Monday, January 31, 2011

Where's Holly?

Hey all!

I have been busy decoupaging and painting and creating "make and takes" for DecoArt at the Craft and Hobby Association Trade Show in Los Angeles.

So...This is a case of..."You think you are going to have more time that you actually do!" I was expecting to come to the hotel after the conference and chill out catch up on Tickled Pink...begin posting my 6 latest Projects...maybe, not so much...I may be just a little tired at the end of the day, just maybe.

The show has been busy, I have been busy, and there have been so many wonderful products I have seen, and I have met some great people ...I have so much to tell and share...but alas, at this point, I have taken zero photos! And what fun is a post without photos!?

Tomorrow I will be soaking it all up again and gathering some more scoop!

And, in case you are wondering, my family can survive without me {gasp!}. The nerve! Thy even manages to complete a big ole book report - and hubby had to break out some of the scrapbooking tools! I really needed a photo of that!

Thanks for hanging in there!


  1. i can't wait to hear all about it!!

  2. how DARE they get along so well without you!
    I can't wait to see/hear all about what you're learning!

  3. Can't wait to see what you have :) Hop over to enter my first give away.

  4. Can't wait to hear all the details!

  5. It really IS amazing when you see that the world of your loved ones can go on without you, isn't it?

    Take a breath and relax a little! :-)

  6. Most blogs do need photos...but you know I love your writing!

    I always think that if a family can't cope without the mother there then they need more practice!!!

    What a meanie I am!

    I hope you're having a brilliant, wonderful time. Don't work too hard!


  7. I'm so glad you are having such a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!