Friday, June 11, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 10 with a Hop!

So, I have been doing just a wee bit of research
on what it means to be "Tickled Pink."
I know some have not linked up because their posts isn't pink...
guess what it does not have to be PINK!?
This day is about stuff we {heart} from our own blogs or from others.
I thought I would throw out the "definition" of what it means to be Tickled Pink.
{I found this on The Phrase Finder.}
"'s the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'. The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
It is time for Tickled Pink No. 10 with a Hop!
WOWie...I cannot believe we are on No. 10! 
A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have participated and visited.
Link up so you can show everyone what tickles you pink on your blog, 
Feel free to link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...a fashion find...
a favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog fabulous.
You get the idea, right?
And who knows I may pick your post to SPOTLIGHT next week!
{yeah, that part is new}

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
NOW...on to PINK business!
This week, I'm tickled pink about... 
great fun for kids
glitter and paper and glue - oh my
the cutest burger-maker EVER
a reminder to love yourself 
SPOTLIGHT on summer fun 
great fun for kids
is from Simoney at Great Fun 4 Kids 
Button by The Button Box
In our house summer is birthday season.
And, well every day is another day to have fun...
or at least give it our best effort. Being a wedding and party planner, I can appreciate a good party when I see one. I also appreciate a party that is well planned without spending $1,000,000. Simoney at Great Fun 4 Kids has some fabulous parties -and we can all pretend we are fancy because these ideas are imported from New Zealand! {HA!}

The parties at Great Fun 4 Kids are thoughtful, well-planned out,
and party perfect without being overdone.
***Anyone want to join me for a dinosaur sleepover?
You must check out that cake!***
***My family is all about their cars, so I just adore the Wacky Wheels party.
Such great ideas that tie the entire party together and
she even made cute road signs with card stock and electrical tape!***
***Of course, I did not forget about the little fairies around here.
The Fairy Party is utterly enchanting!***

Simoney is also the creator of  KidsClick.
Remember...I told you all about it last week.
Well this weeks theme is "This is Me!"

These parties and ideas are sure to Tickle YOU Pink
glitter and paper and glue - oh my! 

Tammy is a master at what she does.
I continue to marvel at what she can do with
paper, glue, glitter, and her imagination.
She makes it all beautiful!
***One of my favorite projects is her repurposing of an ice cream bucket.
{I think this may be one of the first projects I ever saw of hers}***
***So, remember how I just said Tammy can make it all beautiful...
check out what she did to the dog food container.
I assure you, any dog would be wagging their tale when if they saw this!***
***When I have a party, I love to elevate my items...I use all space possible - vertical and horizontal! Tammy made this adorable cupcake stand. I see it in the future for my daughters b'day! ***
***And if you need something to put on that cupcakes stand besides cupcakes, check out this recipe for strawberries and cream! A perfect little treat!***
a the cutest burger maker EVER
is Rook No. 17's daughter 
Jenn from Rook No. 17 is actually a real life friend  - he was even a real life friend first! Jenn is a creative force to be reckoned with. She has taken a bit of a bloggy break...but I have noticed quite a few posts recently and then saw this number on her facebook page! Maddie and {my son} Joe are twins from different parents. Maddie is a cool kid who gets my sarcasm, so what's not to love.
 Jenn has been making these little cuties lately...and while I have wanted to try I was intimidated...but she shot this footage of Maddie showing us how easy -peasy it is to make one and now we are considering having a burger bar at Joe's birthday party.

Jenn is also holding a giveaway for a super cool Diaper Dudes Diaper Bag.
Go visit ROOK No. 17 to enter 
a reminder to love yourself
from Java at Never Growing Old

I just read this little reminder about loving yourself
yesterday and it really touched me and spoke to me..
so I wanted to share it. Just go visit her and
read her post titled Perfectly Imperfect 
SPOTLIGHT on summer fun
 Last week Kelli linked up her recap of 6 Days of Summer Fun with the SuperMoms. She has 6 fantastic ideas for summer fun that kids, big or little, young or old, will find magic in.
 I am most Tickled Pink because... 
I booked another writing gig... YEAH!
Oh, wait...will it cut into my blog time!?
Have you noticed I have not made the rounds this week...BUSY!
I will be enjoying some great weather {fingers crossed}, my family, and some GREAT friends! So, I am outta here for a few days!!
Happy weekend all!
There is still time to apply for Win, Lose or Blog
 Check out my post about it and go visit Win, Lose or Blog.

So, who one the super-cute Liberty of London for Target mini-journal set?
Red Door Home
Hope they tickle you pink! 
 {photo from Liberty of London}
Journal print may vary from above.

And I am giving away another set...
but they are the blue print

This There are 4+ ways to enter!
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from  home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2:
Go Follow at the DIY Club, Inc.
--Entry No. 3:
Go follow along at Win, Lose, or Blog
--Entry No. 4:
Go give some comment love at any or ALL of the featured bloggers.{leave a comment for each blog you visit blogger}
Contest  closes Thursday, 6/17/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 6/18/10.

What more info on Tickled Pink or how to nominate a product/person/idea/recipe to be featured, click HERE or simply email me! is cool to nominate yourself! Loving all of your ideas!!!!!! Bring them on!

****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere
to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.****
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}  
504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post*
{people need to know what the heck they are doing!} 
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*
*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
I am trying to visit all of your links...but in the current state of chaos that I am living in it has been very challenging. If you have commented on the post, chances are very good you have received a visit {hint, hint}. Anyway, since this is my first foray into the world of Linky's...all I can say is I am trying!
I appreciate every one's involvement!


  1. Thanks for hosting! I always enjoy stopping by your blog!

  2. Wow, lots of great stuff here today Holly! I just have to tell you that my son Big Al got an honorable mention from last week's kid's click comp! His picture was featured as was his new blog which he is very excited about. Another coincidence is your featured chef daughter's name is Maddy and she is a great cook too (with her own blog as well!)I will have to watch this clip with my Maddy!

    Thanks for having me again and best wishes for a super weekend.

  3. So much stuff to check out! I totally linked up to someone who tickles me pink.. RPatz! hahaha have a great Friday everyone!

  4. Hi Holly, I will have to make it around to your other party goes. Please don't forget that Monday is Mia Monday, and the topic Monday is Embarrassing Moments.

  5. Thanks Holly! I joined the blog hop and enjoyed reading your post today.

  6. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I am so glad to get another shot at those journals!I just joined the 30 day journal challenge and these would be perfect for the job :)
    Check out the button on my sidebar to read about the challenge!

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I am a follower of DIY club!

  8. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I am a follower of win lose or blog!

  9. This looks like a great blog hop...I love the name "Tickled Pink"!

  10. Those hamburger cupcakes are adorable! I have been wanting to make them forever...thanks for posting the video too!

  11. thanks for the party holly! stopped by to visit tammy... i love that she's a crafter with a sense of humor. i am totally embellishing my flips flops now!

  12. Yay for Tickled Pink Day---and I am super excited for you about your new writing gig. When do we get to hear more???

    Oh, and I'm in love with Liberty of London EVERYTHING. Such cute stuff!

  13. I am so excited to have won the journal! Thank you:) Love your tickled pink day. I always discover something new. I have a friend who also hosts parties similar to the ones you spotlighted. My daughter thinks they are the best!

  14. Congrats on the writing gig mama! That is awesome!

  15. Off to go check out some of your links! Always love the things you highlight. :)

  16. Thanks for another great Friday. I am off to sport day at school , but I'll be back to check out some awesome ideas.

    I love Jenn. She's so creative and her cakes are out of this world. Maddie is a sweetheart and I guess the apple didn't fall far from a tree.

  17. Holly, congratulations on your writing gig! And how fun that you have birthdays in summer that you celebrate.

  18. Off to visit some of your highlights - that's the fun part! And can't wait to check out some of the other blogs!!

  19. Great picks this week! I just love Tammy's craft projects. Have a great weekend!

  20. Thanks for spotlighting Not Just Paper and Glue- I had found (and lost) her blog in the vast, unorganized blogosphere, so I'm glad to find her again! (BTW, who's going to get around to organizing this blogosphere thing?)

    And CONGRATS on the writing gig! Can't wait to hear more!

    Have a great weekend with the fam.

  21. Holly, Coming to your blog is always a huge treat. I leave so full of blog goodies, great ideas and smiles!
    I'll check out all the great blogs you highlighted and I am participating in Tickled Pink! Can't wait to do some visiting!
    Thanks for all the work you do!

  22. I am a follower & would love to make those little mini burgers, so cute! I do think my husband would just laugh at me if I made them asking where his real food was, haha.

  23. Left a comment on the lemonade post to start and will be back later for others. :) Thanks, Holly! *Crosses fingers for Liberty set!

  24. Are we going to get to hear more about your writing gig? And how about an update on kitchen progress? :)

  25. I'm with Liz! Inquiring minds want to know! When I first read about Tammy repurposing the ice cream bucket, I thought it read ice cream truck! I was thinking "woah" that girl is serious about fixing things up! I guess I'm more in need of the weekend than I thought. Enjoy yours!

  26. Hi Holly,

    Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Your blog has really grown. You have been really busy. Its amazing! I'm going to catch up and read up everything that you are offering. Have a restful weekend!


  27. Nice ... I like what I read here ... I love the blog and everything is pink.
    A wonderful weekend full of relaxation you want!

  28. Anonymous4:13 PM

    You are like superwoman. How do you keep up? Thank you for you responses regarding the raw food detox. I have given it up. It was the most horrible stuff I've ever had. It must be my taste buds. So -- I truly wish I was made of the stuff to follow through, but I don't like more than half of the stuff on there. HOWEVER -- I did find some things that I did like and will continue to incorporate those into a healthier lifestyle. Thank you so much, Holly!

    Also -- I love the Tickled Pink highlights this week. Thank you for sharing those!

  29. I love your tickled pink Fridays. And my brain is mush by Thursday night...I need to put a little reminder on my computer to be sure and participate!!

  30. Oh there looks like some great link-ups this week. I need more time in the day to peruse them all! Thanks for hosting, Holly. Always fun to check out Tickled Pink Fridays!

  31. Thank you for highlighting my blog! You are awesome! I'm looking forward to getting a chance to visit the other blogs you showcased.

  32. Hey Holly, just wanted you to know that I received my awesome gardening book last week. I mentioned it and YOU in my VLOG I just posted :) Thank you again!!! Hopefully I can become a good gardener now.

  33. Hi Holly,
    Yes, you need to get back to Paris! I got a kick out of you mentioning that you are a "bad traveler"! We just got back from a quick camping trip up north, so now I am getting my blog fix! :) We don't rough it, we rv it!

  34. Awww Holly thanks for the shout out! You are too sweet! I am adding both your buttons to my blog!!

    Love you girl!!!

  35. Awww, thanks Holly!!! What a nice treat to be on Tickled Pink! Can I still link up? Am I too late?? I was tickled pink by our Fancy Schmancy Dinner party last week... It was FAB. So I'm going to try and link up. And I'll put the tickled pink button in my sidebar :)

  36. Totally kewl hop! Love it. I wish I had something to give away.

  37. I love your blog!
    Great fantastic pics!

  38. wow, i feel like a big dummy. i've been reading your blog for a while, and never figured out what tickled pink was all about. somehow i missed that memo. :) now that i've got it figured out, maybe i'll be back next week.

  39. oh oh oh I'm linking my yummy sangria girlie.

    Love you,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  40. Holly, it's 1:00 a.m., all is quiet (oh wait, Maddie is still awake), and I finally have some time, kinda, sorta, to myself, so I thought I'd stop by 504 Main, and WOOHOO, I was "tickled pink" to see Maddie and the little burger cakes featured here! Thank you! I, of course, had to check out the ice cream bucket tutorial over at "Life is Not Just Paper and Glue", since Mrs. Steinmann gave me about 50 of them last week. I love this feature. Yes, I could spend hours visiting all the great links. You rock, my SnarkSister!

  41. You should totally have a burger bar. It sounds like so much fun!

  42. wow look at all these goodies to go check out =) i love love that video of Maddi making those burgers with the "quote" lettuce =) she's a doll! Off to explore some of these blogs.

  43. Anonymous1:39 AM

    I would LOVE these journals! I am making some really big life changes and would love to have these beautiful books to write about it in!

  44. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Follow DYI inc

  45. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Follow Win, Lose, or Blog!

  46. Good Morning Holly!!~ Thanks for your input on the bloggie thing....I really appreciate it, as I know how hard you work to keep up as well. I have come up with my own solution, and will be following up later today on a post. Funny how the light bulb goes off sometimes:) I a still doing the veggie fruit shakes...did you see I did do a post on it and give you a shout was last Wed or Thursday....anyhoot thanks for always being a very cool blogger.

  47. Thank you so much for hosting this party! I am a new follower to your blog and just love a party!! Thanks to you also for becoming a follower of my little blog! I am enjoying this new hobby.

  48. Love seeing the ideas.. I saw the comments are off until Friday. I can't wait to see what you have to share..

  49. Wozer my dear I love all th fun stuff you posted and all the great links to ppl that is really sweet.

    I'm loving those hamburgers I'm going to have to watch the video again on how to make them.

    Birthday season is nuty isn't it :). Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  50. Holly, thanks for the tip on the washer pet tag tutorial. I love it!

  51. You marvel!? I marvel at how creative people in blog land are, everything you just listed I"m like wow.. that's sweet, wish I could do that! You are one of the top 5 creative ones I've found too!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!