It's time for Tickled Pink No. 8 with a Hop!
Link up so you can show everyone what tickles you pink on your blog,
and share this on your own blog by clicking on
the link down there that says,
"What is a blog hop? Get the code here..."
You can link up without putting the blog hop on your blog.
{see bottom of post for more info}
First a quick little "Hey!" to everyone.
I am still lost in a mountain of dishes and dust
and I am trying to make my way through blogland...
but it isn't easy when the 2 year old thinks she has a ton of new toys
{aka knives and glass dishes}...and to top it is out!
So, I may be slacking in my visits, but this will change soon!
NOW...on to business!
This week, I'm tickled pink about...
what's for dinner!
frugal living
a heartfelt project
a salute to our country!
This week, dinner is provided by
Alex at
From the moment I met Alex, I knew I was going to like her!She is simply awesome...
and she makes cookies for breakfast...enough said!
OK, I told a fib...there is more...
she has fabulous recipes and ideas to spice up meal time.
Go check out her vlog on how to make So Chic Sushi Rolls.
Oh, you don't "do" sushi? These are full of veggies!
Then there is her Kickin' Chicken Stroganoff...
it makes me hungry just reading the recipe...
and quite frankly, I'd make it just because the name rocks!
Now don't these recipes sound divine! Guess what? Alex has a book!
{available is the old fashioned version and an e-book}...
Do I smell a giveaway? Keep going to find out!
Well, I always love anything that does double when you buy her book,
15% of the proceeds go to the charity Fight SMA.
You can read all about why Alex chose this charity here!
What are you waiting for? Head over there tell Alex "Hey!"
And checkout some recipes before the kids start asking
"Ma, What's for Dinner?"
{!!!giveaway at the bottom of the post!!!}
*************************tips for frugal living
In the first "
I'm Tickled Pink," I spoke about how I complicate everything. Well, I also tend to spend lots of cash while trying to make things simple and frugal. No fear...Nikki is here to help! She has a series of
Frugal Tips Friday at her blog, like...
How to make your own
laundry soap...which I am totally trying!
I have already called around to find out who carries Washing Powder.
I am all over this too...that darn granola is pricey!
And as if I wasn't totally won over,
She even has a homemade
hair mask recipe!
A beauty tip....SCORE!
What's on tap for this week's Frugal Tip?
Go check out what
Nikki has to say...
{hint, hint}
it may help you with your summer travels!
a heartfelt project
I first saw this beautiful project as part of the DIY Club's May challenge. Jan's Memory Box to Remember, on it's own is utterly beautiful and fabulous, but this gorgeous piece was made for her daughters graduation. So, now, add heartfelt and sentimental and I am a goner...totally and completely in L-O-V-E! It is elegant and simply, perfectly the kind of gift I {or anyone} would be honored to receive. Jan's blog is actually filled with wonderful and creative ideas of all kinds.
I have twigs a plenty and she makes them look chic and stylish.
any table and add some serious atmosphere!
I have too many books - rephrase can never have too many books...I just don't have enough room to put them all! Now I am inspired.
a salute to our country
is from Malia at Yesterday on Tuesday.
I am a huge fan of her blog and style anyway, but last week, she linked up with Tickled Pink and her fabulous patriotic banner. It is the perfect time to make one...use it now and on the 4th...and, if you are like me, I would probably find a place for it in my family room year round.
I thought this was the perfect banner to celebrate our country and special holidays! *************************
Of course I am tickled PINK to announce the NEXT DIY Club challenge!
It is on for 6/3! Go visit our website, for new simplified rules
and join up to follow along so you do not miss out! I'll be posting my project very, very soon!
go check out their premiere!
Who won this awesome book?
{as scientifically selected by my kiddos}
Oh, you wanted another giveaway!?
How about the
"Ma, What's for Dinner?" E-book
There are 6 ways to enter!
--Entry No. 1 {required}:
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2:
Go Follow along at the DIY Club, Inc. --Entry No. 3:
--Entry No. 4:
Contest closes Thursday, 6/3/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST
The winner will be announced on Friday 6/4/10.
I want to see what
tickles you pink on your blog!
Feel free to link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...a fashion find...
a favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog fabulous.
{You get the idea, right?}
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post*
{people need to know what the heck they are doing!}
*It does
NOT have to be a new post*
*It does
NOT have to be pink or pink-related*
*Visit 3 people from the link*
*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
I hope everyone enjoys there long weekend and holiday. Please take a moment to think about the meaning of Memorial Day and those who have paid the ultimate price to keep us safe and free. Also, please think about those currently serving and send your thoughts, good wishes and prayers to them and their families.
What more info on
Tickled Pink or how to nominate a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click
HERE or simply email me! is
cool to nominate yourself! Loving all of your ideas!!!!!!
Bring them on!
I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere
to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}
Show me watch you got!
{I have had many email with questions on how to do this...follow the prompts and you should be OK...if not email me..I'll try to help!}