Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom, I Apologize

I was not a bad kid.
In fact I was a good kid.
I was forced to be.
I let my brother be the troublemaker.
But since I have grown and had my own kids,
I have apologized to my mom over and over...
for the stupid things I must take credit for...

Mom, I Apologize...
  • For throwing a fit because the new Barbie outfit was not the new Barbie outfit I wanted.
  • For slamming my brothers head in the car we fought for shotgun. She only wanted to take us to the beach.
  • For sneaking into Poltergeist and then not sleeping for the next 2 {or 3} years because of the tree outside my window. {Oh, don't you worry...I am getting paid back for that one
  • For daring my brother to play Spiderman and jump from the bench in the dugout to see if he could grab the chain link fence...and the hours in the ER that ensued.
  • For dating a man as old as she and my dad were {Oh yeah...they L-O-V-E-D that!}
  • For still complaining about the cellphone they gave me on my 21st b'day. They thought it was the perfect gift {back then few people had cellphones, and I believe it cost about $100/month for 20 minutes of calls}. I called it "the gift that kept on giving" {me a bill}.
  • For being home with us.
  • For always being at my performances, sporting events, and activities.
  • For always volunteering at school, girl scouts...anything!
  • For stuffing 8 of my friends into a car {A VW bug} to take and pick us up for a football game {that was sort of legal then}.
  • For letting us have squirt gun fights in the house.
  • For letting us play hall hockey.
  • For letting us decorate our rooms the way we wanted to {YIKES!}
  • For being fun!
  • For being kind.
  • For being patient.
  • For supporting all my endeavors {other than piano lessons}.
  • For indulging my whims and ideas.
  • For always giving her all and being the best mom she knew how to be.
  • For teaching me and reassuring me as I mother my own two little people.

I never expected or fully fancied being a mother myself,
but when it happened it was and still is
the most amazing thing on the planet.
I really had no idea how profound and
how life altering this experience could be.
I have given birth twice
and am blessed and mystified and enthralled
by these little people.
I am also blessed, mystified, and enthralled
by all those mothers who do the same
for their children no matter what their age or circumstances.
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. I sure do remember this post. I hope you are enjoying your special day Holly.

    Happy Mother's Day

  2. Cute post Miss Holly. I hope your own Mothers Day was sweet.

  3. Happy Mother's Day sweetie!

    You're all kinds of awesome mama! :D

  4. This is so sweet and I love reading about your childhood. It sounds like 5 year old daughter right now and I am constantly pulling my hair out!! So this gives me hope that she will turn out just fine ;)

  5. Happy Mother's Day!

  6. So sweet and so true!


  7. Your mom didn't care if it was a re-post, and neither did we. Very sweet. Happy Mom's Day to you!

  8. Your mum's gorgeous by the way!

  9. What a loving tribute to your Mom... really sweet!


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