504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Tickled Pink No. 13 with a Hop
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Friday, July 2, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 13 with a Hop

504 Main
What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"...it's the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'.
The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
-The Phrase  Finder
I am tickled pink  because...
The sun was shining today... it was only 60 degrees but there was sun -
nothing like a sunny day on the peninsula!
I {heart} the 4th of July- Happy Birthday U.S.A.!
Of course we have no fireworks this year,
but I will be entering my chili in a chili cook-off!
Finally, Elizabeth at Twelve Crafts Till Christmas
featured my little ole blog and button as part of her Monday's Buttons feature. I was so honored to be asked...THANKS! Her blog is pretty fabulous too...Go Visit!
Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 13!
At first I wondered if I should skip No. 13...at weddings they often skip this number...hmmm are you superstitious? I am sort of...but I willing to take on No. 13 head on!
Don't be shy y'all!
Nominate a product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, 
click HERE or simply email me! 
It is cool to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is ginormous...
I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!
NOW...Link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a poem...a fashion find...
a favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog fabulous.
You get the idea, right?

Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!
This day is about stuff we {heart}  from our own blogs or from others.

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
This week, I'm tickled pink about...  
just 5 minutes please
gettin' a thrifty groove on
a special investigation
picnic perfection

places to party
just 5 minutes please
with Natasha at 5 Minutes Just For Me

Natasha's blog is filled to the brim with gorgeous images, true goodness, and inspiration.
You just have to see for yourself the beautiful work she does with the letter R. Wait until you see the beautiful images she uses - gorgeous!
Natasha lives in Australia {I want to go there so badly...I have a pen pal there that I have never met!}, and shares a beautiful post on the Australian and New Zealand holiday, ANZAC Day which is accompanied by her Sunday Song feature.
Her daughter, Miss M, is equally talented...you must see this fabulous Easter Table she put together - so sweet and festive! There is also a tasty recipe in this post!
So, as if I did not already want to jump on a place to Australia, then I see what her family did for her on Mother's Day! Lucky lady! Lucky Family! You can bet I will print this out and put it under hubby's pillow for next year!
Natasha is always cooking up something good or sharing some lovely photos. Take 5 minutes for yourself and go visit her.

gettin' a thrifty groove on
with Diann at The Thrifty Groove
I love thrifting and treasurer hunting, well, I have a few things to learn from Diann!
She even manages to hunt at the grocery store!
But Diann also can do up a table...
this Victorian tea takes my breather away...wait until you see her tea cups {gasp!}.
We all need a break and thrifitng is Diann's, take a walk in her shoes to see why.
{you must see these photos - if you have a toddler, this could be your house!}.
And, yes I have saved the most dangerous for last...Donuts! What does that have to do with thrifting? When you seen what Diann does with stale donuts, you will get it!
Go visit The Thrifty Groove and do a little treasure hunting of your own! 
a special investigation
from The Cellulite Investigation
 Yeah, you know that stuff...the stuff you see under the florescent lights in the dressing room. The stuff that likes you so much it does want to leave...well fear not - the Cellulite Investigator is here! She tells us all about why she began this ultimate investigation.
Then she take us on a unique trip into theories of why we have cellulite. Is it, could it be our underwear? Go read up and see what you think? And for a truly unique take on it all, we have The Cellulite Stories, Declassified, where women share their experiences in treating cellulite. You know you are intrigued, it is summer after all?
 Picnic Perfection
from Lisa at Moore Minutes
I am constantly asking hubby to go on a picnic...he thinks I am crazy. I was going to SPOTLIGHT this post...but it is such sheer and utter perfection, that I needed to give it it's own section. This charming summertime picnic has so many amazing details that is can be inspiration for an entire party or event as well. You MUST go see this amazing spread and take in all the detail and care Lisa put into this picnic.
places to party
There were some fabulous parties happening in the real world...
Here are a few new ones that tickle me pink!
I LOVE a party!
Completely Claire
Weddings, Parties, Events, OH MY! 
You can link up your party ideas and
get some great ideas from everyone else. 

Jenn at Rook No. 17 knows her way around the kitchen {and so does Mr. Rook}. She just posted The Recipe Box - a linky to share some yummy recipes! Go checkout what is there and link up your own!

A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have   participated  and visited and picked up the blog hop on their blogs. I  am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles  You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week? 
 I love when my house smells good - but I prefer a natural fresh scent...well, Cynthia of Running With Letters {one of my very first followers} blew me away with these wonderful and natural remedies.
Malia at Yesterday on Tuesday created this patriotic photo prop.
I had to share it. I seriously think I am doing this for the 4th!
Go visit to see the end result...
Songberries made the fabulous bag out of a drop cloth.

How cool is that! I love the unexpected!
My son loves his cheesecake {not that it is a staple in this house}. I never make it...I am afraid of it...until now! Pumpkin Tart Yummy delicious easy-peasy cheesecake...my son thanks you!
Of Such is the Kingdom share great, simple ways to make some extra cash and contribute to the family bottom line.
We  have NEW SPONSORS at the DIY Club!!!
Party starts on July 8! 
So, who won the book?
Michele at The Scrap Shoppe
Making Greeting Cards With Creative Materials
Hope it tickles you pink! 
This weeks giveaway is a mystery again!
There are 3+ ways to enter!
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from  home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2:
Go enter the Hip Weddings giveaway.
--Entry No. 3: 
Go give some comment love at any or ALL of the featured bloggers.{leave a comment for each blog you visit blogger}
Contest  closes Thursday, 7/08/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 7/9/10.
****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere
to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.**** 
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}  

504 Main
Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* 
{people need to know what the heck they are doing!}  
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*
*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}


  1. Thank you so much for featuring me today Holly! I really appreciate it.

    Thanks for introducing these wonderful bloggers too. I can't wait to visit them.

    Best wishes for a very happy weekend and happy 4th of July!

  2. Hi Holly,

    I am here to lend my support. I will have to go visiting others in the morning. I am too tired right now.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

  3. I just stumbled upon your blog and am so glad that I did. Happy to be your newest follower and hope to come back next week and participate in your linky party.

  4. Holly, I went and visited the blogs you mentioned and on The Thrifty Groove at the bottom was a button that said Frugal Hacker so I pushed it - and it brought me to a blog with a HUGE blogroll! Guess what I'm doing tonight?

  5. Hi Holly, Thanks the party + for featuring my photo prop ( - :

    I am loving that drop cloth bag + promptly visited springberries to encourage a tutorial.

    Hope you have a great "Holly-Day" weekend

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Ok, LOVE that post about making extra money! I use swagbucks but I never knew about the other sites she mentioned! I'm off to sign up.. like now!

  7. A lot is happening here...always :-)

    Happy Friday dear Holly.

    Cheers: Evi

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend.


  9. I'm glad things are going well with the hop!
    I can't imagine 60 degrees. We have been happy around here that it hasn't gotten above 90 for 2 days!

  10. Hi Holly! Wow, I was in for a treat when I saw your post this morning. Thank you so much for featuring my picnic. I was completely taken by surprise and it made my day. :) I've also wanted to thank you SO much for voting in that contest and for your warm support and encouragement. I feel blessed to have found your blog. You are a true treasure!! I've enjoyed your blog a lot too! I was interested today in the party you talked about on completely claire where she did the parties theme. That is a great idea and I wanted to see what party websites were listed. Have a super weekend!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting! :) And I agree with you about Elizabeth at Twelve Crafts for Christmas. She's a sweetie! :)

  12. Holly, I can't believe the temps you're having! Its in the 90's here. When I was at the lake last weekend, heat index was 105! My nose and hair line are still peeling....just awesome. :( Anyway, have a fabulous 4th!
    Heather @ www.savingmoneylivinglife.com
    PS I really think you'd like these girls & service for a Tickled Pink post:

  13. Ok - I had to go visit StoneGable's Pie in a Jar. Seriously? I can have an individual pie in the freezer and bake it whenever I want?? Yikes that sounds good. ;)

  14. I have to go check out the pie in a jar...then the cellulite blog. I little ironic that those would be the two I'm most interested in, dontcha think?!!

    And just for the record, 13 is my favorite number :)

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Oh, I would love to have some sunny, 60 degree weather. This whole 95 degree with a million percent humidity is getting old.
    Happy fourth Holly!

  16. So glad you're tickled pink by the Cellulite Investigation (and not just because pink is in integral part of its color scheme). I know there must be a button of some sort I can add to the site to show my tickled pink pride.

    Whoa, just had a flashback to when you explained to me what Google Friend Connect is. Thanks for helping me figure out this whole blogging thing! Now I'm off to find that button...

  17. Thanks so much for featuring my Easy Strawberry Cheesecake!

    I always love stopping by Tickled Pink!

  18. Holly, thank you for being such a sweetie and featuring my tote bag. You made my day! Hugs!

  19. Did you say cheesecake? I need to go check that out!

    Have a great holiday weekend!

  20. that pumpkin tart cheesecake looks rather interesting. it kinda looks cool whip-py in that photo. is it?

  21. Wow, so much fun, over here, I will be back to check all this amazing links! I have a little something for you on my blog; Come visit me ;-D

  22. I was thinking about linking my post today to Tickled Pink but I don't think it fits, Miss Holly. This is a fun post today, though.

  23. Hi Holly! Hope you're having a wonderful week, and wishing you a fabulous holiday weekend!! Thanks for hosting the hop, I linked up here, and linked you up on my post too! :) Great big hugs!! xoxo

  24. You always have great parties... I am going browsing now! Lezlee

  25. Thanks Holly for the shout out! That was incredibly kind of you. Cheesecake here I come!!!!!!

  26. Hey I am entry number 36--woohoo.

    I also posted a comment on positively splendid--what a nice post.


  27. Oh I love your ideas you featured for a perfect picnic! I bet I could even take some of those and pull them off in my own backyard!
    Fab post today my friend:)

  28. I love your tickled pink posts. I find such great blogs!

    And I love your blog. So I nominated you for a sunshine blog award on my blog! Check it out at:


  29. Maybe get rid of the kids for the night and have a picnic at home. I suspect it's the "My friends may see me" that's keeping hubby from doing it.

    I never understood that reasoning. Going on a picnic can only end well for him ;)

  30. Thanks for featuring me! It makes me wish I'd had a photo last week. Oh, well! Thanks for the linky!

  31. I love the 4th of July too. We went to a fireworks celebration last week, so tomorrow we will be having a bbq with Emmy and her fam. Yay!

  32. I didn't have a chance link up this Friday, but I'll be back,lol.

    Happy 4th of July!

  33. Holly, you are amazing. And your chili was too! Thank you for the shout-out for my recipe link. I wish I had had the energy and time to do that great 4th of July photo prop. Such a cute idea! I'm definitely going to grab your Tickled Pink button and link up too. xoxo Jenn

  34. Hey girl! I hope you had a great 4th! I checked out Rook 17 and 5 minutes just for me. You have some great featured blogs this week! Off to link up!

  35. You featured some fabulous blogs! Thanks for sharing and always taking the time to help your fellow bloggers ;)

  36. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Thanks for the inspiring blog! You have been given a special award. Pop on over to my blog to see it!


    ~Lori S.

  37. I love the idea of 5 min. just for me- such a cute blog title and from what you says she posts on, sounds like she does a great job giving herself 5 minutes. I'm also in love with any thrifting thing because that means I get to save money :) You have a great eye for blogs!

  38. What a great blog! And even better, I now have MORE blogs to check out! Thanks!

    I'm a new Follower visiting from TTA!

    Untypically Jia

  39. How did your chili win out? I hope you had a good 4th!

  40. I'm loving drop cloths, lately...and that purse is just another great example...I want to go buy up all the drop cloths, before they start charging an arm and a leg for them! Lezlee

  41. cute blog thanks for the sweet comment on mine and I am now following you back. I will have to check out some of the blogs you featured.

  42. Hi Holly! I know you must be a busy busy lady...but when you get a chance, stop by my blog. I've given you an award!


  43. She sounds cool!!! I've never been to australia and would love to go as well!!!!

    I have a few penpals from there, as well!!

  44. Thanks for spotlighting me, Holly :) So appreciate it. Once I'm back in the swing of things here, I'll have more blogs to check out, too!

  45. Anonymous12:17 AM

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  46. Anonymous10:11 AM

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  47. Anonymous9:12 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Thanks for sharing this link, but argg it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if someone here at www.504main.com could post it.



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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