Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things My Dad Taught Me

Happy Father's Day!
I pretty much have done NOTHING to assist my own kiddos with preparing a celebration for my hubby - yes, I know, "Wife of the Year!" Hey...I did send him to the U.S. Open...that must count for something...and I cut the grass in the backyard.
Maybe I am not so bad after all?
Anyway, this is about my Dad! He and I are a lot alike - good and bad. I am pretty sure that is where I get my impatience, my eagerness, and my competitive spirit.

My Dad was a police officer for 20+ years. I am proud of that and always was. He worked funky hours, but it was a good life. He was often able to come home with his partner and have dinner with us. And then other times, we wouldn't see him for days due to his schedule. Sometimes I would get up at 1 am {or later} when my Dad got home from work. We would eat PB&J on Saltine crackers and watch Planet of the Apes or a weird caveman movie.

When I was younger, I was fascinated with Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. All the police officers chewed it {they all had mustaches too}. I thought it was special...and I thought {or was told} that you had to get it from a policeman. Every night {or day} when my dad came home from work, if I was "good" he would give me his special Police Gum and I was in heaven. I am not sure when I realized everyone could buy Wrigley's Spearmint Gum...not just police officers!

Of course, Police Gum was the invention of the man who, while we were vacationing at Lake Powell, had me convinced that the holes about 50 feet above water were fish houses, and that the yucca plant was named that because it tastes awful {yuck-a!}.

Now, life at my house was not all fun and games, my Dad takes some things very his lawn and his baseball hats!

Oh you think I am joking...NOT! He is obsessed with his lawn. He cannot go on vacation for too long because his lawn will grow too tall. We joke that he measures it daily to see if it needs to be cut...and cutting is an all day event...and, remember we live in coastal California...we are not talking acres!

Baseball hats are my Dad's signature item, placing just ahead of shorts - no matter what the weather. As for baseball hats, they must be worn correctly {bill to the front, unless you are in a boat, then it is acceptable to wear it backwards}. The bill must also be bent - just so. I am sure my Dad has a special tool for doing this somewhere. You know what is scary...I find myself repeating this to my son when he screws around with his baseball hat!

Both of my parents were supportive and gave it their all for their kids. They were always coaching our teams, or sitting in the stands cheering us on as we got older. They taught us a lot and let us grow into who we are.
So to end this, I want to say a big thanks to my Dad for teaching me... to take care of myself - but that did not mean he didn't ask the police to drive by my apartment when I moved out and lived on my own. to NOT throw like a girl. And with that, I played Little League with the boys until I was 12. I even once pitched a no-hitter shut out - who says a girl can't throw? to drive a stick shift, which I still prefer. to drive a boat and how to water ski. to ride a dirt bike. to ride a regular bike! to wash a car properly {I do not always do it, but I know how to!}
...that you can never have enough bungee cords or zip ties.
...that Peppermint Schnapps does not taste like a candy cane. to be the last person to leave a party.
Happy Father's day Dad!
And Happy Father's Day
to all the dad's out there!


  1. Hi
    Just found you on The Lady Bloggers Tea Party!
    Great blog! Lovely!

  2. It sounds like he instilled all the right qualities in you Holly. Especially the one that counts the most......appreciation. It was very nice of you to take the time to honor your dad like this.

    And it sounds like he and I are a lot alike. I see many of the same quirks and interests. I love my baseball hats and they have to fit and look just right, and I am very picky with how my lawn looks too. I hate letting the grass get too long. If we go on vacation, I cut it right before we leave, or have someone cut it once while we're gone.

    I admire him for having the courage to make a career out of police work. The unusual hours and missing your family, working on holidays, the danger, the stress, and everything that goes with his job. Not everyone is cut out for that line of work. God bless him.

  3. I love the pic of you and your dad, I can totally see him rock a policemen stache

  4. Oh goodness, he does look like a Wrigley's Spearmint policeman! That's my second favorite part of this post. My favorite part is the late night crackers and a movie with Daddy. That's just sweet.

  5. Awww Holly what a great tribute to your dad! How lucky you are to have grown up with him in your life. Love that he taught you to ride a dirt bike and to NOT throw "like a girl"! You are too funny.

  6. Sweet post.......Father's Day is such a great day. They often get overlooked and it's just not right!

    Happy Father's Day to the special men in your life!

  7. What a fun and wonderful tribute to your dad!

  8. I LOVED this post! What an awesome DAD! That is too funny about the gum, and mustache, he he!
    The picture of you two is adorable!
    My Dad, had a handlebar mustache for years, and us kid were NOT allowed to chew gum around him, it drove him nuts!
    Hope your day is wonderful!
    Mwah, Georgia

  9. I love this; really great tribute to your DAD! I am off to make a NC humid already! Time out for Dad is always best and a great meal! My hubby is fishing; doing what he loves~

    I love all the details; well done~

  10. What fabulous words about your dad. Love that special "police gum". ha ha!

    Have a beautiful day with your family and give your dad extra hugs.


  11. What fabulous words about your dad. Love that special "police gum". ha ha!

    Have a beautiful day with your family and give your dad extra hugs.


  12. Holly, I loved this post. What a wonderful Dad!

  13. I love this post to your Dad. Oh and your Hubby must be thrilled to get to go to the US Open!!

    Happy Fathers Day from our house to yours!

  14. what a beautiful tribute to your dad. It is so important that we appreciate them out loud. I am forever grateful that I had he opportunity to do that with my Dad the day before he died in December. I know it made him happy to hear how thankful I was for all that he taught me. Very Best to you both on this day.

    visiting the party from

  15. Hi Holly! Greetings from Crescent City! What are the odds that of all times of day, you and I would comment back-to-back on SITS? LOL! I loved reading about your dad, the special "police gum" and your Planet of the Apes tradition! Tell Mr.-Those Apricots-Are-Too-Expensive that we said Happy Fathers' Day!

  16. What a great photo of you and your dad and a great tribute to your dad.

  17. Holly, oh, he must be so incredibly proud of you.

  18. what a great tribute to your daddy! thanks for sharing.

  19. Holly, that was a beautiful post about your dad. I can see how much you love him when reading it. I hope he had a wonderful Father's day.

  20. LOVE the story about *police gum*!

    My daddy was also an officer.

  21. LOVE the story about *police gum*!

    My daddy was also an officer.

  22. What a great post...I am sure it was a great gift for your dad to read.

    The police gum--love it!

    And I had to laugh about you watching Plant of the Apes...I saw it once as a kid and it terrified me! I am not quite sure what I saw that was so horrible, but it was..

  23. I enjoyed reading this post so much dear's a beautiful tribute to your Dad!

    Thanks for sharing these sweet details :-)

    Cheers: Evi

  24. Sweet! I love the thing about the grass! I wrote about my dad this week too.

  25. I just found your blog through Tip Junkie's link up. :) I'm excited to look around. You have a lot of FUN things here. This post was excellent! I so enjoyed your writing. The gum story is super cute.

    By the way, I was born and raised at Lake Powell, it was fun to see you talk about it here.

  26. Hi Holly thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I truley appreciate it and every comment I get! And I think you should definitely try out that lemon meringue pie! Your kids will appreciate it so much... Even when they don't say it! :D

  27. Wounderful post about your dad!! He taught you so many things!!

  28. What a great memories.Your dad sounds like awesome dad and a person.

    I have an uncle with grass obsession just like your dad, but he does have the most beautiful lawn I ever saw.

  29. LOVE your post! You Rock Holly!

  30. It sounds like you have an amazing dad.

  31. What a great post! My brother was a police officer too!

  32. Holly, so much to say about this post. But I'll leave it at this, your post touched me very much and made me laugh also. You are very blessed to of had a father like you have. Also, you're an amazing woman.

    I don't think I'll forget this post.

  33. Aww, this is nice! You make me feel a bit guilty for just sending my dad an ecard :p

    LambAround’s latest post: A Flower Delivery MYSTERY

  34. Wonderful read Holly. I like the baseball cap wearing rules. I think they are violated all to often today.

  35. I love that your dad taught you how to throw. My dad and uncle taught me how to throw and hit. As for driving a stick....well that one is on my bucket list I guess. haha

  36. I don't know if you did this intentionally but as you were rationalizing why you were a good wife/mother (which I believe!) you said you mow the lawn and the you go on to say that your Dad was obsessed with this lawn, I think that's so cute. You guys are more alike than you realized. Great pictures and great tribute to your Pops!

  37. Hey there I'm following you from Tuesday Tag Along. Please follow me back at

    <3 Jess

  38. I agree that your dad and Matty would probably be best buds! Since my dad was gay, we didn't have a whole lot of sports/coaching going on in our house and I feel like I missed out on that. Or maybe I just wasn't born with the atheletic gene. LOL! Sweet post and you are a great wife for sending off your hubs to a great Father's Day party!

  39. That's both sweet and funny. I think it's funny you thought gum came from police officers! :) I still don't know how to drive stick nor have I skied. What a good daddy!!

  40. That is so funny... I just read a comment you had left on one of my posts about your dad being a policeman and how much you are like him in certain areas.

    I hope your dad and husband had a wonderful Father's Day.

    Love and hugs!

  41. What a beautiful tribute to your father! It made my eyes watery.

  42. My dad taught me to drive a stick shift as well, and I love knowing that I have that skill in my back pocket.

  43. Anonymous3:52 PM


    Wonderful words about one of the most important relationships we have. So happy to read a GOOD story today about the shared love between a daughter and her dad. Thank you for sharing!


    PS Does he take care of YOUR lawn?

  44. What a nice tribute to your dad! Love the schnapps lesson :)

  45. My old was a cop all his - rough on the kids though. I'm a new follower of Tuesday Tag along. please follow me back.
    Thanks, Mr. Monkey

  46. Sounds like you have an amazing dad!

    Thanks for following me! I'm now your newest follower :)

  47. Aww what a nice tribute to dad :) Thank you for sharing!

    Thank you for finding my blog and for the great comment. It drives me absolutely nuts as well when they always show a dress thats out of their price point. Have they not learned?! And yes I have watched Battle of the Wedding Planners. Anything wedding and I'm there :)

    By the way, I love your blog! Its adorable. Consider me your newest follower!

  48. Beautiful post!! Your Father sounds amazing.

  49. Thank you so much for following my blog and leaving a comment! I am now following your blog too.

    It sounds like you have an amazing Dad! That is very funny about the lawn!

    I hope your day is sweet,

  50. Daddies are definitely full of wisdom & knowledge, aren't they? Following from TTA.:)

  51. Love that he gave you "policeman gum" - priceless!

  52. What a wonderful tribute to your father. He sounds like an amazing guy. I love the policeman gum, how fun is that.


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