Friday, July 9, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 14 with a Hop

504 Main
What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"'s the figurative sense of the word that means 'to give pleasure or gratify'.
The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
I am tickled pink  because...
There is yet another b'day party in this house...
and my parents are making a surprise visit - the kids will be thrilled!

For those who chili did not win..whatever!
 There were some amazing recipes  - 12 entries - and i do believe the hostess of the event Ms. Rook No. 17 will be posting them on her blog...I'll let you know!
Finally, the very talented Amy at Positively Splendid made my day last week. She wrote up a fabulous {if I do say so myself} post about me! Man-oh-man was I surprised and touched. If you do not know Amy you should go check her creative woman!

Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 14!
{sorry these posts are so long...I get carried away!}
Don't be shy! 
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, 
click HERE or simply email me! 
It is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is ginormous... 
I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!
NOW...Link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short  story...a poem...a fashion find...
a  favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog  fabulous.
You get the idea, right?

Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!
This day is about stuff we {heart}  from our own blogs or from others.

I am also adding a "I've Been Tickled Pink" Button
for those who have been featured and want to put it on their blog.
Click HERE for the featured button.
welcome to the red door home
I've gone bananas
veggie cooking

welcome to the Red Door Home

You know that home that always catches your eye,
I imagine it looks something like the Red Door Home.
One of the first posts I read was about the landscaping around the home. My own landscaping is a {perpetual} work in progress, and I saw Stacy's landscaping project and my jaw dropped...they did this amazing work themselves! Truly worth a long look!
You know how I love a redo, well this table redo is absolutely amazing and I want to fashion my own to look very similar. It is purely wonderful.
And while on the topic of a redo, you do not want to miss Stacy's Secrets to Finding Roadside Treasure! I need this...I want o find some incredible items too. Will that mean my home will look like the Red Door Home, no, but I will be happy!
My mouth was open in awe at this entire post on her daughter's bedroom redo! It is the type of space you dream of! All of the personal and well thought out details will make you swoon!
Red Door Home is an inspiring blog with a plethora of amazing
ideas and inspirations for you own home.
I'm bananas for Sugar Bananas!
I stumbled across Sarah's blog a few months ago and was instantly in love!
The first post I saw was about her natural deodorant. Seriously, I was drawn in...I am so into {trying} to live naturally and chemical free.
But her talents do not stop there, this girl can cook!
I firmly believe in the power of the tortilla...I seriously love tortillas...
and she makes her own tortillas. I need a tortilla press!
Sarah also tempts my sweet tooth with her chocolate mug cake
veggie cooking from Nanny Kim's Recipes
I am always on the lookout for a good recipe, and if it is a vegetarian recipes,
I consider that a double-score! 
There are some really amazing recipes on this site including
Lemon Basil Ice
18-hour white whole wheat bread
Black Eyed Peas with Spinach
Mexican Fettuccine 
Many of the recipes are also gluten free
{some include chicken or fish}.
There are just tons of wonderful recipes..too many to list!
 s'more-iffic treats
S' I need to say more.
I've been playing with s'more combos forever and
am always delighted to find a new way to enjoy one of my fave treats!
Here are a few s'more-iffic treats.
Rook No. 17's summer s'mores bars and s'more's on a stick.
{see, I am lucky enough to try this treats in real life, so I know they ROCK!}

Kinser Event Company is sharing her find of a s'moretini...
yes, you heard right...a s'moretini!
You will find yourself drooling over her blog too...just simply gorgeous!
Lisa at Shine Your Light is also doing her share of damage in the s'mores department!
First she chatted about making s'mores more delicious and then she posted some more recipes all about indoor s'mores! 
I personally like my s'mores on butter cookie with a
smidgen of natural peanut butter and chocolate, of course!
How do you like yours?

When I began Tickled Pink, I had no intention of doing a linky and featuring participants. I am glad I changed my mind...but man here is so much good stuff on this linky! I have a hard time choosing...I am trying to give everyone their spotlight...
certain things catch my eye at certain times!
A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have participated and visited and picked up the blog hop on their blogs. I  am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week? 
 The Train to Crazy refashioned this skirt into a skort. My daughter is all about wearing shorts but not skirts - think this will fool her?...I will be converting her skirts soon.
Words on Wheels who in the spirit of kitchen demolition {something I can relate to!} made this fabulous tray out of the old doors!
They carted away my doors (no helping them) but I have plans for the drawers!
Hope they turn out this good!

I {heart} this idea so much! Check out Mother*Lode's FAB project...

child's art turned softie!
Jan at Bobbypins Boardwalk gives us {and I NEED them} tips on how to not waste produce! Great ideas...check it out!
Check out this shirt refashioned into a super sweet dress from Work, Wife, Mom...Life.
What a fabulous way to re-purpose a common item.
You have to go visit to see it on the adorable model!

A thrifty and fun pillow from A Little Bit of Everything
StoneGable's Pie in a jar! I do cakes in jars, but never tired a pie!

Before you go, be sure to check out diy Design Fantatic's Home Tour! I loved what she did with her daughters bedroom a few weeks ago, but her entire home is amazing! 

 The NEW Party is ON at the DIY Club!!!

I'll be grabbing the hop and posting a new project.
Check out my Grilling Menu/Tool Board!
So, the mystery giveaway is the same book I had last week too!
Beverly at Flamingo Toes is the winner! 
Making  Greeting Cards With Creative Materials

Hope it tickles you pink! 
This weeks giveaway is a mystery again! 
There are 3+ ways to enter! 
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!! "Nice journal", "Nice post," "Learn how to work from  home," and the like - doesn't count!
--Entry No. 2: Follow the DIY Club.
--Entry No. 3: Go give some comment love at any or ALL of the featured bloggers.{leave a comment for each blog you visit blogger}
Contest begins on 7/8/10 and closes Thursday, 7/15/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 7/16/10.
****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.**** 
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}

504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* 

{people need to know what the heck they are doing!}  
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*

*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
Hi all! Crazy days here...what's new!
I am visiting your links, but due to extenuating circumstance, my commenting is lagging...sorry! I know everyone is super busy right now!
Thanks for taking the time to link up!


  1. Holly I won??? I'm so excited! I'm seriously in need of some card-making help - I was born without a scrapbooking gene I think. ;) Thank you so much!

    And I have to say all the yummy food looks amazing this week. I can't wait to go try out some of the recipes you've featured. Pie in a jar sounds heavenly. ;)

  2. You are so kind to feature all of these fabulous bloggers each week Holly. I can't wait to go and visit them.

    I haven't had time to do a Friday post today. The school holidays are nearly over so my kids and I have been busy spending lots of time together and having lots of fun!

    Best wishes for a fabulous weekend,

  3. Hey hey Holly! I'm so frustrated because that Smores bar recipe won't load. I actually had smores on the 4th in Indiana w/ hubby's family...never a disappointment!
    Heather @

  4. Hi Holly,

    Hope all is well. Popped over to say see you,and join in your hop.

    Join me monday for Mia Monday.

  5. You are food heavy this Friday! That mug cake is UNREAL!The pie in a jar is what I'd go for, though. Not a huge chocolate nor cake fan.

  6. Holly,
    This is fastly becoming my favorite post in all of bloggland. You find the most creative people and these are some fabulous posts! I just love to see what tickles you and others pink!
    Thanks for the shout out!
    I know this must take a great deal of time and effort~ So, thank you sooooo much!
    You are the BEST!
    xo Yvonne

  7. Thanks for featuring the skort!

    Andrea @

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I know how much time it takes to feature blogs, yet you find time to do it all the TIME. Thank you for including my tips on NOT wasting produce with the wonderful goodies. Much appreciated and made me smile this morning. Since I'm trying to avoid anything fattening lately, I visited the design fanatic's home and loved the home, yet my favorite was all the beautiful outside landscaping!

  9. So glad to be linking up to this weeks party. I threw my husband a surprist 30th B-day party at a minor league ball park. It was such a great setting, and of course no party is complete without attention to details like invites, centerpieces and entertainment. Hope you can stop by for a Latte and check it out.

  10. Wow, so much to check out! I'm drawn in to the s'mores.

  11. OMGosh..I JUST found your amazing blog and instantly signed up to follow you to the ends of the earth!!
    I can just FEEL the excitement jumping off your page. Love it!!
    I will be linking up...just about everything in the whole wide world TICKLES ME PINK !!
    Come by to see me when you can.
    xo bj

  12. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Thanks for hostessing another great party! Have a great weekend :)

  13. I'm a new follower on bloglovin'. I really enjoyed your post on s'mores and can't wait to try the addition of peanut butter since we love the peanut butter/chocolate combo. The picture was just delish!
    Thanks for the giveaway, can't wait to see what the prizes are!

  14. I also entered the Hip Weddings giveaway.

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The artwork turned pillows are ADORABLE! I love them! :)

  16. Holly,

    You are so amazing to do this and find all the goodies for us each Friday. I'm sorry I didn't link up today.

    I'm curious to check out the deodarant b/c I've been looking for something natural in that dept lately. I posted today about using organic tampons, but would like to also post about deodarant. I tried one or two kinds, but they didn't work as well as I'd hoped. grrrr.

    that smores recipe looks amazing, and I'm also interested to check out your veggie friend.

    your tickled pink posts always make my day!

  17. Found you on NFF and linked up my craft! Thanks for hosting!

    That pie in a jar looks SO good right now! My boring lunch would be perfect with a big glass of milk and that for dessert : )

  18. I loved Bobbypins Boardwalk's tips to keep fruits and veggies from spoiling. I especially loved the detergent and vinegar bath everything gets when it comes home from the store.


  19. I just kept on scrolling when I saw the coffee mug cake and the smores. Wowzer they looked good :)

  20. Love the blogs you featured! Some are old favorites and some new. Thanks for the shout out for my tea tray, too.

    I'm already enjoying myself hopping from blog to blog this week.

    Guess that would make me tickled pink!

  21. Ooh. A pie in a jar. It looks so good but I'd find a way to mess it up.

  22. Sorry to hear about your chilli not winning, Holly. Enjoy the birthday and have a wonderful visit with your parents. Love and hugs, from me to you. :)

  23. I love these. I've stumbled upon so many great blogs through your site :)

  24. I am in the process of passing on an award to you :) Stop by to pick it up.

  25. Holly, as always, a wonderful batch of links and features! Thank you for always introducing us to talented new bloggers every week!

    I'm still working on getting all the recipes for the chilis from the cook-off. Yours may not have one, but it's still one of my favs! I love the fact that you use whole roasted chicken instead of ground. I'd love to have your recipe to feature!

    I'm honored to have been included in your links and hope that your readers will enjoy the S'more inspired recipes!

    I can't wait to check out the pie-in-a-jar! As you know, we share an affinity for baking stuff in jars!!

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  26. Hi Holly,
    We have always rented so I've never been able to make my house a home with all the DIY's. In a way it's been nice to rent, since we have moved a few times. We could just pick up and go. But, I would love to paint these walls a color other than white.
    And do you know how long it's been since I've had some S'Mores? A long time. These look absolutely delicious.
    Have a great weekend my dear.<3

  27. Holly your TP Friday's are filled with so much awesomeness it is hard to believe you can find more each week! And you do!! I have only managed to get two blogs so far...but they are awesome. What can I say!!

  28. You always find stacks of beautiful and inspiring things - thanks Holly! x

  29. What a wonderful blog...I always enjoy my stops...have a great week

  30. Those smores are looking scrumptious!! I have never mastered the art of smores, but it's always fun to try... Love those skorts too :) Have a great week!

  31. Ok, Red Door Home is definitely my kind of website! She has some great decorating ideas and I'm definitely in need of a few right now. We're hoping to redo our bathroom in the next month or two. I'll be looking to her blog for suggestions. Thanks for linking her up!

  32. Holly, these are sooooo nice. The home tour & the landscape project give me the inspiration to do the projects I need to do. Thanks for sharing.

  33. THese Tickled Pink's are always so neat. btw, I gave you an award last week and forgot to tell you, lol.

    Hey, what can I say? It's been a hot summer so far.

  34. Thanks for this "no stress" party, Holly. I haven't had a chance to do much crafting this week so I appreciate your party even more!

    And lots of great ideas like the skirt/shorts... wish I had those growing up! BIG Hug! Malia

  35. Hi Holly. Just returned home from a few weeks vacation with the family. Thought I'd check in on you to see how you are doing. Your blog looks great and it was fun to see your linky. Hope you are having a wonderful summer. Pie in a jar?...I'm sold! Also, I'm a creative smore junky as well. See...we were separated at birth. You just got all of the creative genes. Holly:)

  36. I hope the surprise birthday arrival was lots of fun!

  37. Have a fabulous summer dear Holly!

    Cheers: Evi

  38. I'm not linking up just yet! I did want to say, what a great write up and your gorgeous setting!!!
    You are sooo talented~

  39. SO much to comment on! First sending a Happy Birthday wish to your that your parents are making a suprise visit. Oh and second...I can never get enough of those little lovlies!!

    Loved your post!

  40. I follow this blog.

  41. I follow DIY club.

  42. I think turning your kids art into a stuffed toy is just genius!

  43. I commented on Flamingo Toes. She has a neat necklace tutorial that is a must to check out!

  44. I love the land of blog...I have been looking for a new tray, but I really wanted to make one "mine." I love the idea of re-purposing a cabinet door...very unusual. I am a new follower, thanks!

  45. Hey Holly! I hope you're having a great week! I passed an award your way. You deserve it!

  46. I seriously want smore's EVERYTHING now Holly! Coming to your blog is seriously killing my will power! Hehe!

    You find the coolest things!

  47. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back. :)



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!