Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I {heart} Pink and Green!

My two most favorite colors...E-V-E-R!
I am guessing it is because I NEVER had a pink room.
Yep, yellow Holly Hobbie it was for me!
If it wasn't for hubby, my living room
- OK my whole house -
would probably be some form of pink and green...
but then I probably wouldn't be married.

Anyway, I have been waiting for the right time to post this beautiful tablescape. 
I worked on this tablescape with some other talented designers as part of a magazine shoot. I have been meaning to post it for awhile, but I never quite got around to it {surprise! surprise!}, until now! It is perfect for today...or any day!
Gorgeous, eh?
You know what I love about this too...
it can easily and inexpensively be recreated at home any day.
{OK, the floral cake and chandelier would take some extra effort)
Just think, some grocery store roses in an old silver tea pot
or a mason jar, limes and petals and some beautiful linens.
The red toile plates were from the Goodwill.
I bet some of those tissue paper pompoms

would look really great too!
Credits: Photography, Epic Imagery; Venue, Occasions, El Segundo, CA; Linens, BBJ Linens; Rentals, Classic Party Rents; Florals, Bobbe Vagel; Cake, Bridal Sweets.

I am totally triple dipping today!

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Oh wow!! That is just so, so, so , so , so PRETTY!! I love it.... Almost makes me want to have a second wedding so I can attempt to copy it!

  2. Me too!!!

    That party reminds me of Alice in Wonderland!!! MAGICAL!!!


  3. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing these incredible photos.

  4. Holly you've outdone yourself! This is a pink and green dream come true. It is absolutely dreamy ~ I could linger there for hours.


  5. Holly, that is totally off the page gorgeous.


  6. Holly
    That is totally off the page gorgeous. Isn't it funny the compensations both sides make in a marriage to make it work for YOUR family. I remember one older lady who posted pictures of her bedroom in all pink and roses and she talked about her husband letting her decorate however she wanted. I told her hoe pretty it was but my hubby would never go for it. She said he had always let her do whatever she wanted.


  7. OH MY GOD!?!?! You did that??? That is amazing!!!! I feel so inadequate. It's so Alice in Wonderland cool. I worship at the altar of your awesomeness!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  8. I LOVE GREEN!!! I love all these pink and green combinations!!! What a pretty color harmony!

  9. I love pink and it looks amazing with the green. What a pretty table setting..

  10. This is totally gorgeous! I love pink and green also - especially those colors of pink and green! This is just dreamy!

  11. Holly, More than girly and sassy! Pink and green makes my heart sing too.
    Your table is fairy-tale fabulous!
    Love every detail. And the photography features it perfectly!
    Each placesetting and it's plates and flowers makes me want to sit right down under the canopy of flowers and fluff and take it all in! I need time to study this beautiful pink and green creation!

    Please stop by my blog- I am having my first giveaway!
    Pink and green hugs,

  12. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I am blown away by how breathtaking that tablescape is-it's amazing.
    Pink and green are my FAVE colors and bratchild's. Her cookie cake HAD to have pink and green icing.

  13. First let me say sorry for you not having a pink room :( Holly Hobbie was so pretty though :)
    That cake is so Beautiful. Great pink and green post!

  14. so very, very, very pretty!!

  15. this is just stunning! beautiful job!

  16. WOW! This is gorgeous - I can't even pick a favorite part it's so beautiful! Amazing job.

  17. Just so beautiful. Love the hanging down things and he table and well..everything!

  18. I love that pink and green cake! Gorgeous!

    I'm a big fan of pink and green. The master bath in the beach house we lived in was the most delicious shade of pink. It gave you such a glow. I really want to replicate that here.

  19. Wow! This is gorgeous! Love the colors and the layering. My eyes don't even know where to stop looking!

  20. Holly, this is such a beautiful table! I just love all of the details and the colors are just perfect! I just keep scrolling over and over them...


  21. I am now your BIGGEST fan. So, so pretty!

  22. Holly, that is simply elegant! I love the little touches too, like the flower on the lime. Just beautiful.

  23. OH. MY. WORD!! That is inCREDibly gorgeous!! Yes, I am a lover of pink 'n green, too! Okay, so you've been inspired by Preston Bailey, right? This is awesome! It would be so perfect for a wedding. I need to marry Corey all over again and have you set up our reception! :D

  24. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Oh my stars!!!

    I want I want I want!

    Wow...that was mature.

    Can't help it though, that's AWESOME!

    -Lori @ In Pursuit of Martha Points

  25. Beautiful Holly! I love all the green, that is the perfect shade! The amaranthus hanging down looks like party streamers! Great job!

  26. so very beautiful, reminds me of when I used to photograph weddings =) lots of beauty....and lots of stress too, don't miss the 2ns part, haha!

  27. Holly, oh Holly, my my my I am DYING over these images!! Talk about pink and green heaven, you have been holding out on me!! :) I am absolutely in love with those centerpieces, cakes, floral details, AMAZING!!!! I will link up with you tomorrow for Pink & Green Thursday, this deserves a very special mention! Thanks honey! xoxox

  28. Oh beautiful! Wow, and I love those colors, too. Love the simplicity of the lime with the flower. (You know me - simple to the eye). So pretty. And fun. thanks for linking up today, Holly!

  29. OMG that is totally gorgeous! Awesome work.

    I loved Holly Hobbie...I had a Holly Hobbie lunch pail and Holly Hobbie reading glasses.

  30. Oh my. That is just too delicious, Holly!!
    I LOVE pink and green.
    GREEN (restful, soft) is my FAVOURITE colour of all time. And this tablescape is how I imagine my very own heaven.
    So pretty.
    So tranquil.
    Can I move in there, please??

  31. Yes ~ PINK. Everything should be pink. We have a whole pink "wing" of our house for the girls rooms/bathroom.

    I used to be a prop stylist for NBC health reports when we lived out east, but my assignments were not NEARLY as exciting as what you have done. Be proud of your talent.

  32. It IS one killer color combo. That cake is just incredible!

  33. your amazing.. how long did it take.. is the cake real?? I love moss and i love the outdoor chandelier.. Your my idol

  34. Beautiful and happy!

  35. How gorgeous! I dream of having parties that look like that! They look absolutely magical.

    PS I love pink, as well, but my husband has banished it to my daughter's room. I have to live vicariously through her.

  36. I hope you know that you have a skill and a talent! So pretty...

  37. I honestly can't believe how talented you are!

  38. I love PINK!!

    & the green & pink go great together!
    Lovely job!! I love how it turned out. The detail is splendid!

  39. Oh Holly that is just breathtaking. Absolutely love all of the details.

  40. OM goodness Holly that was delightful on the eyes....I love that color combo. What a great job you did.

  41. Wow! What a treat! Gorgeous!

  42. that's over the top fantastic! Love it!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  43. Holly, I can see why that would be in a magazine...stunning! Beautiful garden setting for a lunch or dinner. The chandelier is just gorgeous...I love the way you used simple plates, so that the flowers would be the stars.
    Thank you for sharing this tablescape!

  44. I am with you girl!! I have always loved pink and green together!! This is a masterpiece!!

    my tablescape is on my monkey blog

  45. be still my heart, that is how i would like to live my life, surrounded by beauty in the garden... heavy sigh!

  46. Just gorgeous! The color palette is exquisite.

    Yellow Holly Hobby for you too, huh?

  47. Wow!!! Absolutely stunning. It takes my breath away.

  48. SO beautiful & magical!

  49. Lovely what girl wouldn't love going to this party. Thanks for posting.

  50. Beautiful tablescape! Pink and green so perfect together...
    thank you Holly for your visit to my blog today....nice words on my chair find! I started working on it today!

  51. I really love how that came out. My favorite touches are the limes!

  52. OMG Holly, that is the most beautimus tablescape I have ever seen. I am so not the preppy pink and green girl either, it is breathtaking. I am printing these out as we speak, for a rainy day, just in case that I want to marry a Captain someday! No committments though, maybe we should just have a big party instead!

  53. Anonymous1:10 PM

    WOW, beautiful!

  54. I love pink and green together too. This is so over the top...that chandelier is so cool. I love those green flowers, I buy them when I see them at the grocery store. What are they...little mums? This is really stunning.

  55. Anonymous2:14 PM

    gorgeous work girl! love the colors! and perfect for summer. :)


  56. That table is amazingly unbelievable! So gorgeous and serene. I love the "chandelier!"

  57. Wowsy, wowsy, wowsy...this is OVER THE TOP! Joni

  58. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I've died and gone to pink & green floral heaven! That cake & chandelier is BEYOND dreamy~~


  59. haha probably you wouldn't be married, that's right!

    these are quickly becoming more and more popular! i haven't fallen onto the banwagon yet though...i'm loving the softer tones still...

    please don't hate me!! :) haha


  60. Anonymous6:50 PM

    What an amazing tablescape!!! I'm a new follower and love love love this post!! I'm going to have to have some of my other pink & green loving friends check it out as well!!

  61. oh la la! so lovely :)

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  62. Oh my.... this was so beautiful!!

  63. OMG....I want this whole table in my house...right now! Amazing! I love everything; so fabulous! That cake! The flower chandelier! The sweet little pink and green details!
    Great work!

  64. I love it!
    My niece is getting married in a couple of weeks, something like this would look awesome.

  65. I am lost for word....gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.

    There is not one thing I don't like about it.

  66. Those images are amazing! If only I'd been able to convince my fiance to have some pink in the wedding. Oh well. :)

  67. That is just about the most beautiful thing ever.

    Came from girl creative. Love that I found your site. I will have to follow for sure.

    Come by and say hi sometime. New blog friends are just about awesome.

    Just Another Day in Paradise

  68. incredible-- amazing-- great work!

  69. Holly this was eye candy for sure!Pinks and greens my favorite color combo!Drooling over these images!

  70. Love the pink and green. Those photos are like a dream. If I did my wedding over I want my tables to look whimsical like your shoot.

  71. In two words.. GOR GEOUS!!! AND AMAZING.

  72. Amazing and magical. What a wonderful table. Thanks for inspiring us!

  73. Holly! WOW!!!! If I ever win the lottery I will throw a party every week and have you do my tablescapes. YOU are amazing!

  74. So beautiful. The color combinations are perfect! Perfectly Pretty that is. What an ideal setting :)

  75. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it that way. eashhinsadrfctmp

  76. Somehow, I hadn't ever seen this post! These photos are so pretty, though I'm not quite sure I buy the "easily" part about recreating it any day ;)

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround :)


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!