Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Rocked the Cool STUFF and IDEAS! The Best of Tickled Pink 2010 Part 3A

Here's Part 3A!
Again {and over and over} I have to say thank you to everyone involved in Tickled Pink. It has inspired me and others and I thank you so much for coming back to hang out at 504 Main. 

Part 1 is BLOG Info
Part 2 is Causes
Part 3B is Inspiration
Feel free to grab a button!
The buttons are for anyone...
whether you are featured or just participating.
Best of Tickled Pink at 504 Main
header 125x125
Liz is simply awesome, she tells great stories, and she gardens!
Liz talks about her veggie garden and a book that inspires her family's approach to gardening. We get to hear about her raised beds {I really need some of those}, getting the garden ready and keeping the garden organic. She gives tips on planting and photos of her growing garden! She touches on more updates and even a few what not to-do's

After watching Liz's garden grow, I went out and bought some seeds and plants and am preparing to make some raised beds... we will grow a garden of something here this year! Thanks for planting that seed of inspiration Liz!
fun for kids at KidsClick
This is something for kids who like to take photos...
and even kids whose parents don't BLOG can join in too.
Give the kiddos permission to click away and
show them how to use a camera properly and even have
their work seen by others. The competition is open to kids
of all ages (no matter how young) up to the age of 14 years. 
Go visit KidsClick, check out the competition how-tos and join your kids in.
Time Crafted is pretty crafty but also has some very cool stories. A few weeks ago her story about her brother conquering Mt. Everest was amazing, and this week, a story about her Grandma meeting Jerry Rice. It is a sweet tale about her grandma and also a reminder that September was ovarian Cancer awareness month and how we all should do what we can to educate ourselves on these diseases that take our loved ones.
Michelle at So Wonderful, So Marvelous knows
how to tell it like it is and this POST of hers is sheer brilliance.
She poses the questions:
Are you happy for other people? Or just pissed at life?  
A FAB idea from Saving Money and Living Life...a clothes swap!
 The Thrifty Groove takes us on a trip to a magical memorable cabin.
The story warms me heart!
Some lovely ladies who share their amazing collection of images

Come back later for
***Part 3B: Inspirational Reads*** 
***Part 4: In the Kitchen!***
***Part 5+: Crafting and DIY and Home***
{most likely this will be broken up into multiple categories} 

LINKY starts THURSDAY evening! 


  1. Holly,

    Thank You So Much for including Time Crafted and my grandmother's story! :> You made me Tickled Pink when I opened your site up!!

    I'm so glad to have connected with you via our late night blogging during the SITS Back 2 Blogging event. You and your blog is so very worth the click!!! :>:>

  2. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! Hope its a great one!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!