Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paint My Walls, Purdy Please!

As I have mentioned I am in a state of change (and denial) when it comes to life and my house. I have decided the house needs a boost - I color my hair when I need a boost, so I will paint my walls when the house needs a boost! Such an easy way to transform a space.
(these curtains need to be retired!)

I had hoped that when I showed you my dining room paint, I would also have some gorgeous NEW Roman Shades as well...but alas that did not happen. I ordered the shades - got a GREAT deal...both were on clearance!!! Opened package number one - perfection. Package number two was on back order...just received it...a different color than package one (it says it is the right color but NOT!) I have mismatched shades that cannot be mismatched because they are right next to each other. UGH...OK that is my rant. paint is still beautiful! So, I'll just share that with ya.

I used Mythic Paint, in Melted Truffle - gorgeous! This paint has no VOC's and guess what hubby did not notice I had painted when he got home from work, yes, that is right no paint stink...YEAH! Um, it took two months for him to notice that I painted...go figure!
Besides the great color, what really made this an easy paint job is the Purdy tools. it is true a good (or great) paintbrush makes all the difference! You can read more about the Purdy tools at The DIY CLUB! While you are there be sure to check out who won June's Project Party and get ready to enter July's Party!
DIY Club

My dining room is small, but right in the front of my house....
it has some more fancy-ing up to be done to it,
but great well painted walls is a start!
And it makes my ugly door makeover look even better too!

How do you spruce up your house?


Some products have been provided to me through my affiliation with The DIY Club.


  1. Absolutely love Mythic Paint! Wish there was somewhere to purchase in Denver...

    And Purdy has amazing tools... the only ones I'll use. You want your tools to do the work for you instead of making you do all the work, and their brushes and roller naps do it all perfectly.

  2. Great color! My husband is a professional painter and he only uses Purdy, so I understand your love of your tools!

  3. I had never heard of that paint. I love Purdy tools!!

    I bought new living room curtains on sale. I had to fig through a big pile to find four sets that matched. I really loved them but when I got home, three of the packages had something wrong with them. Wrong size on one, a tear in another and a huge stain in another. So disappointing.



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