same name!}
{And that the Thomas Kincade National Archive is near me in Monterey}
**Beautiful butterfly album with some matching papers.
**Sweet butterfly stickers
**Peace, Joy, Hope, Love stickers.
{does someone know I cannot resist stickers, scrapbook, or craft goodies?}
**Scrabble Apple game
{we are going to love this...my son has his eye on it!}
**Spa goodies - foot soak, body scrub, spa bath, and face mud.
{I swear Nancy knows me in real life!}
**Ice cream cone shaped pen/lip gloss
{My daughter is trying to steal it}
**Sassy girly tweezers - 
{One can never have enough tweezers! Seriously!}

Oh and then there are the treats!
*Eclipse Gum...Yeah! We all love gum!
*Clove gum...I have never tried it...
so excited to give it a whirl!
*Riesen - they are gone!
{you killed my will power for the day...I did share though!}
*A Twilight chocolate goodie
{my son hates vampires, but enjoyed helping me eat it...
until I told him it was filled with blood and
that sent him screaming to his room...
Mother of the Year here!}
*Charelston Chews -
I was just telling someone I have never tried them - 
notice in the photo the box is already open -
YUM! Addictive!

Finally, Nancy wrote the most fabulous poem to accompany this package.
I am so lucky...I had an awesome swap partner.
I leave you with one verse from Nancy's poem:
"When I am bored,
When I need a laugh,
When I need a break from the stink
I turn to your blog and read interesting and entertaining things.
And then I don't feel like I need a drink!"

Just a reminder...
There is still time to enter the
Perricone Cold Plasma Giveaway!
You must enter over at Hip Weddings,
BUT you need only be a follower of 504 Main OR Hip Weddings.
Click HERE to enter.
End 4/28!


  1. Drooling over the Charleston Chews! Yummy

  2. I used to get Charleston Chews on road trips! It was my favorite. It's been awhile since I've had one, but you've started a craving!

    This swap looks so fun. I love all the spa luxuries! Jealous.

    I need in on one of these swaps! Going to check out what you gave... I'm sure it's FAB.

  3. Ahhh, fun goodies! That was a fun swap!

    Good luck getting through those comments. But how fun to be featured!


  4. Holly,
    What a fun idea and I LOVE anything chewy and if it’s caramel or chocolate all the better. I always laugh when I see a comment you made at 3:00 am, because it reassures me I’m not the only nocturnal blogger around. I was just at Melissa’s H&H and commented after you.
    Hugs, Cathy

  5. Sooooo much goodies Holly! And they are packed in such a lovely way...

    Cheers: Evi

  6. Your swap partner was so sweet to shower you with such fun {and yummy} goodies!

    Enjoy ~

  7. Yum!~ I love clove gum too...what a fun package to receive! Have a great day Holly! I can't believe you went and answered all of those comments...I think I would have politely made one big Thank you....you had hundreds on that post!~ You go girl!

  8. Will have to check this out. You deserve this..you're FAB:)Have a great week!

  9. Such an utterly fantastic package to receive in the mail. I'm not sure that there are better things in life than the feeling of excitement that the postman can bring us!

    Enjoy your fabulous goodies!


  10. What a great swap! Lucky you!

    I LOVE that you told your son the vampire candy was full of blood! Totally something my mom would have done, and probably something I'll do in the future! haha

  11. Oooh, you got such awesome stuff! I love the idea of a swap, but the only one I ever participated in I was terrible about shipping on time (I'm still so so ashamed about it) that I could never face another one.

  12. What a sweet box of goodies!

    PS I like your blog!

  13. Keep up the good work Holly.

  14. Mmmm Charleston Chews. SO SO GOOD!!

  15. That swap stuff sounds pretty fun. I didn't know you swapped treats and goodies too! Yum yum!

  16. Awesome goodies. She's so sweet!

    Love the poem. =)

  17. awwwww! that is such a sweet gift!

  18. How fun! I always want to participate in those swaps but I'm so afraid I'll not do it when I'm supposed to!
    And it took me over a month to catch up after my SITS day:)

  19. I haven't done a swap yet...this makes it look like such fun!

  20. How lucky are you! Things like that in the mail always make the day a little better

  21. Charleston Chews. Every dentists best friend to help put their kids through college, lol!

    I remember that Clove gum. I think they stopped making it for years, and then re-started again. Not sure but I think, lol.

    I used to love that. And another called (I think) Beech?

  22. i am doing a swap in a few days, Hope it's as fun as yours, I am so nervous and not sure how to do it.
    apple scrabble looks fun,except i can't spell LOL

  23. Isn't it such fun to get packages at your door?!

  24. Wow lady! You got the mother lode! Suh-weet! And don't you just love how the kids get so excited about gifts that are for you? hahaha.

    PS Have you been getting my responses to your comments and emails. I am still having troubles. I did get the game.

  25. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Just started following your blog and I love your fun posts. I am obsessed with DIY projects so I look forward to learning a trick or two. And yay for surprise packages! Being 9 months pregnant, those candy treats would have been gone in 2 minutes FLAT! Can't wait to read more!

  26. ust started following your blog and I love your fun posts. I am obsessed with DIY projects so I look forward to learning a trick or two. And yay for surprise packages! Being 9 months pregnant, those candy treats would have been gone in 2 minutes FLAT! Can't wait to read more!

    *****my link was to my old blog which I NEVER use...linked it to my current one!*****

  27. That's awesome! What a nice friend you have to swap with though I've never really heard of this swapping business- are you doing it with other bloggers? That's so fun and she picked out good items for you. So what did you send her???? I've been MIA too lately, life has been busy, but always glad to come back and read.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!