504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Happy After Christmas and Almost New Years!
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy After Christmas and Almost New Years!

Hi all!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to New Years! I was beyond thrilled to receive such sweet messages for the holidays. I love bloggy friends!

I know I promised a Tickled Pink Spotlight Party on Monday, but I had (am still having) some computer trouble... 
and just had too much fun with my kids! 
So The recap is coming...eventually.

I also have a couple of quick and easy New Years ideas too (as long as my flash of craft brilliance does not take a turn towards a craft fail...been know to happen!)

And the Best of Tickled Pink 2011 will be here on 12/30/10...so get your best post of the year ready to link up...I LOVE a good party!


  1. glad that you are enjoying this christmas week. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. have a happy new year.

  2. happy holidays to you, too!

  3. Christmas would be a lot better this year if Monday was Sunday and we had two Saturdays. Sigh.

  4. I hope you guys had a great holiday!

  5. Hey Holly - Happy almost New Years to you, too! I hope you're enjoying some nice family time. Over here we're baking and cleaning. Fun stuff!


  6. Have a great holiday and enjoy your time with the family!

  7. Merry Christmas Holly. I hope that you and your family had a nice day, and that Santa was good to everyone. Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

  8. Happy holidays to you! Can't wait to see the best of 2010 list :)

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Holly! Can't wait to see all your favorites from 2010. :)

  10. Just popping by to say Merry Christmas. I'm sure you've been busy with some very fun activities. I don't know how you manage to squeeze it all in ~ you're amazing!



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!

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