Friday, November 26, 2010

Tickled Pink No. 31 and a GREAT Cause

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A craft...a recipe...a tip...a party...a short story...a  poem...
a  fashion find...a  favorite product...your favorite  post...
whatever makes  your blog  fabulous!
That is what Tickled Pink is all about!
{and it does not have to be PINK}
I am Tickled Pink because...
 I did not partake in Black Friday. I was ready to hit Michael's after Turkey Dinner but changed my mind and opted for a mellow evening instead.
We spent a lot of time discussing the time at which Thanksgiving Dinner is served...So much controversy at my house!...So, I am taking it to the people...I want to know what time you eat Thanksgiving dinner {answer the question and be a follower and you could win a little something...see bottom of post}
My kiddos told me they want to "Spend more time together and share a room."
What? Cute, but seriously, we have 5 bedrooms spread out! It was still adorable!
Turkey Day was mellow here and the four of us were able to sit around the table and talk and then watch Jules perform a dance.
I will be tickled pink if there are not 1000 typos in this post...I am tired!
And now...Tickled Pink!
Click {HERE} for a featured button! 
A Patriotic Cause
I am pretty patriotic. I also have many friends who are serving and have served our country. All of my grandfathers are also veterans. I firmly believe in doing what I can to help those who serve our country.
About a week ago while visiting peeps around blogland, I stopped over at LA 'n' LA and then ran across this great cause on her blog, Pin*Ups for Vets.
{Much of this information is taken directly from the founder Gina Elise - she said it best!}
Here is a little about Pin*Ups for Vets
The founder of Pin*Ups for vets, Gina Elise began this project to honor to her grandfather's Army service during WW II. The 2011 5th year anniversary "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar was being released on Veterans day. It can be ordered on Pin*Ups for Vets.
The calendar is a WWII style pin-up calendar that raises thousands of dollars for VA and Military hospitals across the US. In addition to raising money for our hospitalized Veterans, Gina travel around the US as a 1940s pin-up girl, delivering donated calendars to our Wounded Warriors and Vets in the hospitals to boost their spirits during recovery. She is currently in the middle of a 50 state Veterans hospital tour.

* By this December, $50,000 will have been donated to improve health care for our Veterans at hospitals across the US. This is all from the sales of this WWII nostalgic pinup calendar.

* Gina is in the middle of a complete 50 state US hospital tour, with the goal being to visit at least one VA or Military hospital in every state!  No one else in US is doing this right now.  To date 20 hospitals in 12 states have been visited.
* Gina is currently partnering with Cooking With the Troops, another non-profit, and organizing a trip for January called "Operation Fight Post Holiday Blues" to the hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. If our troops get injured in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are med-vac'd to Landstuhl. It is their first stop for treatment and we want to boost the spirits of our Wounded Warriors there after the holidays.
{I will be making a donation}
* The holidays are approaching and on the website, people can donate a calendar for a hospitalized Veteran (which I deliver myself, bedside) or to a deployed service member and supporters send me a personal message that they want written on the calendar.
Go visit
Pin*Ups for Vets
These ideas repurpose items - LOVE IT!
Vintage-style tea light Holders from Modern Country Style
a soup can upcycle to a pencil holder from The Elephants Trunk
Grateful Pocket Banner from Yesterday on Tuesday!
{LOVE denim too!}
A great new GREEN book reviewed by Moore Minutes
{think Christmas gifts people!}
Calamity Anne's Adventures was reading my mind.
My friend and I were just discussing these little houses
Beautiful Faberge Beaded Eggs - it's a tutorial!
From Susie's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom
Brilliant way to keep track of restaurant and retail coupons from Bobbypins Boardwalk
A pretty Noel Sign from The Answer is Chocolate
Hot apple cider cocktail from The Thrifty Groove
Sticky Toffee Pudding from Fudge Ripple. I must try this!
Christmas subway art printable from Mine for the Making
{and it is free! Thanks!}
I know we are moving into Christmas, but this is an idea
not to be missed from What Allie's Making Now
Chapman Place made this amazing bed.
Patriotic Christmas Stockings from A Little Bit of Everything
and a great cause too Stocking for Soldiers.
Baked Pumpkin and Butternut Mac n' Cheese from dot in the city
Happy Holidays to you!
I have a cute little kit called
Knit Knack Kit
{and I may include a few random skeins of yarn for practice}
Be a follower on GFC and
tell me what time you eat on Thanksgiving!
Want to be Tickled Pink? Don't be shy!
Nominate a  product/person/idea/recipe/your own blog to be featured, simply email me!
It  is cool  to nominate yourself! I am only one person and blogland is  ginormous...I would love your input...I know there are amazing finds out there that I have not seen!

  1. Link  up...whatever makes  your blog  fabulous. Family Friendly please. Guess what? You post does not have to be PINK!!  
  3. I reserve the right to remove posts that are offensive or do not  adhere  to the rules, without any discussion, at my discretion.
  4. Pretty please...add the Tickled Pink button to the post* {people need to know what the heck they are doing!}.
  5. Visit some peeps on the hop.
  6. *It would be great if you were a follower or subscriber {*wink*}
  7. By  linking here you are providing permission to feature your post {along  with a link to your blog/post}. Additionally, photos appearing here are  copyrighted and property of the respective blogs featured.
GET YOUR 50% off a Canvas and FREE shipping!
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  1. Glad to hear you had a relaxing day. I'm heading out for shopping a little later.

  2. Love the bit on the calenders! My husband is a veteran and I LOVE anything to do with supporting them!

    Hope you had a great thanksgiving.

    We had so much food it was crazy. Turkey, Ham, Green Bean Casserole, Mac and CHeese, Pasta, and more!

  3. Love the bit on the calenders! My husband is a veteran and I LOVE anything to do with supporting them!

    Hope you had a great thanksgiving.

    We had so much food it was crazy. Turkey, Ham, Green Bean Casserole, Mac and CHeese, Pasta, and more!

  4. What a fabulous post-Thanksgiving post. I'm glad your day was so relaxed and wonderful. Sounds like staying home was the perfect thing for you!

    Love all your 'finds' this week.

    We are all Thankful you share these treasures.

  5. Sounds like a perfect day. Ours was small and low key and that was great. We eat between 2-3 usually and then have sandwiches for a nighttime snack. Thanks SO much for featuring my "NOEL" sign. That tickles me pink :)

  6. Hi Holly
    I love the tea lights, and the Noel sign, I've got to check them out for sure! Thanks for hosting another fun party! Have a great weekend:)

  7. Great post Holly! The calendars are a great idea! Glad that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    We usually eat between 1 and 2!!

  8. i think it is so awesome that your kids said they wanted to share a room. i wish our house was bigger so my kids could share one big room- it would be so great! but our rooms are too small.
    we eat around 2 pm... my mom and i do a rutckey chase run in the morning at 9, so that gives us time to shower and continue cooking. we eat dessert much later- around 5, and in between we just spend time together as a family. yesterday my kids just happily drew pictures all afternoon. it couldn't have been better.

  9. Thanks soooo much for promoting my dear friend's Calendar project, Pin-Ups for Vets. It really is an incredible calendar! She is really an inspiring person and I feel so blessed to call her roommate and friend. Much love to you for talking about this on your blog!! You totally rock!!! Please let me know if you have any other questions about the project. : ) Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Hi Holly!!! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday!! We had a pretty traditional meal - and are having it again today too!
    The calendars are so great - I'll be checking it out!
    (I'm a follower. Cause I love your blog. ;)

  11. Hi Holly!

    Our Thanksgiving was nice and mellow as well. Just the 3 of us. The Princess was just so excited that "Me and mama are wearing dressing AT HOME and not even going to church!" LOL I love the mind of a 3 year old! We shocked Troy when we came downstairs in dresses so, he ran up and changed clothes and even put on a tie.

    We ate at 6:00. This was a first for us. Normally we eat about 4:00 on thanksgiving.

  12. It sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving. This cause sounds amazing; I'll have to go check it out. My grandfather flew B-2 Bombers in WWII and is still alive and ticking, so this is near and dear to my heart.

    I linked up my apple pie. Have a great weekend my friend!

  13. Ok, kicking, not ticking. See, I took care of the typos for you. :)

  14. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Thank you so much for that sweet feature, Holly! I'm glad you liked it. Life is so much easier for me when I stay organized!

  15. Thanks for the feature :)


    I gave you a "Stylish Blogger Award"! Check it out here:

  16. Thanks so much for having me this week Holly and for hosting Tickled pink on what must be a very busy weekend. What a dedicated blogger you are!

    Best wishes,

  17. Hi Holly

    I just discovered your fabulous blog and am delighted to follow you. I'd love it if you joined me at Create With Joy as well! :-)

    The proper time for Thanksgiving Dinner is always a topic for discussion at our house as well. I come from a family of early dinner eaters and me (and most of our guests!) agree that dinner should be around 4 pm (we're always hungry by that time!) My husband, however, is the one who drives the time of the meal and he is a late getter-upper and a late eater - we were fortunate this year to have dinner served by 6 pm!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  18. Hey Holly I love your blog and I am so glad you posted on this weekend. We usually eat around 12-1 at my inlaws then we eat leftovers at my parents around 5-6. We enjoy just spending our day relaxing too. When we moved into our new house last year my 3 boys decided they wanted to be in one bedroom all together. I love it and so do they.

  19. This sounds like so much fun-I'll be checking everyone out!

  20. Hope you are having a great weekend Holly... thanks for hosting!

  21. great post.. coming back to read some more.. tonight.. busy weekend.. hope the holiday was great.... I miss you
    Lisa- wasabi mommy

  22. Already a follower! We usually eat around 4:00 PM. I can't wait to hear when everyone else eats!

  23. Hi, Happy 1. Advent. Great post and thank you for being patriotic and posting about the vets.
    The Bavarian Christmas linky party is now open-won’t you come and join us at

  24. HOLLY! Thank you for the feature! It made my day! Truly!

  25. Hey Holly!
    Our family usually shoots for around 4 (kind of a early dinner) or linner.....
    However, this year we did it at noon w/ a different side of the family who likes to do lunch. Good luck w/ the dilemma.
    Heather @

  26. Holly, thank you for mentioning the GREEN book...much appreciated. XO I missed this link up. :( I was off and away with Black Friday lol.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!