Friday, November 19, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 30!

Wholly Moley! It is a B-I-G one at tickled pink.
Oh how I remember the big 3-0!
{I am trying not to think about what my next birthday brings...EEEK!}
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A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...
a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...
whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does not have to be PINK}
I am Tickled Pink because...
I took some time to SMILE this week!
I will be tattooing more pumpkins.
I still LOVE this
I have been crafting with my friend...FUN! Wait until you see cute!
My next book  is getting ready to come out on 12/18!
I just received my copies...yeah!
The Everything Wedding Checklist Book: All you need to remember for a day you'll never forget (Everything Series)

I installed a faucet for the first time EVER!
And it works and it looks awesome and I have one for you!
Enter to win a Moen Faucet

And now...Tickled Pink!
Click {HERE} for a featured button! 
Today, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Modern Country Style.
Modern Country Style is all about renovating an English Edwardian home in the Cotswolds, inspiring interior design, and creating gorgeousness {who doesn't want to create gorgeousness!?}. As you may have guessed from the subtle hint in the blog title, there is a love of Modern Country Style. Gorgeous, pared-back interiors infused with the warmth of Country: gentle greys, accents of red and a hint of soft industrial. YUM!

I fell in L-O-V-E instantly with Sarah's blog when I first saw the dreamy master bedroom redo.I just wanted to jump in her bed {after a short flight, of course}
I dream of a master bedroom like that. You can feel the warmth the softness the quiet design that speaks volumes.

Here is some eye candy!
Enjoy The beauty Sarah has created in her home
and then go pay Modern Country Style a visit!
Master Bedroom


 Panelled Cross-Stitch Cushion made from School Pants and a tea-towel.
Printables from Flamingo Toes
My Computer is my Canvas Conversations Coasters for Thanksgiving!
Pumpkin pie + Cheesecake =  Toooooo much goodness!
Rook No. 17 made an amazing Pumpkin Pie topped Cheesecake. Check it out and WOW your guests with this doubly delicious dessert.
Over at Joyful Journey, there is an offer for a free E-Book called Thanksgiving Your Way, a compilation of Thanksgiving tips, recipes, and organizational ideas from 15 bloggers.
Books about Thanksgiving to read with the kids at The Paisley Cupcake.
I adore pulling out season or holiday specific books to share with the kids and here is a great selection.
Oh me! Oh My! We love pie! It is that time of the year...need some idea hop over to Pumpkin Tart...she always has something cooking (or baking) like the apple-butter pie or the apple cranberry crumb pie or buttermilk pie!
Karie's Chic Creations shows us some ideas for your Thanksgiving or Fall table HERE and HERE
I LOVE weird nature stuff. Kirsty Girl's Octopus Tree qualifies!
Forcing Paper Whites - What a wonderful gift! from Le Chateau des Fleurs
This idea is super fun...I have a soft spot for VW's, from Made at Greenlodge
A little bit of bagatelles (I new word for me! You need to go visit to see what it means) and some amazing finds from StoneGable
A new kind of cookie for me...Old Fashioned Sesame Seed cookies
from BJ at Sweet Nothings.
Candle holder redo complete with tea is thriftastical from The Thrifty Groove.
A 3-D Family Tree from Deborah Jean's Dandelion  House.
Quit Eating Out shares a great appetizer on Saturday Swap.
Gorgeous and chic burlap bag from La Maison Reid
A needle book with a sweet birdie (I seem to have a new thing for birds) from The Orange Dahlia
I LOVE buttons and this bracelet and earrings from Craftopotamus are too cute.
Don;t ya just love getting something with your initials on it.
Check out these cards from Funky Mom Cards.
I have to include a few Christmas/Holiday items already
Book page Advent Calendar from The Little Apartment
Postmark stocking from Mandipidy
Naughty and nice cupcakes at from glitter to gumdrops 
Want to be Tickled Pink? Don't be shy!
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, simply email me!
It  is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is  ginormous...I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!

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  1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!  
  3. I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
  4. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* {people need to know what the heck they are doing!}.
  5. Visit some peeps on the hop.
  6. *It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
  7. By  linking here you are providing permission to feature your post {along  with a link to your blog/post}. Additionally, photos appearing here are  copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured.
Just pay shipping and handling!
These  are my own opinions. No one has offered me anything, nor have I  accepted anything to include them in this post. Prizes, if any, are  supplied by  me.


  1. Hey Holly! Thanks so much for featuring my printables!! All those desserts are killing me. I'm going to have to check them all out tomorrow!
    :) Thanks for hosting!!

  2. I follow your blog hop just about every week, and I just wanted to thank you for hosting! Also, I just started my own blog hop, and I would love it if you could come join. Thanks!!

    Anestazia <3

  3. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Mmmmm! Tickled Pink seems especially yummy this week!

  4. Holly,

    Thank you so much for featuring Modern Country Style. I love your arrangement of the images. I'm just getting my head around Picassa so hopefully I'll be able to do this fancy-pants photo arrangement soon too!!


  5. I love Sarah's house so much. Thanks for featuring her...
    And, thanks for showing my humble but good little cookies. :)
    Hope your weekend is full of FUN.
    Thanks so much for hosting this cute meme.
    xo bj

  6. I love Sarah's house so much. Thanks for featuring her...
    And, thanks for showing my humble but good little cookies. :)
    Hope your weekend is full of FUN.
    Thanks so much for hosting this cute meme.
    xo bj

  7. Thanks for hosting another great party!!!

  8. I really like the tattooed pumpkins. too! Thanks for hosting.

  9. Love Sarahs home! She did such a beautiful job and she is so sweet and dear!! Great features!!!

  10. Hi Holly congratulations on your new book coming out AND on installing your own faucet -- a task I have never done! Thanks for hosting Tickled Pink! Joni

  11. I'm a new follower! I love your blog! Hope you have a terrific weekend!

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Holly, so many wonderful features and great links this week too! Look at all the scrumptious food links. Well -- my link is a simple little technique to stay organized. I find it very helpful and hope that you and your readers will find it to be of some help, as well. Thank you for hosting the party, Holly!

  13. I'm tickled pink by all of the creativity in blogland! Great features and congrats on the book!

  14. Hi Holly!

    Thanks for spotlighting my candleholder redo!
    Wow, lots of fun things to spend some time reading this weekend! Have a great day!

  15. Hey Holly! Congrats on hitting the big 3-0! Those before and afters are amazing! Her home is truly inspiring. And that pumpkin cheesecake! Yowzas!

    Have a great weekend my friend!

  16. Thank you Holly for mentioning all of those posts/pies! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving!


  17. Thank you SO much for Featuring me ! This post link is going on my Feature page ! THANK YOU !

  18. Hi Holly,

    I love the tattooed pumpkin, the tour of the Georgian Cottage (yes I did think about sliding down the banisters), and the pies look delicious.

    Congratulations on your book.

    Thank you so much for featuring my blog `Joyful Journey` in Tickled Pink!

  19. A Big Congratulations on your book! I took a peek ~ looks wonderful.

    Thanks for this week's "pinks". LOVE the advent calendar. Of course, I'm quite a sucker for those anyway.

  20. I'm a new follower from the hop...your blog is adorable! I'm a fellow event/wedding planner, but an amateur with blogs/crafting/cooking, so I'm really looking forward to reading!

    Mrs. H

  21. Holly, awesome Tickled Pink -- as always! So, now I have about 20,000 different tabs open in my browser. Can't wait to visit all the links!

  22. Holy smoke! Thanks for featuring my bracelet, Holly!! I was already planning on making a few more for Christmas...

  23. Aww~ 12/18 is my b-day! I'm putting the book on the top of my list, so that if I ever get the chance to have my own wedding, i can have the best resource!
    Congratulations! That is REALLY Awesome!

  24. Thank you so much for featuring me Holly! You're the best! :D

  25. Holly thanks for featuring my cards here on Tickled Pink. I was so excited to see it. I love your blog and congrats on the new book.

  26. I think I am in love with the postmark stocking! Darling

  27. Hi! New follower from the Friday hop!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin

  28. Why oh why does their have to be so many yummy food choices!? :D Where I do I begin?haha.

    PS That faucet is gorgeous.

  29. Just think.....I get to tell everyone I know the famous Holly Lefevre. Congratulations!! I can imagine your excitement.

  30. just got back from hol and saw you had featured me. Thank you soo sooo much. Great blog and lots of fun to dip into. Cheers Sara


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!