Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your Ticket to a CSN Store Giveaway

What does my family L-O-V-E?...Game Night!
So, pull your kids away from those entertainment centers
and check out this fun AND educational board game,Ticket to Ride! 

CSN stores and 504 Main has your ticket to win one! 

Of course CSN Stores has loads of amazing products
and merchandise, but when they asked if I would like to do a giveaway,
I selected one of my family's favorite board games.
I only do giveaways about things I truly believe in/l-o-v-e,
and since I am a huge proponent of family time,
and I {heart} board games, this was a perfect fit.
Our Ticket to Ride!
A year or so ago, it was my bright idea to get my son a Nintendo DS for his birthday...Oh how I wish I could turn back time. Really, I cannot blame him for loving his electronics...I love my laptop, hubby loves his computer is only natural. HOWEVER, in an attempt to pull him away and bring him back to the real world, we are always in search of {new} puzzles and board games...and pretty much anything we can do together as a family. Some of our very good friends introduced us to Ticket to Ride and it quickly became one of my son's favorites {and hubby's and mine too}.

Why We Love It!
Well, first of all, Joe has loved trains since he was 2...that's a plus right there....easy sell on a game that is all about trains! Secondly, the game itself is really beautiful and well designed...and has trains...lots and lots of trains. The objective is to lay out the train cars {on the board} as you build and claim railway routes across the North America {there is a European version, which we have not played but it is high on our list of purchases}. Additionally, the game teaches geography, hones and develops strategic thinking, and most importantly it is fun! {Honestly I love trains too and it is my dream to travel around the U.S. by train.}
Do you play board games?
What's your favorite one?
Let's all share and maybe discover some new finds!

Now for the good stuff!
How would you like to be the lucky recipient
of a Ticket to Ride game courtesy of CSN Stores?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course you would!

Here's the scoop:
Giveaway runs through Wednesday, 4/14/10 at midnight PST.
ONE winner will be notified by email and
will have 48 hours to claim their prize.
Contest open to US and Canada

If your email is not linked to your must leave it in the comment section.

Entry #1: must be a follower of 504 Main via Google Friend Connect. If you already follow, just say so! AND You MUST leave me a comment telling me what your favorite game is. (2 entries)
Entry #2: Visit CSN Stores at this link, entertainment centers and tell me what you would buy - money no object. (1 entry)
Entry #3: Subscribe to 504 Main via email - You must activate your subscription.
Entry #4: Subscribe to 504 Main via a reader
Entry #5: Follow 504 Main on Twitter (leave your Twitter name in the comment) (1 entry)
Entry #6: Tweet about the giveaway..."Win A Ticket to Ride game and experience family fun time!"...must include link to 504 main (1 entry...may be done once a day for a separate entry each day). Leave url in comment.
Entry #7: Facebook about the giveaway. (2 entry)
Entry #8: Blog about the giveaway...leave your link in the comment (3 entries).
Entry #9: Add my 504 Main to your blog roll (2 entries)...Leave the link in the comment.
Entry #10: Add 504 Main button to your site (2 entries)...Leave the link in the comment -OR Update to my new button if yo have the old one on your blog - MY new button is not the tickled pink button - it IS the one that looks like my header.

Happy Gaming!

P.S. Don't forget to come back on Friday and see who or what I'm Tickled Pink find out who won the Liberty of London mini journals {there is still time to enter, click HERE}...and see what I am giving away this week!

Disclosure: I was not provided with any compensation, monetary or otherwise for this review/giveaway.  CSN Stores will provide the winner with one Ticket to Ride board game.


  1. I love game nights with my family- This is such a lovely give away.

    I am signing up to follow you but completely understand if I am excluded from this prize since I live in Australia...I am just happy to have found your blog and to follow.

    Best wishes,

  2. Oh my goodness! I've been wanting to buy Ticket To Ride for a while now! My brother introduced me to that game recently and I was hooked immediately. His wife recently entered a TTR tournament down here in SoCal and she won the whole stinking thing. It was like the Pacific championship or something. She's actually in Ohio this weekend competing in the TTR national championships and if she wins she will go to Paris to play the for the world title! Can you believe that?!?

    I've only played the European version so I'm looking forward to playing the US one. The Euro one is so cool. It's fun building trains from Cadiz, Spain to Stockholm, Sweden (21 points!). It gets pretty congested right around Belgium/Germany/France but that's part of the fun! I totally torpedoed myself the last time we played because I had too many tickets and not enough trains. Oh well.

    My brother has the Nordic Countries (a rare edition) and the Switzerland one as well as both the US and Euro versions. They're TTR freaks!

    Anyway, as far as the giveaway goes... I'm a follower and my favorite game right now is probably TTR. All-time board game is still probably Monopoly, although I've not played it in forever. As our girls get older, we'll be playing more and more board games I'm sure.

  3. At CSN, I'd get the OmniMount large flat panel for our HD flatscreen TV. Okay, we dont have one of those TVs but we have a space above our fireplace that would be perfect for such a TV. And we'd need a mount for it, hence the OmniMount fixed wall mount.

  4. 504 Main is already in my blog roll. It's one of those "Recently Updated" blog rolls so when it falls in that category, it's there, such as now. But it's in the rotation for sure.

  5. Ooo, I love you more now that I know you're a board gamer! I love board games! I feel like not many people do like them and I find them to be so fun!!!! My favorite games are: Trivial Pursuit, SceneIT?, Taboo and Scrabble. I'm a follower on Google too- so those are my entries and my thoughts! I hope when I'm a Mom we have game nights, big hope of mine. (Also just thought of Chess, love Chess & Cribbage- though I know that's a card game).

  6. My family loves so many different games. One of our favorites is The Settlers of Catan - a little like monopoly but with some fun twists.

  7. You are on my blog roll!

  8. The Liberty furniture stand would fit perfect in our baseement. Like the white color.

  9. I am not familiar with Ticket to Ride, but it looks fun--thanks for the scoop as we are always looking for fun board games.

    I found the old game Stop Thief on E-Bay a few years ago, and it continues to be a big hit here. The older boy also enjoys Stratego and Clue.

  10. Good morning Holly! Let me first say DS is mild in comparison to some of the other games...did you see my X-box post? Well if not go check it out, it is gone now...Thank God!~ We do play family games, we love Apples to Apples and UNO!~ Something we can all boys are almost 4 years apart so we have to find things to all participate:) Have a great day!

  11. Hi Holly! Of course, I follow you. :)
    My favorite board game is Scrabble, but my favorite board game to play with my kids is Risk. Oh boy, do we have fun with that one!

  12. I'm a follower :)

  13. Hubby and I enjoy playing games a lot with friends! One of my favorites is Settlers of Catan!

  14. I follow your blog! Love your blog by the way. (Entry #1)

  15. And for part two of entry #1-my favorite game is Euro Rails, my husband and I have a very long standing tournament going on with this game, and I am winning :)

  16. If money did not matter, I would get the Stanley American Perspective Door Chest in Hearth Black, and did you know there is free delivery and set up (I hope so since it costs almost $3000!! yikes)

  17. I now have your button (entry #1)

  18. I have your 504 Main Button, entry number 2

  19. I follow!!! I love Rummicube, I know I am a dork!

  20. This looks like a great game. Our all time favorite is actually Scrabble. Oh I have to tell you that I love your Tickled Pink Friday idea. I was even thinking of doing something like that but I'm still in the learning stage. I learn so much from visiting your blog. Thanks!

  21. You're on my blog roll!

  22. I would love to buy the Stanley Shelter Island Doored Entertainment Center in piano key white!

  23. Thanks for the idea-and recomendation for the game with having a 7 yr old- 12 and 14 and half yr old.-hard to find games that we all like and can play together.. And thank you For becomming a Follower on my blog- it makes my day when i see a new Follower.
    Thanks a bunch
    Im with ya- i dont sleep at all these days- my mind is always going at night-and refinishing-or painting or sewing in between kid pick ups-grocery shopping and now opening a new store- Im a coffee addict..
    Love Your Blog

  24. I have this game - have had it for a few years, I don't play it *very* often but it can be fun :)

  25. I LOVE 'You're It,' a fun fast-paced game with large dice and "confusing" rules! It's great as an ice breaker at parties.

    sikcoe at gmail dot com.

    (I'm your follower!)

  26. I would get the Stanley American Perspective Armoire in Hearth Black for my boy's new room downstairs so their TV would just DISAPPEAR after you shut the doors!

    sikcoe at gmail dot com

  27. I love game night. When my son was young we would get together with neighborhood friends and play games and make pizza ~ such fun!


  28. My kids go game crazy. Electronic games any way and my husband isn't far behind. Me on the other hand, I run to my laptop.

  29. Ah, the fun of blogging. I feel so fancy knowing YOU, Miss Wedding/Mocha/Blogging girl! Your life seems so exciting! :p

  30. Oh, and I am a follower and I love games and we are huge fans of Scrabble. Sexy Nerd will deny it until the cows come home, but more than 6 years into our relationship, I am still the undefeated champion!

  31. I am a stalker...follower. ;)

  32. Let's see...favorite game...I like the classics: Life, PayDay, Monopoly. We also have 3 or 4 Scene It games. yeah that requires the TV, but it's still fun to see the clips. Oooh! Taboo! That is a fun one too. Okay...I will stop. :P

  33. I got that button!

  34. Hey Girlie!
    I love your blog! It's so fun. I am so going to follow. I can't wait to scroll through the whole thing. Just stopping by from NFF.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  35. Love Family Game house usually Wednesday.

    My kids love to play the new Monopoly with the little credit cards.

    I love Name The Lyrics DVD game.

    Oh, ya...I am your follower

  36. We're crazy about games, too. My husband and I have had some serious Scrabble showdowns, recently. As for games the whole family plays together, we really like Clue. A lot of the Wii games are family friendly, too. So much fun!

    I've never heard of Ticket To Ride, but it sounds like lots of fun. Please add my name to the "hat". Of course, I'm a follower!

  37. We LOVE game night, which is on Tuesday nights after dinner. We play Monopoly and Scrabble, and tons of card games.

  38. Cool game Holly! My boys LOVE trains, but usually it's Thomas the Train. I think that is an autism thing. MY favorite game is Taboo, but my little ones aren't old enough for that. They like Pictureka and Operation.

  39. OOPS! Forgot to tell you I'm already a follower!

  40. Hey my dear, I'm a faithful follower.
    We have game night twice a month. The boys get together with me and grandma and we play either Uno or Catopoly. Theirs and our favorite games.
    Please include me in your drawing. Thank you my dear.

  41. I'm a follower!
    Our family favorites are Apples to Apples and Killer Bunnies!
    We love to play games as a family.
    What a great giveaway!
    I haven't heard of this game, but we love to try new ones!

  42. I love window shopping! They have lots of great things! Right now I'm lovin the Leslie Dame Multimedia Storage Cabinet.

  43. I subscribe via Google Reader!

  44. I follow on Twitter!

  45. Tweeted!

  46. I updated my status on Facebook with your giveaway!!/pages/Songberries/352254908783

  47. I updated my facebook status with your giveaway!!/pages/Songberries/352254908783

  48. I added your button to my blog!

  49. Grabbed your button!

  50. I'm a follower!

    My favourite game is Carcasonne. (just in case my profile is messed up from my recent move to Wordpress :)

  51. Entry #2 since i'm a follower

  52. I'd get the 3-piece Nexera Eclipse in espresso

  53. I follow you on Twitter (@ALotofLoves)

  54. I am a follower, and our favorite board game in this house is Risk!!!!

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  55. I am a follower, and our favorite board game in this house is Risk!!!!

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  56. I am an email subscriber

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  57. I am a reader subscriber

    sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com

  58. I am follower of your blog with google friend connect. My user id is degood.

  59. I have two favorite games depending on who I am playing with. My husband and 11 year old and I like playing settlers of catan but if I am playing with my 7year old and 4 year old then we really like Blokus since you don't have to be able to read to be good at it.

  60. If $ was no object, I would buy the Stanley American Perspective Armoire in Beeswax Cherry - 780-63-14 from CSN because it matches the rest of my family room furniture so well.

  61. I follow you on twitter as kmayans


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!