Now that visions of pumpkin pies and sugar cookies are hopefully
no longer dancing in our heads or on our plates,
it is time to get back on track...
at least for me and many of those I know.
I have not really made it a secret here that I have struggles with some extra pounds...not a lot but just enough to be annoyingly stubborn. I first ran a very similar post about one year ago. I have updated it a little, but mainly I am sharing it because, well, one it is something that is always on my mind (unfortunately) and I have not yet conquered it (which I will).
Also, recently I was asked to review a book...
To me, it is important t know where I come from in my review and why I was willing to do the review. So, that is why I have decided to share portions of this past post again.
My review of Cinch!: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose Inches
will be up on Tuesday Evening. In the meantime, you can catch the author on The Early Show on CBS on 1/3/11 and on The Rachael Ray Show on 1/5/11.
will be up on Tuesday Evening. In the meantime, you can catch the author on The Early Show on CBS on 1/3/11 and on The Rachael Ray Show on 1/5/11.
NOW....Weighty Issues
WARNING...This Post is LONG!
When I first wrote this, I struggled with how to approach this. I try to keep my content light and happy or entertaining (I hope!) and not go too personal, but every time I sat down, this post got personal. I used every excuse I could think of, including “I don’t have any pretty pictures to include.” Yes, I know L-A-M-E! Again...this post is have been warned.
Have you seen the Slimquick commercials? You know the ones where the husband quits drinking soda and drops 10 lbs....that is my house. My hubby who considered potatoes to be his vegetable source, started eating salads and dropped white flour from his diet and lost a ton of weight without exercising in a matter of months. I however workout everyday, eat lots of veggies and NADA! Complete frustration. I began talking to my friend Renee, a Holistic Health and NLP Practitioner, AADP, about what the heck to do.
Here is the back story…I have a love/hate relationship with food and it is probably safe to say a mild addiction to sugar. In my very early 20’s I would exercise and then justify eating ½ gallon of Thrifty Mint Chip ice cream. Then I met a much older man (who I thought was also much wiser) and we dated. He suggested I eat healthier…duh (for now we shall leave alone the idea that he just wanted to date a really hot 20-something chick)! Additionally, I was moving out on my own at the time and had no idea how to cook. So the timing was perfect, he suggested a book and a way of eating that I loved and embraced for 4 years – no dairy, no meat, no oil, no sugar, no salt – Vegetarian+. I looked H-O-T and felt great. Eventually we broke up, I started dating future-hubby (who never met a meat or potato he didn’t like) and I fell off the wagon…just a little.
Fast forward…I battled with 5-10 pounds after this. Good or bad, I am tall, 5’11”, and can hide the extra pounds so that it doesn’t seem like so much. Then I got pregnant. And I ate and ate…chocolate chip pancakes…more mint chip ice cream…and pickled green beans (yum). I gained a staggering amount of weight. I was really appalled and surprised – I just didn’t think for a second it was that bad…until it was that bad. Over the course of the next few years I yo-yo’ed with my weight.
I have been to Weight Watchers, I have seen a nutritionist, I have the South Beach Diet book (never used it), the Atkins Book (NEVER used it), and the Six Week Body Makeover system (sort of used it). I also have just about every BeachBody exercise system (Yoga Booty Ballet, Power 90, Slim in Six) – and I have used them all, Winsor Pilates, The Firm – do you see a pattern…I used to stay up late watching infomercials…just fascinated by them!
I eventually got to within 10 pounds of pre-baby weight…and then I was “knocked on my butt”…we moved from So Cal (I am a native So Cal girl…boo-hoo!). I compensated for the move, the lack of friends, and the 55 straight days of foggy weather that summer with a lot of wine and chocolate chip cookies and gained back some weight.
I got pregnant again and vowed I would not do to my body what I did the first time…and I didn’t. I walked 3-4 times a week…long walks, and ate really well, and only gained 15 pounds. So technically, I have lost the second baby weight, but still have the first baby weight. And, I have not been able to make real and lasting dent in the number on the scale since….but I refuse to accept this.
Fast forward again to 2009…it is high school reunion time and I reconnect with Renee on Facebook. She talks about nutrition and has a way of approaching and accepting food that I understand, that I want to be able to adopt fully. We talk a lot about body image and I realize that even when I was thinner, I was still self-conscious…so while losing weight is important, so is fixing the negative body image issues, not just for me, but so that they are not passed on to my kiddos. I also have an “A-ha!” moment…
I was at the beach with Joe. A friend and her daughter joined us. Joe just wanted to play in the water, but no one wanted to do it with him. I had my bathing suit on, but not really for that purpose…more for necessity (like in case I had to rescue him from the sea). He kept asking and he was sad…and bored. And finally it hit me…how do I want my kids to remember me…the mom sitting on the beach who won’t get in the water (of course they don’t know the reasons…yet) or as the mom who was willing to jump in and play. I chose the “play.” A HUGE step for me, and the moment when I realized what I needed to do for me and for my kids.
One of the most important things I realized is that, as a mom I am responsible for the little nuggets of wisdom I put into the kiddos heads. They also pick up on everything I do – how I act and react, what I say and how I say it. To be a good mom, I need to be happy with me. I need to be able to take some time for me…even if it is just 20 minutes here and there. I need to sleep. I need to move and exercise and be a positive example. It is true, when I am sleeping, eating better, working out and taking time to “work on me,” I am happier and a better, more patient mom.
These are some other thoughts I walked away with that night. I KNEW MOST OF THEM, JUST NEEDED TO HEAR THEM AGAIN. I will elaborate on them in future posts (if anyone is still reading after this long-winded one).
1. Food is not the enemy. It is a source of nutrition, energy, and power…if it is the right food.
2. Pure, natural (organic, if possible) food in it’s original state is the best source of nutrition.
3. There is a physiological and emotional connection to food and always will be. It is about learning how to tame it.
4. You do not have to give anything up (except for health reasons), but you must realize when it is OK to have a smaller serving of that special thing and make sure it is not frequently eaten.
5. Stay away from low-fat and non-fat processed foods.
6. We need the right kind of fats in our diet – olive oil, avocado, etc.
7. Good carbs are not the enemy.
My family already eats pretty healthy...of course, there is always room for improvement, but for the most part, I would give us an A-. I know what is good and bad for me...for us. I know how to cook it. Now I just need to find that "something" that is missing to make me really get the connection.Because of all of this, I was pleasantly surprised at the content of Cinch!: Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose Inches
Do you have any issue that you feel like sharing? A story? Something that has worked for you? An "A-Ha" moment?
Happy Eating!
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nutritionist or food expert. I am simply sharing my thoughts and ideas. A doctor should check you out before you begin a new eating or lifestyle plan.
DISCLAIMER: I was provided with one copy of Cinch! to do my review. The opinions expressed are mine.
I'm really looking forward to your review of this book. My biggest goal this year is to get my weight under control, to make exercise a priority and to fuel my body instead of filling it. In the past I've gotten into exercise routines and felt awesome, like literally, measurably better than I did before. But I've always found an excuse to stop.
ReplyDeleteI'm just tired of feeling sick and tired and am trying to find a way out of this.
I'm glad you've had your A HA! moment and look forward to hearing more!
since Halloween I have fallen off of the good eating/working out habits and I am back to where I started last year. Errrrr. Here we go again!!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Holly! What a super honest and great post. I love your view of eating today and how important it is to focus on real foods and to be healthy for our kiddos. I too am tall and had a rockin metabolism until recently. I know I won't do well with dieting.... but also know that I need to kick the JUNK out of my eating and focus on getting daily exercise {something I am HORRIBLE at doing}. Have a super start to your week!!!
ReplyDeleteHolly so glad you shared this and can't wait to hear your review of the book. I ran track in high school so I was running everyday for years. Even after high school I continued running and did some swimming to keep my weight down then I got married and my husband is an amazing cook and I had children although I never gained more then 24 pounds with a child I only lost the baby weight once. I started eating healthy and exercising this past summer and my husband was doing it with me(cuz I need encouragement in the home) but then schol and sports started back and the time just didn't seem to be there to do what I know needed to be done. I have got to get back to it because the weight I lost is coming back and my kids and family need to be healthy. My problem is I just have to stop making excuses and do it.
ReplyDeletemy story of weight is to long....and actually unreal last few years but i have a problem with some of the food that is suggested in these type books...i really am a meat and potato girl at heart so how do i tackle these recipes is my question
ReplyDeleteI'll be anxious to read your review of Cinch. I've read lots of diet books and tried to follow a few of them. Atkins was the worst! I know some people swear by it, and I did lose weight, but I looked and felt terrible when I was on it.
ReplyDeleteI think what works best for me is portion control, smart food choices and making a more concentrated effort to burn more calories than I take in. It's so basic, but I get lazy about it.
Great post, Holly! I think it touches on issues that many people have. I love a good health book, so I'm really looking forward to your review!
Great post, Holly! I think it touches on issues that many people have. I love a good health book, so I'm really looking forward to your review!
hi holly- great post! i especially agree about being responsible for our children and their healthy, and i totally think that by example is the best way. when my husband and i met, i was clearly anorexic (a sr in college and dealing with pressures and issues in the wrong way). i am 5'7" and when i graduated i was under 110 pounds. we continued to date and eventually i got a little more comfortable and a little happier, and put on 10 pounds, but that was really hard for me- i kept looking in the mirror wondering who this fat girl was. then, in 2002, i discovered healthy exercise... not the run 3 miles because i ate a donut kind, but real good for you total body exercise. i started gently with yoga and some cardio, then added strength training, and started to eat more and healthier. chris and i got engaged and i knew i wanted kids and i knew i didn't want to be a poor example of health and happiness to them. fast forward to now... i eat pretty healthy, weight around 125-130, depending on the day, and i now teach fitness classes, and have a well balenced workout regimen plus a well balanced diet. i allw myself to indulge once a week, and i am HAPPY, and my kids are happy and healthy, and they see that exercise is good and can be fun. i recently did stop drinking diet coke (early november) and i do find that i am not craving sweets as much, which helps me not feel deprived. anyhow, my point is, balance it all- diet, exercise, and mental wellness. so what makes you happy, what works for you, and always know that whatever you are doig, you are raising little people whose eyes are always on you and whose ears always here you. i wanted my children to grow up healthy and i never want them to struggle like i did. it was really a dark time in my life, and honestly i don't remember a lot about it as i think i blocked some of it out. but it lead me to who i am today, and it has made me the mom i want to me. your struggles will also help you become who you want to be and the best mom ever.
ReplyDeletehi holly- great post! i especially agree about being responsible for our children and their healthy, and i totally think that by example is the best way. when my husband and i met, i was clearly anorexic (a sr in college and dealing with pressures and issues in the wrong way). i am 5'7" and when i graduated i was under 110 pounds. we continued to date and eventually i got a little more comfortable and a little happier, and put on 10 pounds, but that was really hard for me- i kept looking in the mirror wondering who this fat girl was. then, in 2002, i discovered healthy exercise... not the run 3 miles because i ate a donut kind, but real good for you total body exercise. i started gently with yoga and some cardio, then added strength training, and started to eat more and healthier. chris and i got engaged and i knew i wanted kids and i knew i didn't want to be a poor example of health and happiness to them. fast forward to now... i eat pretty healthy, weight around 125-130, depending on the day, and i now teach fitness classes, and have a well balenced workout regimen plus a well balanced diet. i allw myself to indulge once a week, and i am HAPPY, and my kids are happy and healthy, and they see that exercise is good and can be fun. i recently did stop drinking diet coke (early november) and i do find that i am not craving sweets as much, which helps me not feel deprived. anyhow, my point is, balance it all- diet, exercise, and mental wellness. so what makes you happy, what works for you, and always know that whatever you are doig, you are raising little people whose eyes are always on you and whose ears always here you. i wanted my children to grow up healthy and i never want them to struggle like i did. it was really a dark time in my life, and honestly i don't remember a lot about it as i think i blocked some of it out. but it lead me to who i am today, and it has made me the mom i want to me. your struggles will also help you become who you want to be and the best mom ever.
ReplyDeleteI really liked your post. I don't necessarily have weight issues but I can loose some inches around the belly. I am tall and can hid it well too, BUT and it is a big BUT, I eat horribly! I love food but I hate preparing it. I need to find the discipline and get my rear going and just do it!! I have tried all the diets that you mentioned and I look forward to your review. I need a diet that is quick and easy to prepare meals because I don't have a lot of extra time to cook. I also need to exercise more to be more healthy and for health purposes.
ReplyDeleteNot much I can add, other than that I found drinking water throughout the day (not overdoing it, just having a bottle nearby and sipping regularly) peeled some pounds off. I was curious as to why i was losing weight (wasn't my goal, just wanted to drink more water) so i looked it up and sure enough, drinking water and keeping your body hydrated is DEFINITELY related to weight loss. Plus, its good for so many other things! Look forward to your future posts, and happy new year!! p.s. Green tea also keeps your metabolism kicked up... Anne
ReplyDeleteHmmm... an a-ha moment...I've had a few...I finally realized I do have a love affair with food. Another was thinking I could never give stuff up. I haven't given things up per se, but I have chosen not to bring things in my house as often. Candy is a big no no for me. It's not just about me, it's about my family and teaching them to eat smart right along with me.
ReplyDeleteThis post may have been long, but honestly, long posts only bother me when they drone on and on with no point or purpose. This was purposeful, insightful and raw honesty! I think everyone can identify on some level with this. We are going to be preparing for our own organically grown garden this year, and I for one am soooooo thrilled!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading more about your journey. We are tackling low-calorie or "healthful" meals this week on Share a Spoon. :P
Yeah, weight loss is one of my goals this year. I'm doing the couch to 5k program now and I've joined a weight loss challenge so we'll see if that helps.
ReplyDeleteI really like WW. If it was cheaper I'd still do it. Oh, and if the cycles were longer that would help too. I couldn't stand repeating the cycle every 10 weeks.
Good luck
Hi Holly, happy new year! Good luck with your weight loss, I will start my diet and exercise program tomorrow. I need to loose a lot of weight. I am looking forward to the review, I haven't heard of this diet before. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read your review of this book! Would also like some ideas about easy very easy things to make for breakfast, lunch and supper!!
ReplyDeleteI think I need to get one good cry out. I've never struggled with my weight until now. It's so frustrating and now I can understand what women go through when dealing with it.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, can I ever relate!!! I am back to my shakes (a different one this year) and back to losing.. finally! I am so sick & tired of being sick & tired... Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your weight story! I know how you feel girl, I've also had that love/hate relationship with food. I have finally lost the baby weight and feel comfortable. I am starting a new fitness section on my blog, if your interested take a look, I will be starting it later this week!
ReplyDeleteJust to say, Holly, I've alwaya thought you look gorgeous in your profile pic. I know that's not the point of the post and you want to be healthy...but just thought I'd say!