Friday, June 4, 2010

Win, Lose, or Blog is Here!

There is a new blog in town
with a mission to promote a healthy lifestyle!
Win, Lose, or Blog is an fun, inspired, and original
weight loss challenge for the blogging world.

I am truly passionate about real food and the impact it, along with exercise, can have on your attitude, your body, your mind, and and your life. I do not have the answers all figured all! But I work to educate myself every day on health, fitness, and how to improve my lifestyle, as well as forge a healthy and happy path for my kiddos.
That is why I am a part of this team of fabulous ladies!
Jill from Women Who Do It All, Fawnda from Fireflies and Jelllybeans, Maria from Huff and Buff, Lindsey from Fitness for the Rest of Us, Sumo from Sumo's Sweet Stuff, and Myself have worked to create this fun and exciting new blog! 
{I just may possibly also need to get back on track after spending all of my available workout hours blogging...shhh...don't tell anyone my secret!}

have to offer you? 
Want to be a contestant?
Each season of the challenge (lasting 8 weeks) we will choose eight contestants. This is your chance to win some MAJOR prizes! The "winner" (based on percentage of body weight lost) will win one big whopper of a prize. Second and third place contestants will also win some great prizes. And everyone else will get something just for participating.

Just want to follow?
We have multiple health and fitness experts on our team who are going to be posting information, recipes, tips, inspiration and more. So come follow and get a little help living a healthier lifestyle. Also, at the end of each season two followers will win a prize (worth at least $40) just for leaving comments throughout the season. And you know it will be fun to watch the competition play out and cheer on the contestants :)

Go check out Win, Lose, or Blog!!!! And spread the word! 
Remember how each comment you leave all season long counts as an entry for two great prizes? Want to get a head start on those? Head on over to Win, Lose, or Blog and you'll notice that you can leave three comments for displaying our button on your blog and five comments for writing an exciting post announcing us to your friends. We want you to invite others to join the the fun and gain some motivation to live a healthier lifestyle.

Grab our Button and Get Ready to Transform Your Life!



  1. I put the button on my blog and had 3people ask me about it! and for me that's a lot considering I have all of 7 amazing followers!

  2. Wow! You have a lot going on here on your happy blog! Glad I visited!

  3. OH how I need this. Thanks I'm going to check it out.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  4. I am checking it out!! Not sure how to add the it the same as adding an award?

  5. Just wanted to let you know that i am a new follower from New Friend Friday!!

  6. Hi Holly.... Some awesome stuff going on here on your site. Loving it. New look is dynomite too. I'm so happy you stopped in on me. My blogging hours have been cut severly due to work. How rude is that? But Sure do enjoy an occasional communication with you and yours. I'll take a browse now to see what else you've been up 2. Take care, Keri

  7. Thanks for the link! I joined the site!

  8. This looks very interesting...I'm going to go check it out!

  9. Sounds like a useful place. Best wishes with the new blog Holly.

  10. this sounds like a cool program.

    I'm a new follower of yours from Tag along tuesday

  11. I just might do this - I'm on a roll & could use a little fun competition to get to my goal weight :) Thanks Holly!!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!