Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Even More DIY Awesomeness

We have NEW SPONSORS at the DIY Club!!!
Due to the holiday weekend,
our next party begins on July 8!

a little bit of everything for the DIYer!

P.K. Glitz
gorgeous glitter and products for card makers and crafters!

Design Divas Gallery
vinyl quote and simply vinyl for all of your projects

These great sponsors join:
Gorilla Glue 

Now there is no excuses - there is a product for almost everyone.
We are actively looking for fabric and sewing sponsors! All this means more styles of crafting, more inspiration, and more fun...oh yeah and lots of prizes!

Go over to the site and check it out!!!
And get ready for July!
PLEASE remember:
You must use at least one of the VENDOR SPONSORED Products.
{we have new sponsors...see below!}
You must take a photo of the VENDOR product u=you use and include it in the post.
You must have the DIY Club button in the post or on your sidebar.
EMAIL ME if you have any questions


Win The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book at Hip Weddings

See this book?
I wrote it.
I am giving one away!
Today is the last day of the giveaway for
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book.

Hop on over to Hip Weddings to enter.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ranger Danger is My Dog!

He knew I was the one.
I am not sure what it was about me,
but he put on his best prance and
checked his crazy behavior at the door
and wooed me in an instant.
When we moved from our townhouse to our house, the first thing on my agenda was to get a dog. My husband is not an animal kind of guy. I have always had dogs. Our dogs have always been mutts, so I could not imagine spending cold hard cash on some type of expensive breed. I headed down to the shelter. I looked around, but not too hard..I did not want to look the dogs in the eyes when I knew I could not take them all home.

I saw this one dog...cute little black thing with white "socks." It said he was Lab and Border Collie mix, and 1 year old...doable for sure! As the other dogs flipped out and barked, this dog just sat and looked at me with a head-cocked pleading, "I promise-to-do-what-you-say" look. We did a little get acquainted thing and I was in love. I did not take him home that night however. I had to go break the news to hubby that I had found "the dog."

"Whatever," he said. I went back on Monday and did the paper work. Two days later I picked him up (all neutered and everything!). Hubby came home to a crazy animal running around the backyard and and was not sure what to think...other than the usual..."I was crazy!"

Ranger had been abused, neglected, and was skittish beyond belief. We loved him and cared for him and tried to build trust. And he did come to trust us and a few select people. He was not a cuddly dog, but that was OK with me, I did not buy a lap dog.

For 3 years Ranger was the only child...and it was easy to walk and entertain him. He did have a little streak of "something" in him that was unpredictable, and everyone thought we would have to find him a new home when the baby came home...and we almost did. He began jumping over fences, growling at people and just being ornery. As a new mom, I could not take it, I had PPD and a new baby and was losing it. It continued on this way for 2 years, until he jumped the fence and was almost was hit by a car...and then picked up by the Dog Police. This situation was not safe for Ranger or for anyone else.

I finally told hubby he was going to have to find Ranger a home...I knew that probably meant the shelter again...and then, well, I do not want to think of what would have probably happened. Who was going to take a now-4-year-old dog with behavior problems? Much to my surprise my hardcore hubby said find a trainer and let's see if this is fixable. HUH?! YEAH!

I emailed a famous {11 years ago famous} trainer in the L.A. area. He called me right away and told me to go put the dog down. All I could do was cry...According to this man's commercials he was a sweet uncle who could handle any dog. In actuality he was the mean uncle who eats candy in front of you and asks you to throw away the wrapper.

I did find a trainer. She was awesome. We dedicated 6 weekends to her and to Ranger. She told us what we were doing wrong...what he we could make this all right. She beat the pants off that mean uncle and am pretty sure she could have taken on the "dude who whispers."

In a nutshell, we had to provide him a safe place to call his own - a crate, reassure him that he was not responsible for protecting the entire family, rebuild trust with visitors, consistently praise him, teach him, and play with and love him.

Ranger apparently got the picture...shape up or be shipped out. Be loves his crate, he loves his kids. I am, as I think all dog owners should be, still cautious with him...I make sure in uncomfortable situations he is crated and safe. I make sure to introduce him to visitors the right way. I teach the kids to respect Ranger and his space, and they do.

Eleven years later Ranger is still with us. I know somewhere deep down hubby likes him, mainly because hubby is cheap and allowed me to pay some serious cash for a private trainer to come to our house for 6 weeks! He has become an inside dog - he despises the tall trees, birds, nature in general...I find this hilarious because the jets at LAX {where we used to live} did not bother him at all...but watch out for woodpeckers and squirrels!

I love the underdog...I always root for him. I find great joy in watching someone pick themselves up and make a new start, begin a new life, or join the game again. Ranger is an underdog. No one expected us to keep one expected he would become a loving trusting dog {he does like to give a few men grief} one...but me...and hubby!
I am joining Kimberly at Terra del Sol for Mia Mondays
This weeks theme...
Things You Have Done For Your Pets

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 12 with a Hop!

504 Main
What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"'s the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'.
The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
-The Phrase  Finder
I am tickled pink  because...
I am lucky enough to be a Mom to two cute little turkeys...
one of who is celebrating a b'day very soon!
And after having spent some time at Cub Scout camp, I am kinda of thinking my big turkey may not really be a turkey....he is a good kid!
{don't go getting mad at me...I call my kids turkeys in a loving way}
I am also tickled pink because I have been given the opportunity
to write a third book for the Everything series.
I love working with them and am so excited.
Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 12!
Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!?
This day is about stuff we {heart}  from our own blogs or from others.
And who knows I may pick your post to SPOTLIGHT  next week! 

Feel free to link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...a fashion find...
a favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog fabulous.
You get the idea, right?

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
This week, I'm tickled pink about...  
homemade happiness
don't get weighed down
tomboy thank you
prom re-do
my kind of compost 
new places to play
homemade happiness
from Liz at Hoosier Homemade

Hoosier Homemade - Making Your House a Home
Liz, the Hoosier Momma from Hoosier Homemade is a SAHM of 3 teenage boys, who is busy keeping up with their sports and school activities. She has been blogging a little over a year, shares lots of  baked goods, Budget Friendly Meals, and decorating tips and tricks, all to help you “Make Your House a Home.”All this and she has a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Blog
with so many great ideas and recipes. I Love her style!

To get to know Liz, you really need to check her out!
Every Tuesday is a Cupcake Tuesday Blog Party...
You must see these Memorial Day Cupcakes...too darn cute! 
Did someone say Twix? Only my favorite candy bar ever.
Here is Liz's take on a Twix Bar
Liz not only can cook, she can decorate. This post makes me miss my mantle {oh I have a fireplace, but well, it is unique}. Liz's mantle is gorgeous! 
Who is not in the market for great, easy, Budget Friendly recipes? Yeah, pretty much everyone I know! And here is what you need...a menu plan!
 With all of this going on Liz launched It's a Blog Party, celebrating blogland with a different linky party each day for bloggers to share their work. 
Go say "Hi!" at  Hoosier Homemade and see what Liz is cooking up today!
don't get weighed down
with Karen at Waisting Time
I read this first line on Karen's "About" page and could totally relate.
"I have lost the same weight over and over again more times than I can count.  I am a consistent exerciser but just don’t seem able to maintain weight loss."
Sounds a little I dove deeper.
Her take on what it take to maintain Won't Power won me over! 
She also shares some great insights on why weight loss is more than a number
Then she went and used one of my favorite - as long as it is not referring to me - words...Cankles, as she talks about celebrating the body parts we DO like!

Go visit Waisting Time... her take on this whole diet, wellness, eating healthy thing is pretty healthy itself!
tomboy thank you
to Girly Tomboy
I cannot really say why {it is top secret} but don't you just love blogland and the camaraderie and willingness to help others.
I just found Girly Tomboy and her blog is too much fun! Maybe it is because she is chatting about all time fave, shows that ended too soon, and returning TV shows right now - and I watch way too much TV...and am already tired of reruns.
Now, I love my makeup...and I am on the fence about Jessica Simpson {but she is growing on me}, but I thoroughly enjoyed this piece about Jessica and her Marie Claire cover.
She also has some DIY going all know how I love that...and I have a very similar vanity at my hose waiting for it's makeover!
To top it off she gives us a little tea primer! I love my coffee, but hubby loves his tea!

prom re-do

Mary is determined to bring back Mom Sexy  and is letting us Mom's {and non-mom's too} strut our stuff at her Mom Prom...guess what you do not have to be a mom to 2-legged creatures...4-legs {and possibly a fin} will allow you access to this event!
OK, so I am a little late to the game, and the linky is open through 6/25...but you can still go visit the other Mom Sexy Moms if you cannot link up yourself. It is worth it...if you do not believe me check out Erin's post - clever as always!
Come on try it...this prom is bound to be fun!
my kind of compost
from So Wonderful, So Marvelous
I have been wanting to start excuses, just been too busy, lazy, crazy to do anything about it. But I ran across this compost and it is my kind of compost. It is
Compost Cookies! I whipped up a batch of these...yummy. It was perfect because you can utilize those little bits of chocolate chips, coconut, candy bars, whatever and make some tasty treats.
new places to play
There are some great linky's and meme's out there.
Here are a few new ones that tickle me pink!
 Prior hosts a Prior Lives Party once a month...
"...Do you have something that you have transformed or used differently than first intended or just an old something with a neat story to tell of a prior life? Well then, what are you waiting for? Link up and put a link back here, so everyone can hop around easily. Add a snap shot of you back in the day, if you'd like, because I sure would like"
There is still time to link up for this month!

Y'all know Debbie right? If you do not you are missing out! Debbie is fabulous and unique and every Friday has a Garage Salen party. So if you are a treasure hunter {like moi} go link up and see what everyone else is finding in their neck of the woods.*********
Lourie {CA Girl} also has another blog {or two}. On Metabolism Blues, she is part of a linky called Beautiful Me. You can see this weeks party by clicking on the link or read about it's origins HERE.

Adrienne at Stories from the ShoeBox
hosts Mommy Confessions Mondays at her place!
It is a new meme and I always love a new party.
"There's only one rule. That is we only comment to encourage, and not judge. Opinions are definitely welcome, but keep the point of posting to lift other mommies up, not tear them down.  Be sure to share if you're going through the same struggles or situation. This is safe place for us to unload!"
You should also check out this is touching.
A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have  participated  and visited and picked up the blog hop on their blogs. I am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week? I am trying to visit and comment on each linkup...but this week was more chaotic than usual.
Eveyone loves vampires!
Twilight fan...don't hate me. I have not seen the movie. I have not read the books. I have both. Why can't I get into it...The leads do not appeal to me. I think it would have been different if I read the book before the movie came out.
Anyway, Aubree at Inspirational Me got me thinking about this. What about Lost Boys? What about Interview with a Vampire? Her link up really killed me! Go read it and weigh in!
Leanne at From Chaos Comes Happiness created this sweet sign for her girls. Just the perfect touch for a summer of outdoor fun.

The Scrap Shoppe made these gorgeous citronella candles. Who needs buggies when we are hanging out...and even better they are pretty!
Scraps and Scribbles made these super cute screen print T's. And since the motif here is "so Percy Jackson," I hopefully will be making myself one to wear at my son's b'day party! 

We have NEW SPONSORS at the DIY Club!!!

Rockler - a little bit of everything for the DIYer! 
P.K. Glitz - gorgeous glitter and products for card makers and crafters! 
Design Divas Gallery - vinyl quote and simply vinyl for all of your projects
These great sponsors join:
DecoArt, Gorilla Glue, and DISCHangers.

Now there is no excuses - there is a product for almost everyone.
We are actively looking for fabric and sewing sponsors! All this means more styles of crafting, more inspiration,  and more fun...oh yeah and lots of prizes!
Go over to the site and check it out!!!
And get ready for July!
So, who one the super-cute 
- oh wait it is a surprise - giveaway...
Miss Caitlin S at Candyfloss and Persie!!!
The mystery gift will have to be Super-stylish for her!
Hope the surprise tickles you pink! 
This weeks giveaway is
There is also a giveaway at Hip Weddings 
for my book, The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book.
Followers of 504 Main are eligible!
You must enter there!

There are 3+ ways to enter!
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from  home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2:
Go enter the Hip Weddings giveaway.
--Entry No. 3:
Go give some comment love at any or ALL of the featured bloggers.{leave a comment for each blog you visit blogger}

Contest  closes Thursday, 7/01/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 7/2/10.
What more info on Tickled Pink or how to nominate a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE or simply email me! is cool to nominate yourself! Loving all of your ideas!!!!!! Bring them on! 

****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere
to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.**** 
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}  

504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post*
{people need to know what the heck they are doing!} 
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*
*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Share a S'mores-a-licious Mini Cake!

Psssst...come closer I have something to tell you.
This is a partial re-post from a guest post I did in March...
It was never published here...
just warning you in case you read the guest post,
and do not want to spend the day thinking "this sounds familiar." 
Think Tank Momma 
S'mores-a-licious Mini Cakes

The kitchen and I have not always been BFF's!
When I got married, it was an accomplishment to make a lasagna,
and that was usually accompanied by
"See you later honey...I have an appointment...
we'll be having lasagna ALL week!" 
Poor hubby. Thankfully, things have changed..
I now love to cook and bake, and create new recipes,
but baking is still what I love the most.
These days I try to bake only on special occasions -
I cannot control myself and do not want to spend
each minute of every day exercising...I have a blog to write!
I try to limit my baking to special occasions {boring}!
But that does not mean a few treats do not magically appear on the counter. Unless I am trying a new healthy substitution on a recipe or I am making a healthy yummy treat.
However on  birthdays and such all bets are off!

A few years ago, my son was really into planning a surprise for his Dad. We started searching for a recipe and came across Joe's Molten Marshmallow-Chocolate Cake from Sunset Magazine. My son, being named Joe, thought this cake was perfect for his Dad...because it had Joe in the title, and so we made it and it has become one of our favorites!

Well, we have made this numerous times,
so I wanted to mix things up a little.
We all love s'mores at our house...
so here is my creation...inspired by the original!

S'mores-a-licious Mini Cakes
Makes 12+
{I had some left over could probably get about 15-16 mini cakes or 6 large cakes out of this recipe}

-1 1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
-1/4 cup butter
-1/3 cup granulated sugar
-2 large eggs
-2 teaspoon vanilla
-1 cup all-purpose flour
-2+ teaspoons cinnamon {Optional..we love cinnamon and it makes for a nice flavor!}
-6 large marshmallows, cut in half or 48 mini marshmallows
-Powdered sugar, optional

-4 Whole Graham crackers, crushed
-3 Tablespoons butter, melted

Mixing, CAKE
-Add the cinnamon to the flour and stir to combine.
-In a 3 or 4 quart sauce pan, over low heat melt the butter and chocolate chips until smooth.
-Remove from heat and whisk in the sugar eggs, and vanilla until well blended.
-Stir in flour mixture. 

Mixing, CRUST
-Add the melted butter to the crushed graham crackers and mix thoroughly.
-For the mini cakes, I used a mini muffin pan. You can use either ramekins or a large muffin tin to make larger cakes.
-Butter the muffin tin.
-Place about one teaspoon of the graham cracker mixture into each muffin cup and press down firmly to form a crust.
-Fill each cup about halfway full with the batter, about a heaping teaspoon of batter.
-Place a half or a large marshmallow or about 4 mini marshmallow in the center of each cup, pressing down into the batter slightly.
-Evenly divide remaining batter {about another heaping teaspoon of batter} amongst the muffin cups and spoon on top of the marshmallow, covering it.
-Bake in a 350 degree oven until puffed and crackly for approximately 10-12 minutes {it may take up to 15 minutes...but start checking at 10}.
-Let cool for 10 minutes +/-.
-Run knife along edges to release.
-Dust with powdered sugar, optional.
{They look just as good w/o powdered sugar!} 

Serve with a VERY cold glass of milk! 
Or if you want to be super fudge sauce...
but you may have chocolate overload {is that possible?}
P.S. I hope to be visiting you all tomorrow {I hope - fingers crossed}.
Thanks for listening to me vent yesterday! I by no means think I am the only one who is busy and realize my "issues" are really not that bad. After I read it I thought I sounded whiny. Anywhoo...I have a migraine...I am going to bed and hope to be back happy and chipper on Friday to Tickle you Pink!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Salsa on Over to Check Out Win, Lose, or Blog

Do you ever have one of those weeks
where you just cannot get it together!?
That is me this week
{it actually seems to be an on going theme}.

The kitchen is almost soon! Then we planned my son's birthday all around that Percy Jackson movie and they went and changed the release date {thanks Fox!} and my son was devastated {I think he may be a party planner in training} and so we are in scramble mode there too. And, honestly, I can live in chaos...but only for so long...I am so tired of looking at boxes and bins and crap in my living room! I think I need some serious quiet time - but that may not be until I head off to Bloggy Bootcamp in August!

WHEW! Thanks for letting me vent a little.
I could go on, but it could get u-g-l-y!
Instead I will share some of the sunshine in my foggy week...

The contestants for the Win, Lose, or Blog Challenge are up and running {maybe literally}. That was an amazing group of women who applied. Personally I just wish we could have picked them all. The group that was selected is FAB! So head on over to Win Lose or Blog and check it out! We are going to be having great posts about fitness, nutrition, and all sorts of other great topics...and you can still follow along even if you are not a contestant. You could be it next time!!!!!

In honor of the Win, Lose, or Blog Challenge, I thought I would share one of my favorite healthy and versatile recipes! I know I have shared my salsa recipe with you, but here is another salsa {at least that's what I call it} that is totally different and refreshing...a wonderful change of pace!

Come and taste my
Confetti Salsa!
 This salsa can be served with:
chunks of French bread,
a sliced baguette,
Pita Chips,
Corn Chips {store bought or homemade},
Carrot or celery sticks
{it doesn't stick to the carrot but gives a nice flavor}.
Confetti Salsa
1/2 red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
1/2 orange pepper
1 medium cucumber or half of a large cucumber
3 large tomatoes 
2 cloves garlic, minced -Of course you can add more garlic!
Handful of fresh basil leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Option 1: Use Italian Dressing (Fat Free or regular) to dress the salsa. It takes about 1/4 to 1/2 cup...Start with less and add to your liking.
Option 2: Juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, splash (or 2 T rice vinegar). Toss, pour, squeeze directly into the bowl of veggies and toss.
Any combo of your favorite vinegars can be used.

Red or yellow onion, finely chopped

I use the food processor - and chop each type of ingredient separately - for this recipe because I like everything chopped real small, and my knife skills are not winning me any competitions on Top Chef. Bigger chunkier salsa is also great.
-Seed peppers and cut into medium size pieces. 
-Place in Food processor and peppers in bowl.
-Slice cucumber in thick slices and chop in food processor, place in bowl with peppers.
-Chop tomatoes - your choice to do it by hand or in the food processor. Place in bowl with cucumbers and peppers. {or drain one can of diced tomatoes and add tomatoes to bowl}.
-Chop Basil into small pieces and add to bowl.
-Peel and mince garlic, add to bowl.

Add desired salt, pepper, and dressing to bowl and toss.

This is best if prepared in advance and the flavors are allowed come together.

-You can add or delete peppers depending on taste and what is available. For example, use 1 red pepper and 1/2 yellow pepper. You can also use the whole pepper to make more salsa.
-I have also used canned diced tomatoes (drained)
-I have used zucchini in place of the cucumber

Makes 2-3 cups depending on the amount and size of veggies used. 

Happy and Healthy Eating!

Now in complete contrast to this healthy little number...
a rich and delicious dessert is on tap for Thursday's Share a Spoon!

There's a giveaway going on for a copy of my book,
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book at Hip Weddings.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things My Dad Taught Me

Happy Father's Day!
I pretty much have done NOTHING to assist my own kiddos with preparing a celebration for my hubby - yes, I know, "Wife of the Year!" Hey...I did send him to the U.S. Open...that must count for something...and I cut the grass in the backyard.
Maybe I am not so bad after all?
Anyway, this is about my Dad! He and I are a lot alike - good and bad. I am pretty sure that is where I get my impatience, my eagerness, and my competitive spirit.

My Dad was a police officer for 20+ years. I am proud of that and always was. He worked funky hours, but it was a good life. He was often able to come home with his partner and have dinner with us. And then other times, we wouldn't see him for days due to his schedule. Sometimes I would get up at 1 am {or later} when my Dad got home from work. We would eat PB&J on Saltine crackers and watch Planet of the Apes or a weird caveman movie.

When I was younger, I was fascinated with Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. All the police officers chewed it {they all had mustaches too}. I thought it was special...and I thought {or was told} that you had to get it from a policeman. Every night {or day} when my dad came home from work, if I was "good" he would give me his special Police Gum and I was in heaven. I am not sure when I realized everyone could buy Wrigley's Spearmint Gum...not just police officers!

Of course, Police Gum was the invention of the man who, while we were vacationing at Lake Powell, had me convinced that the holes about 50 feet above water were fish houses, and that the yucca plant was named that because it tastes awful {yuck-a!}.

Now, life at my house was not all fun and games, my Dad takes some things very his lawn and his baseball hats!

Oh you think I am joking...NOT! He is obsessed with his lawn. He cannot go on vacation for too long because his lawn will grow too tall. We joke that he measures it daily to see if it needs to be cut...and cutting is an all day event...and, remember we live in coastal California...we are not talking acres!

Baseball hats are my Dad's signature item, placing just ahead of shorts - no matter what the weather. As for baseball hats, they must be worn correctly {bill to the front, unless you are in a boat, then it is acceptable to wear it backwards}. The bill must also be bent - just so. I am sure my Dad has a special tool for doing this somewhere. You know what is scary...I find myself repeating this to my son when he screws around with his baseball hat!

Both of my parents were supportive and gave it their all for their kids. They were always coaching our teams, or sitting in the stands cheering us on as we got older. They taught us a lot and let us grow into who we are.
So to end this, I want to say a big thanks to my Dad for teaching me... to take care of myself - but that did not mean he didn't ask the police to drive by my apartment when I moved out and lived on my own. to NOT throw like a girl. And with that, I played Little League with the boys until I was 12. I even once pitched a no-hitter shut out - who says a girl can't throw? to drive a stick shift, which I still prefer. to drive a boat and how to water ski. to ride a dirt bike. to ride a regular bike! to wash a car properly {I do not always do it, but I know how to!}
...that you can never have enough bungee cords or zip ties.
...that Peppermint Schnapps does not taste like a candy cane. to be the last person to leave a party.
Happy Father's day Dad!
And Happy Father's Day
to all the dad's out there!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 11 with a HOP!!

What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"'s the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'.
The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
-The Phrase Finder
I am most Tickled Pink because...
I spent time boating, swimming, hanging out and....
water-skiing for the first time in 15 years.
{I told you you were not hearing the end of this any time soon!}
My family used to spend our summers this way and I really miss it.
What a fun way to start off summer! kitchen is almost done!!!!!!!
Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 11!
I know some have not linked up because their posts isn't pink...
Guess what it does not have to be PINK!?
This day is about stuff we {heart} from our own blogs or from others.
And who knows I may pick your post to SPOTLIGHT next week!

Feel free to link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...a fashion find...
a favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog fabulous.
You get the idea, right?

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
NOW...on to PINK business!
This week, I'm tickled pink about... 
getting organized
hanging out in the kitchen
tending to YOUR bloom
new places to play
for the DADS!
getting organized
with Renee at ReneW Your Space
I like to think I am organized...but really I am a disorganized-organized person. Oh I am constantly trying to organize...and I do and it remains that way for about 15 minutes...and then all bets are off...I am the only one who can find anything.
No wonder I love ReneW Your Space...

I need help...possibly an intervention! 

Since my kitchen is all dismantled right now...I figure, I might as well put it back and have it make sense, right? To the rescue comes Renee and her tips for the kitchen.

I have been making my own cleaner {thanks Heather} and working on laundry soap {thanks Nikki}, but seriously need to organize the cleaning closet... I have cleaning stuff everywhere!

Seriously now, some of you may have noticed my comments are time stamped at 2 am! So I have been looking for ways to make a dent in my daily tasks or improve my time management skills...well here is a list of what you can get done in 15 minutes. 

And finally, we all know I am on a healthy/lifestyle makeover kick. I loved my detox, but there is so much more I, and well everyone, can do to clear your body clutter. There are definitely some ideas I have yet to implement completely!

 Now that I have confessed how unorganized I am, do yo still like me?
Go visit ReneW Your Space and see how you can renew your space.
hanging out in the kitchen
with Holly - no, not this Holly...that Holly!
Holly and I have been bloggy friends for awhile and
she shares some absolutely delicious recipes and tips.

Holly has practical advice that makes you think
"Why didn't I think of that?"
Her recipes are simply perfection, like her pork chops - easy and fabulous!

I am the first to admit I get stuck in a rut...brown rice and whole wheat pasta on alternating nights! I cannot wait to try her Mayan Couscous...
Can you believe I have never made couscous!? I am making this tonight!

Now, I make it no secret that I like to start and finish my day with coffee...
Holly's morning prayer is just up my alley!

And because a girl can never have too many blogs,
you can also visit Holly at
where you can find recipes with a little something-something in them
  where she shares fun little tips and tidbits about caring for a home.
tending to YOUR bloom
with Suzicate at The Water Witch's Daughter 

I read this post the other day, and as I go along the path of self discovery and awareness, I am moved more and more by the writings, findings, and insight of some really amazing women in blogland. Go read If You Can't Bloom Where You Are, Transplant Yourself. Suzicate writes some really amazing posts and this is one of my favorites!
new places to play
There are some great linky's and meme's out there.
Here are a few new ones that tickle me pink!
 On Mondays from Kimberly at Terra Del Sol...Mia Mondays!
"A day that is all about you. A new theme to write about each week.  Tell us a little more about you, and make some new friends or learn about your old bloggy friends. Visit some of the other "Mia Monday" people."
On Tuesdays from Lisa at Wasabi Mommy...Your Town Tuesday
A place to celebrate what makes your little town,
your place in the world special and fun!
header 150x150
Party all week with a belle, bean and chicago dog, Taming Insanity, Mommy of a Monster (I Mean Toddler) & Infant Twinslinky is up from Sunday to Friday. Go check out this post to get the details!
The renovation is from Busy Mom's Guide 
Don't you just love the wall color?!
The creativity is from I Can Find the Time
Are you kidding clever is this!!!!
The sewing skills belong to Beverly at Flamingo Toes.
Why? Because it is an awesome vintage tablecloth
turned skirt that I would totally wear!
The THANK YOU's go to
Bumpkin, Shell and Erin for writing their own Tickled Pink 
posts over the course of the last several weeks.
I never imagined anyone would actually write a Tickled Pink post,
and these ladies tickled me pink by joining is so wholeheartedly!

A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have participated and visited. I am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week?
Want to know who won June's DIY Club challenge?
Go over to the site and check it out!!!
And get ready for July!
There are always great prizes! 

To end this very long post {as always},
I want to say Happy Father's Day
 to all the dad's other there!
I am always tickled pink to do a project
or hang out with my Dad!
Dads are so important...go say thanks to a Dad!
I will be posting my tribute to my Dad on Sunday!
So, who one the super-cute Liberty of London 
for Target mini-journal set?
KaylaDanielle at kdl. blooms
Hope they tickle you pink! 

This weeks giveaway is a mystery!
it will be something super-fabulous.
I just did not have time to pull it together!

This There are 4+ ways to enter!
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from  home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2:
Go Follow at the DIY Club, Inc.
--Entry No. 3:
Go follow along at Win, Lose, or Blog
--Entry No. 4:
Go give some comment love at any or ALL of the featured bloggers.{leave a comment for each blog you visit blogger}
Contest  closes Thursday, 6/24/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 6/25/10.

What more info on Tickled Pink or how to nominate a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE or simply email me! is cool to nominate yourself! Loving all of your ideas!!!!!! Bring them on!

****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere
to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.****
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}  
504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post*
{people need to know what the heck they are doing!} 
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*
*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}