Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 ROCKED the BLOG! The Best of Tickled Pink! Part 1

The Best of Tickled Pink 2010 is ON!
First up...BLOGS!
We all could there not be a BLOG category!
Here is some advice, anecdotes and things to ponder about this little habit of ours!
Feel free to grab a button!
The buttons are for anyone...
whether you are featured or just participating.
Best of Tickled Pink at 504 Main
Matty (a longtime bloggy buddy) has a knack for poetry
and recently wrote a really fun poem about
The Many Faces of Blogging.  

My Repurposed Life.

Speaking of blog-related posts...
Gail at My Repurposed Life has a
B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T post on blogging tips
that will "change your bloggy life!"

Awhile ago, Saving Money and Living Life asked me to guest post with my Blogiquette post from awhile back. Well, I updated it a little - it needed it...and it probably needs some more - this is a work in progress you know! Visit the updated Blogiquette post. So, I will be doing some blogging etiquette, Q and A, and whatnot posts over the next few weeks and would love to hear from you.
Kirsty Girl
Kirsty Girl shows us how to make a blog button!
you light up my blog
Photos are so important on our blogs (if we use photos!). Michele at The Scrap Shoppe has a great tutorial on how to make a light box.

 and more from Michele...

The Scrap Shoppe tells us all about how to change the evil "" so we can all email each other and be BFF's {well, not BFF's, but it makes it so easy to communicate with all you awesome people}


Cheap Chic Home shows us how to not lose readers when we add links to our posts.
Come back later for
***Charity and Causes!***
Here's what else is on tap...
***Inspirational and Informational Reads*** 
***In the Kitchen!*** 
***Crafting and DIY and Home***
{most likely this will be broken up into multiple categories} 



  1. You rock my socks off woman! I have found so many lovely blogs from reading your tickled pink feature! Happy New Year! Love!

  2. can you believe that 2010 is almost done??? ah, I can't believe it. I love all these little glimmers into other blogs you do such a nice job of finding special things that people post. I love it and your DIY'ing is always a huge highlight of visiting your blog.

  3. You're so sweet! I was zipping through my reader this morning and tada! there was my button!
    I was just thinking it might be time to do another blog tips post.
    Love your blog!
    I hope you have a very happy new year, and that 2011 is your best year yet!

  4. You've always got some great blogs to recommend!

  5. Thanks for including my light box tute and noreply fix in your list, Holly! I loved the blogiquette post and really learned a lot from it.

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Have had a great time catching up on your great blog. Lovin all the links, etc. Wishing you a wonderful start to your New Year!!!

  7. Thank you so much for showing off my post Missy! I hope you have a GORGEOUS New Year! :)


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!