Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Note That Goes Well With S'mores

I have crashed and burned.
Whenever I finish a MAJOR project,
I always crash and burn for about one week.
It is almost like all the things that I could not concentrate
on before are all swirling in my head  - AT ONE TIME!

I have a gained some much needed perspective in the last couple of months,
but I still have a bajillion projects to finish,
some super FAB giveaways to get to,
an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (beyond belief) trip to
Delta Faucets to tell you about.
Seriously I had no idea how much fun faucets and plumbing could be! Of course all the people at Delta, the company who brought us bloggers there, and the bloggers who were on the trip were also A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

In the meantime, a friend of mine (like a real life one who I have know since I was 7 or so) made the s'mores bark I posted about during the holidays for a teacher gift...
and it was a DUH moment for me.
She is brilliant!
I think I got stuck in the fact that it had bark in the title and bark is for Christmas, right?

So, here is my s'mores bark recipe (again)...
perfect for taking on a picnic or to a party when you cannot make the real thing!
If you have read my blog before, you know I am a sucker for anything s'mores related.
If you have never read my blog before, well, now you know too!
{and I am not the only one in the family with this issue.}
I love this idea for the holidays, but seriously how perfect is this for summer.
S'mores and summer go together right?
So, when you cannot have the real thing,
make up some s'mores bark to take along.
(please excuse the photo - quite possibly my worst food photos ever!)

(adapted from a recipe found at about.com)
  • 16-17 full graham crackers (about 1 and 1/2 sleeves)
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
  • Rimmed baking sheet
  • OPTIONAL: nuts, bacon, candies

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Cover baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  3. Spray foil with non-stick cooking spray.
  4. Arrange graham crackers in a single layer on the cookie sheet. Place them right up next to one another. You may have to cut or break apart some of the graham crackers.
  5. Melt/Stir butter and brown sugar together in a saucepan over a medium flame.
  6. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil, being sure to stir constantly to avoid separating or scorching.
  7. Once at a constant boil, pour the mixture over the graham crackers. Use a spatula to spread it over the crackers in an even layer.
  8. Place toffee in the oven for 5 minutes. It should be bubbling all over.
  9. Remover from the oven and cool for one minute.
  10. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top of the hot toffee and let rest for about 1 minute, then spread with a spatula or knife.
  11. Once evenly spread, sprinkle mini marshmallows on top (I press them down just a little).
  12. FOR FUN! I put the entire cookie sheet in the broiler for 2 minutes to toast the marshmallows and then popped them in the refrigerator to firm up. The toasty taste is the best!
You can also add other favorite items like toasted pecans...or what about joining the bacon craze and crumbling some crispy bacon on top for bacon s'mores bark!


  1. Oh yum! I even like the name. Thanks for this new idea. :) Have you tried those caramel swirl marshmallows? They are SO delicious on s'mores!

  2. Miss Crantons offers luxury personalized handmade chocolates gift basket Handmade Chocolate Gifts Delivered UK & Worldwide. We supply chocolate gifts throughout the year. Incredible choice at great prices.supply all over UK and worldwide.


  3. I'm seriously salivating right now.

  4. I'm so glad you finished your book, Holly! I'm ready to see you back here more regularly. :) This recipe sounds fantastic!

  5. Well, you know my bizarre aversion to s'mores (one that is likely to get me blacklisted from most groups of happy campers, and certainly the Girl Scouts), but once you said the magic word, "bacon", you had my attention. The salty element may just be the cure to the extreme sweetness that drove me to the Anti-S'more-League. Tee hee!

  6. This recipe sound absolutely fabulous. I can't wait to try it.

    Hope you have some time to recuperate. Looking forward to the details of the Delta trip.


  7. why why why whyyyyyyyyy?! Now all I can think about is s'mores.

  8. salty chocoalate, sounds yummers!

  9. Wow... wow... wow!!! That looks amazing! I think I'd go for the bacon! :)
    Laurie @ Gallamore West

  10. I love smores- this looks really good. I like to give as a teacher/or school gift a small baggie filled with smores ingredients and a cute saying: "here's to SMORE fun" or something like that. I am giving them away at BUNCO next month, I will share photos!

  11. Have you ever made "smores" with Oreos, strawberries and marshmellows? You have to eat the frosting out of the Oreos first....oh darn!

  12. I came to link up my S'mores cupcakes, but I am early for the party! I will be back! This looks so yummy...love me some s'mores, too! Have you tried making them with nutella? Hot marshmallow on top of nutella and graham cracker...the best! Great for kids, bc you can spread the chocolate and it is not oozing out the sides like the Hershey bar and all down their chins! Christie at Three Pixie Lane

  13. Those s'mores sound so delicious! Too bad I won't be able to make them. I have to fit into a dress by the middle of next month and must drop 8 lbs. before.
    I adore the new look of the blog, Holly. It's refreshing and fun!


  14. MERCY...this sounds perfect for summer. When grandgirls come over to spend the night, I'll have all ingredients on hand and they will LOVE making them. Thanks, sweetie girl, for this recipe.
    x bj

  15. Seriously yumm-o recipe there! And major finger licking!! Love that!

  16. Smores without the campfire? Genuis!

    It was a pleasure meeting you IRL at Delta :)

  17. 1. Your daughter is GORGEOUS
    2. That dessert looks delish!
    3. Happy Weekend!

  18. I am your newest follower! Your blog is ADORABLE! I would love it if you stopped my blog and became my newest follower too! I am so excited to link up to your party! Thank you!


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!