Thursday, June 24, 2010

Share a S'mores-a-licious Mini Cake!

Psssst...come closer I have something to tell you.
This is a partial re-post from a guest post I did in March...
It was never published here...
just warning you in case you read the guest post,
and do not want to spend the day thinking "this sounds familiar." 
Think Tank Momma 
S'mores-a-licious Mini Cakes

The kitchen and I have not always been BFF's!
When I got married, it was an accomplishment to make a lasagna,
and that was usually accompanied by
"See you later honey...I have an appointment...
we'll be having lasagna ALL week!" 
Poor hubby. Thankfully, things have changed..
I now love to cook and bake, and create new recipes,
but baking is still what I love the most.
These days I try to bake only on special occasions -
I cannot control myself and do not want to spend
each minute of every day exercising...I have a blog to write!
I try to limit my baking to special occasions {boring}!
But that does not mean a few treats do not magically appear on the counter. Unless I am trying a new healthy substitution on a recipe or I am making a healthy yummy treat.
However on  birthdays and such all bets are off!

A few years ago, my son was really into planning a surprise for his Dad. We started searching for a recipe and came across Joe's Molten Marshmallow-Chocolate Cake from Sunset Magazine. My son, being named Joe, thought this cake was perfect for his Dad...because it had Joe in the title, and so we made it and it has become one of our favorites!

Well, we have made this numerous times,
so I wanted to mix things up a little.
We all love s'mores at our house...
so here is my creation...inspired by the original!

S'mores-a-licious Mini Cakes
Makes 12+
{I had some left over could probably get about 15-16 mini cakes or 6 large cakes out of this recipe}

-1 1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
-1/4 cup butter
-1/3 cup granulated sugar
-2 large eggs
-2 teaspoon vanilla
-1 cup all-purpose flour
-2+ teaspoons cinnamon {Optional..we love cinnamon and it makes for a nice flavor!}
-6 large marshmallows, cut in half or 48 mini marshmallows
-Powdered sugar, optional

-4 Whole Graham crackers, crushed
-3 Tablespoons butter, melted

Mixing, CAKE
-Add the cinnamon to the flour and stir to combine.
-In a 3 or 4 quart sauce pan, over low heat melt the butter and chocolate chips until smooth.
-Remove from heat and whisk in the sugar eggs, and vanilla until well blended.
-Stir in flour mixture. 

Mixing, CRUST
-Add the melted butter to the crushed graham crackers and mix thoroughly.
-For the mini cakes, I used a mini muffin pan. You can use either ramekins or a large muffin tin to make larger cakes.
-Butter the muffin tin.
-Place about one teaspoon of the graham cracker mixture into each muffin cup and press down firmly to form a crust.
-Fill each cup about halfway full with the batter, about a heaping teaspoon of batter.
-Place a half or a large marshmallow or about 4 mini marshmallow in the center of each cup, pressing down into the batter slightly.
-Evenly divide remaining batter {about another heaping teaspoon of batter} amongst the muffin cups and spoon on top of the marshmallow, covering it.
-Bake in a 350 degree oven until puffed and crackly for approximately 10-12 minutes {it may take up to 15 minutes...but start checking at 10}.
-Let cool for 10 minutes +/-.
-Run knife along edges to release.
-Dust with powdered sugar, optional.
{They look just as good w/o powdered sugar!} 

Serve with a VERY cold glass of milk! 
Or if you want to be super fudge sauce...
but you may have chocolate overload {is that possible?}
P.S. I hope to be visiting you all tomorrow {I hope - fingers crossed}.
Thanks for listening to me vent yesterday! I by no means think I am the only one who is busy and realize my "issues" are really not that bad. After I read it I thought I sounded whiny. Anywhoo...I have a migraine...I am going to bed and hope to be back happy and chipper on Friday to Tickle you Pink!


  1. Wow. for a minute I thought they were actual cupcakes. So cute and a great idea. I'm not a baker by any means. I'll cook though.

  2. Those look absolutely yummy! I will be grabbing this recipe for sure!

  3. Without a doubt that would be a crowd pleaser with both kids and adults!

    What is there about the taste of 'smores that makes me feel 10 years old and very happy? I wonder if others have the same experience.

  4. Good heavens, I'm craving chocolate now!

  5. Okay I have serious issues in that I see a picture of something yummy like those baby cakes and I have to immediately run & see if I have the ingredients to make right now! Thanks for sharing - we'll definitely be making these! Hope you're feeling better, my friend. Can't wait to see your new kitchen - it will all be worth the aggravation in the end!

  6. Will resist. Will resist. Oh, maybe just the frosting...ha!

    Hope you feel better.

    Does caffeine help a migraine for you?

    Gentle hugs coming your way!

  7. These look so yummy! If this is part of your detox program, then sign me up! :)

  8. Two things:
    First, hope you feel better soon. I just started getting migraines last year. Horrible!

    Second, you've succeeded in challenging my willpower. I suddenly want chocolate and marshmallows. Thanks a lot. ;)

  9. These look and sound scrumptious. And just so you know Holly, the word "overload" is NOT in a chocoholic's vocabulary. Me being one of them. I have to put these on my "to do" list.

  10. Holly, I was just thinking how its time for me to attempt my first homemade cake. Not gonna lie, I'm nervous and these kinda make me want to make an excuse to make these babies first. :) See you tomorrow for Tickled Pink!
    Heather @

  11. I love S'mores. Love them. Just this week a friend was camping and roasting marshmallows and I was craving S'mores while chatting with her. I am so making these! Yum!

    Thanks for participating this week!

  12. num num num num....! chocolaaaaaaaate!

  13. I certainly hope you are feeling better soon :)
    That cake looks heavenly! I wonder if they are on my diet? LOL

  14. I'm drooling on my keyboard.

    Hope your migraine goes away sweetie. You are doing too much and need to slow down!

    Will see you tomorrow for Tickled Pink!


  15. This looks great! I will have to show it to my daughter, The Baker, who invented her own s'more cookie recipe. You two should collaborate on a whole line of s'more products!

    btw--I'm all for recycling old posts :)

  16. Oh my, these look fabulous! My kiddos would just love these - while my hubby and I would probably devour them! I hope you are feeling better soon - I get migraines and my cocktail of chose is 3 ibuprofen and a can of coke - it doesn't cure it completely, but it definitely takes the edge off.


  17. Much like bacon, graham cracker crusts make EVERYTHING taste better! :)

  18. Oh my sweet Lord. YUM.

  19. OMG, forget green smoothies, I'm going to do a cleanse with these babies. Ha!!

    I didn't think you sounded whiny yesterday. No worries.

  20. Good heavens, that looks incredible! Thanks.

  21. Did you know that smores are seriously my favorite thing on earth?! These mini cakes look absolutely amazing!! The ingredients look perfect. I'm pretty sure I'll be whipping up a batch of these soon! Thanks Holly!!!

  22. Oh my gosh. Those sound and look AMAZING. At first glance they look just like these cookies we have here in my hometown called Bergers, but these definitely seem more cakelike than that.

    I have got to try this recipe!

  23. Once I get a kitchen back in working order I'll give these a go as well .. and I'm still waiting (patiently ..haha) to see that kitchen!
    Can't wait!

  24. This has got to be the coolest cupcake recipe Ive ever seen!!! Thanks for the awesome recipe! This will be a sure hit!

  25. OMG! This is EXACTLY the reason I asked Brandee to do desserts this week! I am so gonna try making these! YUM-O!

    Thanks for sharing!

  26. Migraines are the pits and need to go away for ever!! I am trying to remember this post. LOL. But my brain's "Mommy Mush" haha. Those smore's treats look fab. I am drooling.

  27. Wow your blog blew me outta my chair lol. it is so cute and the ideas and information and storys are awesome! I am your newest follwer from new friend friday. Have a great weekend.

    Hope you will stop by mine!

  28. Those chocolate marshmallow little cakes are adorable! I can imagine having them for a birthday party or even fourth of July.

  29. Those cupcakes look amazing and I printed out the recipe! I can't wait to make them but I probably should work out at the gym a few more times before indulging.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!