504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Tickled Pink No. 17
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 17

504 Main
What does it mean to be Tickled Pink?
"The tickling pink concept is of enjoyment great enough
to make the recipient glow with pleasure ."
I am tickled pink because... 
well, honestly, today did not tickle me anything...
Between the book deadline,
getting lost in Pebble Beach for one hour+++ and almost running out of gas,
back to school shopping and preparing,
doctors appointments, preschool drama,
and finishing up some DIY...I am beat!
On the pink side...
I did get to have coffee with a good friend
and watch Project Runway...that does tickle me pink!
writing Tickled Pink makes me very happy
so that I will get a little perk me up!!
Oh yeah, can you say "L.A., Baby!" Hello sunshine! Here I come.

Now, it is time for Tickled Pink No. 17!
{some of you may be happy...this post is shorter than usual!}
Don't be shy! 
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, 
click HERE or simply email me! 
It is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is ginormous... 
I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!
NOW...Link up...
a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short  story...a poem...a fashion find...
a  favorite product...your favorite post...whatever makes your blog  fabulous.
You get the idea, right? 
Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!

This day is about stuff we {heart}  from our own blogs or from others. 
Click HERE for the "I've Been Tickled Pink" featured button.
wit, sass, sarcasm...and a little gin
smile and glam
where are your roots
{swoon} ruffles {swoon}
you light up my blog 
wit and sass...and a little gin
Who could I possibly be talking about?
Ericka from Alabaster Cow of course!
When I began Tickled Pink I wanted to be able to include blogs of all types - not just crafty, not just cooking - but to also highlight the amazing wit and writing that is out there!
Ericka personifies that and much more. And in her "about" section she used my favorite word about 1,000,000 times {oh crap!}. Ericka's style is real, sometimes raw, and honest.
Dear Ava is a post I adore - the perspective on welcoming her new baby girl is awesome. I am not one of the heart and flowers types of moms. Being a mom scares the carp out of me on a daily basis. But I wouldn't change it for the world. ********
How to Write a Book cracks me up and I can identify...and I bet a whole lot of you can too. So  grab your notebook and triple latte {mocha for me!} and let's write!

Do you Facebook? Do you "like" it? A little perspective on what those little status updates aren't saying!
An ode to the bad news fridge and the reason Ericka may be the way she is.
What's a bad news fridge...you just have to go find out for yourself.
Take a peek, and say hi to Alabaster Cow, enjoy some fresh and well thought out writing 
{not for the weak by the way! Crap again!} and some gin!
{much of this will make sense if you go visit!}
Check this out too!

 I so often get caught up in play dough, karate, and crayons, I forget about the beautiful images and inspiration floating around out there.
Georgia is the go-to glam girl of
I get an instant smile when I see the beauty on her blogs...
and I LOVE the name Gi Gi!
Her posts are simple, stunning, and
she also incorporates some really beautiful quotes.
Pink Love is filled with some gorgeous images
and a sweet observation about the rose.
I am a night owl. I enjoy sitting outside and looking at the moon, I always have.
Light of the Moon is a post filled with dreamy images of the night and the moonlight. Kind of makes me want to dance in the moonlight.
If you are looking for some gorgeous images to make your day, pay Georgia a visit.
where are your roots?
A few years ago I began looking into my family tree. I got a little sidetracked and put it aside. I have so few relatives alive that can share anything with me, but I am fascinated nonetheless. Well, I recently found out a little nugget {which I will share later} and am back on track {hopefully}. Which is why I find so many of Kimberly at Terra Del Sole's posts on her ancestry so fascinating. The stories of where we all come from our so intriguing and worth knowing. Go visit Terra Del Sole on Friday's when she dives into her ancestry.
{swoon} ruffles {swoon}
I cannot get enough of ruffles!

Lisa at Moore Minutes has a completely gorgeous post on ruffles!
Just go check it out if you want some girly ruffly goodness.
you light up my blog
I'm cheating a little...this was actually from last week, but it has been on my mind. I use so many photos on my blog and I find it hard to get a good photo sometimes. From Scrap Shoppe is this great tutorial on how to make a light box.
I am making one...I love a good photo!
I have a hard time choosing...I am trying to give everyone their spotlight...but man here is so much good stuff on this linky...certain things just catch my eye at certain times!
A big huge-a-licious THANK YOU for all who have participated and visited and picked up the blog hop on their blogs. I  am so enjoying visiting your links and seeing what Tickles You Pink! Who will be in the SPOTLIGHT next week?  
A little Getting Over Myself is an inspired and touching post from Simoney at GreatFun4Kids.
 A gorgeous Parisian wreath from Frenchy at La Chateau des Fleurs
 A tutorial for seriously chic and sassy potholders {I need new ones} from Just Sew Sassy.
 A FAB bath redo with a FAB budget from Gracie Green Home.
Looks like a million bucks {the bath is next on our DIY list}.
Clever, clever, clever! Paisley Passions upside down shelf is awesome.
A little of this, a little of that, and some bling from Still Waters.
 A super fun frame idea from Yesterday on Tuesday.
Who doesn't love a lollipop. Thanks to Bird Crafts for the tutorial on how to make one!
 Kitschalicous calls them the coolest night lights ever...and I think they are!
A super cute hat {we all could use a hat right?} from less cake {more frosting}.
Who won last week's giveaway....drum roll please.....
Lisa from Moore Minutes

{if you want to know how I pick these...I scientifically ask my son for a number between 1 and however many comments there are. So technical!} 
You may notice I made a boo-boo about my deadline last week...OOPS!

This week's giveaway is {again}:
There is ONE way to enter! 
--Entry No. 1 {required}: 
*You need to be a follower of 504 Main {some of you may want to double-check if you are tyring to enter} AND
*You need to leave a relevant comment about at least one feature!!!!

Contest begins on 7/29/10 and closes Thursday, 8/5/10 at 11:59 p.m. EST 
The  winner will be announced on Friday 8/6/10.
Happy Friday!
Crazy days here...what's new!
I am visiting your links, but due to extenuating circumstance,
my commenting is lagging...sorry!
 I know everyone is super busy right now!
Thanks for taking the time to link up!
****I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not adhere to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.****
****These are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes are supplied by me.**** 
{photos appearing here are copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured}

504 Main

Show Me What you Got!
*It does NOT have to be pink or pink-related* 
*Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* 

{people need to know what the heck they are doing!}  
*It does NOT have to be a new post*
*Visit some peeps on the hop*

*It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}


  1. Your writing makes me SMILE. Sounds like a bad luck week...BUT the trip to California sunshine will be awesome...wish I was coming...

    And! I was happily surprised to see the feature on my ruffle WISH LIST, <3. Thank you!

    That upside down shelf is a genius idea...who would have thought?

  2. You host the BEST parties! :) I can't believe how much good info you pack into these posts. I'm getting ready to redo my bathroom cabinets, too, and just finished the walls (meaning three months ago - everything's relative here!).

    I'm popping over to see what she did with hers!

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Hi Holly -- Having done floral designs myself, I'm always intrigued to see what others come up with. I loved the Parisian wreath when I stopped by to see it. Seems like the thing to do now is to add items other than just flowers to add pow. I love a wreath on the front door, but at one time I had flowers and greenery all over my house. It was an inexpensive way for me to decorate since I did it all myself. I got rid of almost every single piece of greenery and flower in my home, but I always enjoy a wreath on the front door. I also enjoy your parties tremendously. It's so obvious that you put a lot of work into them. You're great!

  4. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I double-checked, and I am a follower!

  5. I read that post Simoney did-it was fabulous wasn't it! She is a delight.

    Thanks for having me this week. Hope your weekend is a little better than the crazy week you just had!

    Best wishes,

  6. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Hey Holly! I had to come by today to see what tickles you pink this week, and I linked up to share some things I'm tickled pink about too! :) Can't wait to look through your list of faves. Hope all is well!

  7. Uh oh...getting lost and almost running out of gas are 2 very bad things!

    I just bought some new tops and they ALL had ruffles!! Which is not really like me.

    I've always thought Ericka's idea for Stick Figure Saturday is pretty funny all by itself.

  8. Wow, that's a lot of info! I'm anxious to check out each of the blogs you featured. I love finding new blogs to follow!

  9. Holly, dear, you just made my morning highlighting my light box tutorial! Thank you! xoxo

  10. Hi Holly!

    Well sounds like you are busy,busy,busy! Hope things slow down just a bit for you.

    Looks like a lot of fun spotlights today! thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Holly, I'm a night owl like you! Bedtime last night was 1:30 am and actually I kept thinking surely Tickled Pink will go up any second. Surely Holly doesn't stay up past 2 am to do this thing but then I remembered our major time difference, pretty sure you're 2-3 hours behind me. :) I LOVE Gigi's website, it's so inspiring. I occasionally visit already for a little pick me up!

  12. Holly,

    You always feature the most awesome blogs. I love checking out who I will meet each week. I love Yesterday on Tuesday! I saw that picture frame over there earlier in the week and loved the idea! Have a great weekend!

  13. Anonymous9:09 AM

    you are awesome holly! thanks for this!! :)

  14. Oh, going to go check out that wreath now...it's beautiful!!

    Thanks for this meme, Holly!

  15. Good, bad, happy, sad...
    Whatever news you share
    You make me smile, Miss Holly
    I'm glad you're in the blogosphere!

  16. Holly, I love your scientific method for the drawing ;)

    Alabaster Cow is killin me! I love here style! I particularly enjoyed her rant about FB. Ya just gotta love a website (Facebook) that capitalizes on everyone's inner narcissist! Here comment, george clooney (smug bastard, with your stupid smile, and your “oh, look i play basketball with freaking anybody including the sound guy and this assistant i just met.” grumble)." slayed me!

  17. Anonymous10:46 AM

    You made my day! Imagine my surprise when I popped over to check out the linky party and there was my Upside Down Shelf as a feature! Thanks so much! Always an honor to be featured :)

    Thanks for having such a fun blog and for hosting each week :)

  18. Awesome! Thanks for the feature! I am tickled pink ;)

  19. Do you have a "featured" button that I can post on my blog? I want to point other people over here ;)

  20. Some more great links Holly. Now time for me to get lost in the Blogosphere.

  21. Hi! Just found ya from hodgepodge life. Such a FUN blog site you have! Just linked up, thanks for hosting. Come say HEY! sometime. ;) Have a fab wknd.

  22. PS: Do you do weekly parties?~I added to you my list to link back here, just makin sure..

  23. I will enter the give away and thank you for spotlighting me!

  24. Holly you are just the sweetest!Big Smocchies!
    I am sorry you are having a ruff morning! Not a big fan of mornings! I am a night owl too! It makes it a little hard with kids, huh!
    How you juggle it all is beyond me! Just an amazing woman!
    So tickled pink to be apart of this lovely post! So many beautiful blogs to check out!
    Hope you have a relaxing and wonderful weekend!
    gi gi

  25. Thanks for the mention Holly! I really appreciate it!

  26. I love that wreath from Frenchy. Everyone knows that wreath making is my thing, but I've never made the flowers from ribbon before...I'll be trying that out soon!

    Have a great weekend!

  27. This is such a cool idea! I'm off to check out the links!

  28. I'm coming from Mimi...I'm following...I'm joining the blog hop. You are simply my kind of girl. Love your wit, whimsy & style. What else can I say?
    xx's Marsha

  29. I loved the bathroom make over!! That was amazing!

  30. One of these times I WILL participate in the Tickled Pink Hop! :) Your blog is so full of fun info and the blogs you feature are so interesting! I would love to be one of them someday! :)

  31. I have loved reading your blog! It is great to see what's out there, since I never have the time to just search the internet world and find all this great stuff! The Potholders on Just Sew Sassy made me smile... I love love love to cook and bake... Spending time in the kitchen for me is like taking some Prozac for some :-) I am planning on giving my kitchen a makeover and can't wait to make these adorable kitchen accessories! Thanks! Teauna @ www.fromcupboardtocupboard.blogspot.com

  32. I was disappointed that I couldn't get your blog to load yesterday - I'm glad I made time to pop back today! alabaster cow is definitely going on my reading list :)

  33. you are awesome! you found some really great sites... thank you!

  34. I'm really interested in the lightbox!

  35. Hey Holly, wow, thanks for Highlighting my "Getting over Myself" post!! what a nice surprise when I dropped in to link up!

    I love the look of alabaster cow too; will have to pop over and visit her.

    I've linked up my latest girly birthday party for my daughter's sixth. I think you will love it. Very fancy. Very YOU.
    Luv from Simone

  36. Hi Holly! I am dying to know how your weekend was? Will you be doing a post on your adventures? BIG Hug! Malia

  37. Dear Holly,

    This is my first visit and I do hope I can visit you often
    I came from Tuesday Tag Along & now your follower
    happy Tuesday


  38. Oh, I love this "I am tickled pink because... well I'm NOT" hahah. I'm sorry you had a rough week and at least you ALMOST ran out of gas instead of the other option, eh?!? Coffee with a friends sounds like a delight!

  39. I am linking up in your link party,and following you also..
    thank you,

  40. I've stopped by your blog tonight with an invitation for you! :)

    In celebration of reaching 200 followers, I am having my 1st ever link party. If you get a chance, I’d love for you to stop by!

    Come Link Up With LambAround! WOO HOO!

  41. The weather is great out here in So Cal, so I hope you enjoy the heck out of it! Very cute meme by the way!

  42. Hey There! :)

    I'm stopping by from Tuesday Tag Along!

    I hope you'll stop by my blog too.
    Oh! And feel free to join in with my new blog hop, Wobble Over Wednesday.

    -Amanda T

  43. Anyone who's a fan of Alabaster Cow must be cool. I love Ericka!

    Thanks for coming by Empress' yesterday and reading my "less is more" post. I know I've been here a few times. I need to get you on my RSS feed now!

  44. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Gosh girl, you are busy!! I love your Tickled Pink feature! I wish I could make pretty wreaths. But sadly I am not crafty. At all. lol

  45. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Holly, I'm an idiot. I've been over to the DIY Club site and for the life of me cannot find where you link up a project. This happened to me when the DIY club first got started too. Truly, I must be blind. I do have a project to link, but cannot find where to link it. Please help me..... (By the way -- there is no hurry. I'm not as desperate as it sounds (haha). I know life is crazy for you right now.



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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