Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Salsa on Over to Check Out Win, Lose, or Blog

Do you ever have one of those weeks
where you just cannot get it together!?
That is me this week
{it actually seems to be an on going theme}.

The kitchen is almost soon! Then we planned my son's birthday all around that Percy Jackson movie and they went and changed the release date {thanks Fox!} and my son was devastated {I think he may be a party planner in training} and so we are in scramble mode there too. And, honestly, I can live in chaos...but only for so long...I am so tired of looking at boxes and bins and crap in my living room! I think I need some serious quiet time - but that may not be until I head off to Bloggy Bootcamp in August!

WHEW! Thanks for letting me vent a little.
I could go on, but it could get u-g-l-y!
Instead I will share some of the sunshine in my foggy week...

The contestants for the Win, Lose, or Blog Challenge are up and running {maybe literally}. That was an amazing group of women who applied. Personally I just wish we could have picked them all. The group that was selected is FAB! So head on over to Win Lose or Blog and check it out! We are going to be having great posts about fitness, nutrition, and all sorts of other great topics...and you can still follow along even if you are not a contestant. You could be it next time!!!!!

In honor of the Win, Lose, or Blog Challenge, I thought I would share one of my favorite healthy and versatile recipes! I know I have shared my salsa recipe with you, but here is another salsa {at least that's what I call it} that is totally different and refreshing...a wonderful change of pace!

Come and taste my
Confetti Salsa!
 This salsa can be served with:
chunks of French bread,
a sliced baguette,
Pita Chips,
Corn Chips {store bought or homemade},
Carrot or celery sticks
{it doesn't stick to the carrot but gives a nice flavor}.
Confetti Salsa
1/2 red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
1/2 orange pepper
1 medium cucumber or half of a large cucumber
3 large tomatoes 
2 cloves garlic, minced -Of course you can add more garlic!
Handful of fresh basil leaves, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Option 1: Use Italian Dressing (Fat Free or regular) to dress the salsa. It takes about 1/4 to 1/2 cup...Start with less and add to your liking.
Option 2: Juice of one lemon, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, splash (or 2 T rice vinegar). Toss, pour, squeeze directly into the bowl of veggies and toss.
Any combo of your favorite vinegars can be used.

Red or yellow onion, finely chopped

I use the food processor - and chop each type of ingredient separately - for this recipe because I like everything chopped real small, and my knife skills are not winning me any competitions on Top Chef. Bigger chunkier salsa is also great.
-Seed peppers and cut into medium size pieces. 
-Place in Food processor and peppers in bowl.
-Slice cucumber in thick slices and chop in food processor, place in bowl with peppers.
-Chop tomatoes - your choice to do it by hand or in the food processor. Place in bowl with cucumbers and peppers. {or drain one can of diced tomatoes and add tomatoes to bowl}.
-Chop Basil into small pieces and add to bowl.
-Peel and mince garlic, add to bowl.

Add desired salt, pepper, and dressing to bowl and toss.

This is best if prepared in advance and the flavors are allowed come together.

-You can add or delete peppers depending on taste and what is available. For example, use 1 red pepper and 1/2 yellow pepper. You can also use the whole pepper to make more salsa.
-I have also used canned diced tomatoes (drained)
-I have used zucchini in place of the cucumber

Makes 2-3 cups depending on the amount and size of veggies used. 

Happy and Healthy Eating!

Now in complete contrast to this healthy little number...
a rich and delicious dessert is on tap for Thursday's Share a Spoon!

There's a giveaway going on for a copy of my book,
The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book at Hip Weddings.


  1. Yeah, I think you're feeling the blues from your kitchen not completely done yet. I need to re do my closet but I'm putting it off. Bloogy Bootcamp! That sounds like fun. It's well deserved. Can't wait to see your pics from the kitchen.

  2. Great recipe! It looks and sounds delicious and thanks for all the options!

  3. The salsa looks tasty! I sincerely hope that you get some down time, soon! Maybe just set aside half an hour to pray in the morning... you might be surprised!

  4. Yummm-o! Thanks for the salsa recipe...looks like a good one! I always address the food first! ;)
    Hang in there with everything else...take it one day at a time, on project at a time, and you'll be caught up at some point!! Thinking of you (and can't WAIT to see kitchen pics!)

  5. I would LOVE some of that salsa. Right now. Pretty please?

  6. Oh that salsa sounds great. I'll have to give it a try!

  7. I can't wait to try that salsa! Looks yummy!

  8. That looks good! I'm making tacos this coming weekend! I may have to try it!!1

  9. If you're talking about that Lightning Thief movie, on DVD, then email me... can help you out.


    That salsa looks so good, I'm making it tonight! YUM!

  10. Your salsa looks really, really good!

  11. This is all intriguing to me! I will have to check out the action. Also this recipe sounds so YUMMY. I'm a new follower of yours too. I've so enjoyed looking through your blog. You have a lot of treasures here. <3

  12. looks good!!!! I can't wait to see the kitchen!!

  13. You can do it! Your kitchen will get finished. I can't wait to see the pictures.

  14. That's an interesting slasa...will have to try it.

  15. Oh that sounds good! So excited to see the pictures

  16. Hopefully things in your house will be done (and settle down) soon!

    I absolutely LOVE homemade salsa. I also use it on things like eggs, etc. It gives things a new, different flavor and isn't as bad as pouring ketchup or something on your food!

  17. Hey sweet Holly! I know how busy you are, just know I think you are amazing and you bring so much sunshine to the world! Thanks for the confetti salsa recipe, YUM YUM YUM, the spicier the better for me! :) Wish we could be enjoying some over margaritas! xoxox

  18. You will feel more organized as soon as summer sets in and that kitchen is done... You have done alot.. dont' second guess yourself... You did an awesome diy... and Your cooking dont' worrry..

  19. I hear ya Holly. And I'm feeling it also. You're a busy woman and what I always hang on to is how much I've Gotten done, not what I have still to do. Sometimes it helps.:)
    Can't wait to see your new kitchen, I'm sure all the work and chaos will be worth it.
    Thinking of ya,

  20. Thanks for the recipe.
    I'll have to try it.

  21. I have all those ingredients on hand (thank you, Sunflower Market!) I'm going to go make some tasty salsa right now :)
    And chop, chop on those kitchen photos!

    My post for Mom Sexy Prom 2010 is up! Come to the prom with me:

  22. Having your kitchen remodeled is soooo worth it, but soooo hard when you're going through it. I'm looking forward to seeing the final pictures!

  23. lol, my week too! I got bit by a million mosquitoes in the back yard awhile ago, it's been over 100 degrees and the low will be 77, and we are always remodleing and I've got tons of trim to paint, but I am procrastinating... Hope things settle down soon.

  24. all your recipes always sound! Hope you are feeling better today :)

  25. OOOHH! I love salsas, all types and every shade!
    I'll have to try it out!

  26. I love anything salsa, anything.



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