504 Main by Holly Lefevre: Mango Magic! My Favorite (and Easy) Snack
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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mango Magic! My Favorite (and Easy) Snack

Way back when, I worked in the garment district in Downtown Los Angeles. While I worked there I was lucky enough to taste and experience many different Hispanic foods that I had never heard of (Bean burritos were a staple in our house, but I was the girl who ordered a hamburger at the Mexican Restaurant).

Every day at break time a man in a small pickup truck with a camper shell would pull up to the warehouse. When he opened the back of the truck is was full of fruits and vegetables - I had no idea what most of them were.
The ladies who sewed for us would always buy bags of "seasoned" mangoes...and one day they offered me one. Can you believe at twenty-something I had never had a mango!? There was orangish-redish "stuff' sprinkled on it,
but I was game and a took a bite and it was heaven.

Every day I would buy a bag of mangoes for only $3.00 - a big bag...fresh fruit that cost less than a mocha! I eventually left that job and tried to recreate the Mango Magic at home. I tried combinations of chili powder, salt and lime, but it was never quite right.
I gave up and just ate plain mango.

Well, about a month ago I posted something on Facebook about this (totally random), and my friend Facebooked me back and told me she was mailing me her favorite seasoning to try. OK, I was game (she has good taste). It came it sat there for about a week and then I bought some mango (lazy girl way - pre-cut from Trader Joe's).

I believe my Facbook post back to her was...
"I closed my eyes, tasted the mango and was instantly transported
back to the sweatshop in downtown L.A. Perfection!"
This seasoning was the missing link!
Thank you Heather for sending me Tajin Fruit and Snack Seasoning!

So, Tajin is not too hard to find, especially in California.
Depending on where you live, you may have to do a little more looking.
Hispanic/Latin grocers carry it, some grocery stores, and even our Target!
BUT it is also sold on Amazon.

So, get ready.
Here's how to make it!
...pay attention...
Cut up mango (or buy pre-cut mango)
Put is on a plate or in a bowl
Sprinkle Tajin all over.
Start sparingly and add more to your liking.

It s a tangy zesty goodness - not "hot spicy" just citrusy and yummy!
People looked at me a little funny when I first busted this out,
but tasting is believing!

I am giddy.
I love this snack and it is super easy!
And mangoes are a pretty decent price right now!
And, yes, I am eating that plate of mangoes (in the photo) as I type this!

Do you have any unusual snacks that you LOVE?



  1. Hey Holly!
    I love Mango and love them with Tajin on them!!
    at our local grocery store they also sell one called Trechas and it's really good too :)
    When I was pregnant with my son I would eat a ton of mangoes and would cut a watermelon in half sprinkle some Tajin or Trechas and scoop it out!
    My husband had to hide it from me because he said that stuff is probably not too healthy for a preggo lady!

  2. That sounds really good! I am loving mangoes lately but have have never noticed that seasoning anywhere before. There is an ethnic grocery store nearby though so I may check there.

  3. Mr. C and I were on the island of Guanaja where the mangoes fall off the trees. If you have ever been hit on the head with one it hurts. At that time I didn't appreciate mangoes. I will get some Tajin and try your style. I do make a great Mango Sauce. Thank you for sharing this technique. Marvelous May to you...

  4. I love mangoes! This sounds like a great idea to spice it up a bit. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I really love mango.. and spicey food. It's a down right amazing idea... bet it's divine!

  6. I see that seasoning in the local market near by but I always pass it up. I'll pick some up when I go to the store to try on my fruit.
    Chic Modern Vintage

  7. mmmmmm yummy. I want some!

  8. We love mangos here but we can't get them as easily as in California. I will be looking for this seasoning to give it a try.

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and that your writing is going well.


  9. you'd better watch out..your start telling good stories about your schmata days and...the sweatshop commission might ask you to be a spokesmodel for them ;).

  10. Anonymous2:12 PM

    These sounds wonderful. My guys love mangoes. We go through them quickly at my house.

  11. We just had a mango yesterday. I, alone, could eat a couple in one sitting.
    We have a grocery store that will surely have this. I'll try it!

  12. Wow I would never have thought to put seasoning on a mango!

  13. Great idea... I am into mangos these days... I better find me some of that good seasoning stuff!

  14. I'm excited to try this!!! I love Mex food & exotic fruits - looks yummy :)

  15. I can honestly say I've never seen a mango prepared like this. I'm not much of a mango fan (funky texture!) but I wonder if I'd like them this way :)


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