Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Almost Quit!

I almost quit...
but instead I finished. has been sent to publisher!
{doing a happy dance - be glad you cannot see it}
I am TICKLED PINK, Purple, Blue, Green - EVERYTHING!
I just wanted to say hi to everyone and thank you all for sticking
around during this period of craziness and blog neglect. 
{I have not abandoned my blog for Twitter}
I was seriously questioning my sanity for the last 6 weeks or so.
There is all kinds of fabulous getting ready to happen here
{at least I think it is fabulous}
TONS of DIY Projects - I have been very busy!
Cool giveaways!
Bloggy Bootcamp Notes.
Some real writing {again}
{other than my DIY tutorials}
a mini makeover
and whatever else strikes my fancy.
 Also, be on the lookout for...
huge projects and opportunities with the DIY Club.
The new party starts this Friday!
Are you ready?
We have some changes coming!
That's all for now folks!
{did you see Bugs Bunny run by}
Yes, I have slept 8 hours in the last 3 days
{I know people have it much worse}
but now I can barely see - it is all fuzzy...
I am slightly delirious...
must go to bed.
I miss visiting everyone and hanging out in the blogworld.
I promise I'll be by to visit very soon
{I think I am only 4-5 posts behind!!!}


  1. Wooohooo! Congrats on Finishing!!
    That must feel so good. :)
    Looking forward to all the exciting thing coming up!

  2. Yeah! The book is off to the publisher! I'm glad. I miss your blogging! ;)

    See you soon!

  3. I'm glad you stuck it out! x

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    yay congrats!! :) AND I <3 DIY :) so start sharing ;)

  5. Congrats Holly!!
    I hate it when i fall behind on my blogs. Sometimes you just can't help it. : )
    Have a happy Wednesday

  6. HUGE accomplishment, Holly! Congrats!

  7. Awesome! Congratulations to you! :)

  8. Holly, What a huge accomplishment... Congratulations!!!! Ending well is the hardest part of any endevor.
    So glad you can visit and create now with us and for us!!!!
    I'm looking forward to all the new and fun changes ahead!

  9. You are wonder woman!! I hope you catch up on your sleep, and can destress a little!

  10. Congrats on your awesome accomplishment! I think you need an extra mocha?

  11. awesome! can't wait to see some of your projects, so glad you're back and full of energy, it's a good day.

  12. When you are rich and famous, I can tell everyone I know you.

    Sleep tight.

  13. Congrats to you for sticking with it and finishing it up! Woohoo!

  14. When's the first book signing? So happy for you Holly.
    Randy and Colt just had their book placed in one of our local Canadian book stores. Colt, my 16 year old did all the intro's and talking. They took 3 copies. I'm so proud of him, like I am of you my friend. Now breath.
    Love Claudie
    P.S. Not sure why you just have Google Acc "choose an identity". I don't use my google account, that's why it takes you for a loop around to my real blog. Would you consider adding:
    1. Go to: Settings / Comments

    2. Find the following option: Who can comment?

    3. Choose "Anyone - includes Anonymous Users

    Thanks Holly

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Well, I'd say that this deserves a high five, hug, and happy dance! I'm very proud of you for finishing and ACCOMPLISHING.

    Looking forward to what you accomplish next, too!

  17. So proud of you Holly! Anyone that can maintain their sanity, still stop and visit your friends' blogs AND write a book is a SUPERHERO in my eyes.

  18. Way to go, you're amazing! Also, I just love your contagious happy energy! :)

  19. Way to go on getting your book finished! We just finished a photo book for my son and that was torture enough. I can't imagine writing a "real" book. LOL Can't wait to see it when it hits the shelves!

  20. I am so happy for you and wish you the best with your book! I just finished an article I am submitting to a major magazine and am hoping it gets a positive response! Fingers crossed!

  21. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Yay! Congrats!

    I did mention the new DIY month in yesterday blog.

  22. Congratulations on finishing the book!

  23. Congrats! What an accomplishment, you must feel great!

  24. holly, glad to hear you did not quit.. so glad to hear the book is done.. I am thrilled to hear real writing is coming back not just DIY stuff... yeah...

  25. Congrats Holly! I'm so excited for you. I can't imagine the incredible feeling of relief that you must feel. Now, go sleep for at least three days straight! ;)

  26. Sooooo happy for you! Woot woot!

  27. Congrats Holly! Now you go get some well deserved shut eye!

  28. you go... and go... and go girl! good for you. can't wait to hear about all the stuff you touched on. if you have the energy, i'd love for you to link up one of your lovely projects to my 1st link party "a crafty soiree"
    xoxo malia
    ps so glad you're back to bloggin'


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!