Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 29

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A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...
a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...
whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does not have to be PINK}
I am Tickled Pink because...
Well, because I finished this post. I really do not know how some of these linky parties with hundreds of entries do it. I really did not think I was going to make it through the week and on to Tickled Pink...but TA-DA! Like it or not!
{I suppose you like it or you would not be here, eh?}
I am over at Mine for the Making sharing my
Chili Brie recipe at Food-a-licious Friday!
Go say hi to Kara and see what is happening over there!
You know it will be GOOD!
Does anyone know anyone with good html skills?
I need help!
I spent my day at the beach with the kiddos collecting sea glass!
I am "this close" to being finished with the eZine for The DIY Club.
Come check it out at The DIY Club on Monday.
You will find fabulous recipes, tutorials,
and ideas from some of your favorite bloggers
I am planning for a MAJOR garage clean out -
Yes, that tickles me pink, because it is so necessary!
Every day we have sunshine makes me happy!
There is nothing like cool crisp air and sunshine on your face
A very cool offer...just in time for the holidays! 
Check out my beautiful canvas HERE
GET YOUR FREE Canvas Print!
Just pay shipping and handling!
And now...Tickled Pink!
Click {HERE} for a featured button! 
{it has been fixed}
Thank you all for the wonderful comments on I Confess.
It really made a difference to know I was not alone
and to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Especially you Ms. Jenny Matlock!
Thanksgiving is HERE (practically).
Here's some Turkey Day ideas!
Side Dishes galore over at Share a Spoon
Flamingo Toes Give Thanks! Frame and Chalkboard placemats

A Gratitude Tree from Yesterday on Tuesday
Blessing Mix from Red Couch Recipes

Mommie Cooks has a fabulous feature called Family Friendly Fridays with all kinds of great recipes!

AWESOME Chandelier from The Little Apartment.
I really must try this.
Have you seen these pillow...AWESOME!
Michele at The Scrap Shoppe has outdone herself!
Sassy and chic notebook from Red Heads Craft More Fun
Fabulous double-sided bunting at Sassy Sanctuary 
A sweet trick or treat memory from Mommy of a Monster and Infant Twins
A FUN way to decorate a nursery or child's room at Clever Faeries
I LOVE a good sense of humor. LambAround has it!
Beautiful necklace from Keefer Style Creations 
Cinnamon shortbread cookies from Keeping the Christmas Spirit Alive, 365
Beautiful Card in some of my favorite colors from A Lemonade Stand in a Professional World.

Rook No. 17 has done it again {see I live by her...I actually get to taste her amazing creations!} with Prosciutto wrapped Asparagus Spears in Puff Pastry.
Paper weaving art from Can't Stop Making Things
I am dying for this pillow. I have always loved this technique
and Atelier Caroline has it done right!
SHUT THE DOOR!-What Allie's Making Now made these boots...from scratch.
Anything that can help keep me organized is on my list! Keep Calm and Carry On created this awesome birthday card calendar and storage system!
Speaking of organization...
Welcome Sunshine Home did an amazing job organizing her ribbon and wrapping.
Pumpkin Cappuccino Chip Muffins from inside BruCrew Life 
This necklace is screaming my name. A book Page necklace from Mandipidy

And a sweet embroidered art piece. The little owl stole my heart!
My Repurposed Life has some serious skills! Check her DIY island top!
I am dreaming of one for myself.
Oh yeah...French Onion Soup from Dot in the City.
Beautiful holiday paper goodies from Tattered and Timeless
I really want to crochet. Look at these cuties from My Crazy Simple Life!
I love the technique Lisa at The Pursuit of Happiness uses on this project...and I love the final product
Halloween is over...but file this party idea from
The Craft Monkey away...lots of good stuff!

Happy Friday!
Want to be Tickled Pink? Don't be shy!
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, simply email me!
It  is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is  ginormous...I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!

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  1. Link  up...a craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. 
  2. Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!! 
  3. I  reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
  4. These  are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I  accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes, if any, are  supplied by  me.
  5. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* {people need to know what the heck they are doing!}.
  6. Visit some peeps on the hop.
  8. *It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
  9. By  linking here you are providing permission to feature your post {along  with a link to your blog/post}. Additionally, photos appearing here are  copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured.
Just pay shipping and handling!


  1. Thanks for guest posting at Mine for the Making, Holly! Cant wait to share your recipe tomorrow! :)

  2. Holly! Thanks for the feature! I am honored!
    I will cheer you on in your Garage clean out if you cheer me on in mine... which will end up happening in December -ack!
    Thanks for hosting the party!

  3. Tickled Pink is my favorite blog hop, I really look forward to all of your great links every Friday!

    Thanks for hosting another week Holly!


  4. Thanks so much for featuring my Thanksgiving things Holly! You are just the best. ;)
    I love all the features - and I think it's totally not fair that you live near Jenn. Did you get to try the new truffle recipe? After that one I decided she needed to be my Crush of the Week. ;)
    Thanks so much for hosting!!

  5. Thank you for the pillow love, Holly!! I can't wait to see what you do with the sea glass.

  6. Thanks Holly! I really enjoy seeing all of your highlights. I especially love that poppy pillow. I need to try that!

  7. Thanks for hosting the party - I'm a new follower!

  8. Thank you for hosting!!!!! :)

  9. that asparagus looks SO good, holy crap!!!! I want that and I'm glad you got to spend time at the coast with your little ones :)

  10. Eek! Mine posted, like, 3 times! What's up with that? I guess your blog hop loves me! ;)

  11. Thank you so much for hosting, Holly. I love coming to your parties!

    What's your html problem?


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. ...just to add, I'm not just being nosy!! I might be able to help...

  14. Hi Holly,
    Thanks for hosting this party... I look forward to it all week. And that was sweet of you to include my little gratitude tree project. I am posting a big thank you to you and Makia tomorrow ( -:

  15. Love all your features!! I am horrible with html..that is what I spend WAAAYYY too much time on the computer doing. Good luck!! Love sunshine, getting ready for three months of gray skies here for the winter! Ugh!!!

  16. thanks for the feature holly!
    so many great and fun ideas!
    thanks for hosting,

  17. Holly, Thank you so much for hosting Tickled Pink. You have collected some wonderful blogs and projects to share! I have been a little preoccupied with writing and speaking and today all that is done for a couple of weeks. This is the best way to get back into bloggland and see what I have been missing!
    I just may be here all morning!
    So happy happy happy to stop by, my friend!

  18. I don't know you do it, week after week, Holly! I can't imagine how long it takes you to post all the links for your Tickled Pink posts!

    More great blogs to look at! I'm off....

  19. Thanks so much for featuring my canvas & easel. I linked up again today!

  20. Thanks for the feature! You rock!!!

  21. Another great installment of Tickled Pink Holly! If you find a good html guy, pass him my way when you're done!

    Thanks so much for the shout out! I'm super excited for the second edition of the DIY magazine to come out as well!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Your Tickled Pink is fast becoming my favorite party.:))

    Thanks so much.
    xo bj

  23. Anonymous3:44 PM

    So glad to "meet" you here. I'm now your newest follower and look forward to being a regular reader! Thanks for hosting this ~~ it's a great idea! Have a super weekend...

  24. Hi Holly! It sounds like you have been so busy lately. I hope you find time this weekend to sit back and relax a little with your beautiful family.

    I have been relaxing and celebrating my birthday this week and haven't been able to link up. I will definitely join in next week.

    Thanks for mentioning my cookies-you are the best!

    I will be back next week to check out the magazine. I am so excited!!!!

    Best wishes always,

  25. I have found so many fun and wonderful things and people because of your TP Friday's! :D And I get all excited when you feature someone I "know." haha

  26. I am especially loving the Gratitude Tree! Thanks so much for sharing these great ideas!


  27. You have the funnest blog on the block.


  28. You're the bestest ever! Really! I mean that! ;) Thanks for the shout out!

    Aaaannnnd, oh my! Asparagus wrapped in prosciutto and puff pastry?? Tempt my taste buds for sure!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!