Friday, January 7, 2011

Tired...but Tickled Pink! No. 35

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I always start the year off S....L....O....W!
I think I go into hibernation/recovery mode after the holidays.
This year is starting off with a !BANG! but it is leaving me exhausted.
I have not yet made it through the Tickled Pink No. 34 (YIKES!)
nor have I visited many of the links from the Best Of.
I better watch out shout outs and spotlights may pop up at any time!
So, I was not going to do Tickled Pink this week...but then I had a burst of energy or a hope that this stinky week could get better...
Don't Forget to ENTER my giveaway for the new book Cinch!
Giveaway Closes at midnight on 1/11/11.
Read my review and enter!
The DIY CLub Project Party is happening right NOW!
Go check it out for all the details.
DIY Club
I have not really prepared anything else,
but I will share with you
1 new linky and
2 COOL parties happening!
Rook No. 17 has a new linky on Tuesdays 
Whisperwood  Cottage is having an 11 Day Party to celebrate the 1st Project of the Year!
WhisperWood Cottage
The Design Confidential has a Hand Built Pledge Party going on ALL YEAR!
I will be DIYing with a vengeance this weekend-I have have about 500 projects in various states of completion! watch out!

And my crappy mac is, well crappy - I do not heart the "geniuses" at the Apple Store Genius Bar! - I have an uncanny ability to pick the lemon! So if I virtually disappear, it is because the mac has been thrown into the Pacific Ocean!

I have some other exciting news too...but that will have to wait for a bit!

So, here's to 2011!
I have hope.  
Next week will be "normal" again...
I think!

I am off to find some pink happiness tomorrow...
shopping with my baby girl and
celebrating one of my favoritest people's birthday!


  1. Hi Holly! I gave you a Stylish Blogger award. Check it out at my blog @

  2. Have fun shopping:) And thanks so much for hosting!

  3. thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great (productive) weekend!

  4. Hi Holly! It's Ok to get off to a bit of a slow start. The holidays are exhausting and we all need time to recharge. Just keep that positive attitude going! ... Thanks so much for hosting!

  5. I'm getting off to a slow start too but I figure slow and steady wins the race right? Thanks for finding the energy to host!

  6. Thanks for hosting Holly and can't wait to hear what your news is.

  7. Thanks for hosting Holly week in and week out. Have fun shopping today.

  8. I'm feeling the same way-want to get over being tired and then have some fun-hope you have a great time!

  9. I'm feeling the same way-want to get over being tired and then have some fun-hope you have a great time!

  10. I always need a recovery period after the holidays, too.

  11. I am a new follower from the blog hop... I hope you cna stop by and visit me at
    And if you choose to follow, Fabulous!

  12., too, Holly..I'm tired...alll the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Years have left me wanting to stay in bed under my electric blankie and eat and watch movies.

    oops...gotta get busy. Having company tonight...:)))

  13. Holly, I know just what you mean -- this year has been off to a very busy start. No breather this year! Thank you so much for all you've done to promote "A Little Birdie Told Me". I'm looking forward to participating in the two parties you mentioned. Hugs, Jenn

  14. Hi Holly!
    I am with you on the slow start!
    But I'm getting back into the swing of things! (I'm back writing on my blog too)

    Hope your week is full of pleasant surprises!

  15. Wait a minute - what is this "normal week" of which you speak?

  16. There's a fun surprise waiting for you on my blog today :)

  17. Hey girlie! So sorry I've been absent for the past few weeks. Things have been crazy! I hope you had a fabulous holiday. Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Maybe this will be the year I do something crafty! =) Maybe..

  19. Hey Holly,

    I'm a total slow New Year starter too. I think all the best girls are. ;-)

    You sound as though you have a lot on your shoulders, lovely. Have a big hug from me *squeeze*


  20. I know what you mean about being tired -- holidays, travel, life, and the flu pretty knocked me on my bum this year.

    Thanks for hosting the hook-up!

  21. Oh, I do hope your mac gets better soon!!!!!!!!!

  22. Happy New Year my love!!! We're all sort of slow these days. But I love you no matter what!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!