Thursday, November 18, 2010

DIY! Cameo Ladies Silhouette Wall Hanging

If you give Holly a Paint brush...She's gonna ask for paint. Then when she gets done painting she is going to want new pillows...then she is going to want new art...and her hubby is going to take away her paintbrush unless she figures something out...quick!
{and I did not even mention couches and chairs!}
This all began with my Mythic Paint re-do of the living room.
Then, I added French-Inspired Pillows.
Now it was time for some DIY art!

I have always loved silhouettes - I remember having my silhouette done at school fairs, sitting in front of a bright light while someone traced my profile...why do I remember that?

Anyway, I had these beautiful Cameo Ladies stencils from Cutting Edge Stencils.
They just stole my heart when I saw you can probably tell now that I have used them on pillows and wall art.

 I am so happy with the way my living room is all coming together. A few pieces of furniture to rehab and then, I suppose it is time to start the family room...
Now that is a P-R-O-J-E-C-T!

Check out the FULL TUTORIAL at The DIY Club!
There's still time to enter the November Project Party!
    DIY Club
    LOVE it, if I do say so myself!
    Some products were provided to me through my diy club affiliation


    1. Yes I remember that! I also remember being dissapointed because they didnt look anything like those! Haha

    2. What a lovely and fun project! I recently made some in hot pink for a little girls birthday party.

    3. another great project tool diva! thanks so much for mentioning the trip clip too xoxo

    4. Anonymous11:42 PM

      I love your project, Holly! The silhouettes look beautiful on glass -- a unique twist which works great!


    Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!