Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Playing with Water at Delta Faucet DIY Blogger Event

Well, I just finished the book...
And now I am in Indiana
at a FABULOUS DIY Blogger event hosted by Delta Faucet Company!
I was so very excited to be invited and
excited that the nanny (aka Grandma) was available!

We will all be playing with water and learning a lot
about new innovations and ideas while we are here.
Tonight I even had homework - take a backward shower!
(more on that later in the week)

I was SUPER-EXCITED for so many reasons, including that this was
my first opportunity to meet The DIY Showoff -
I have loved her since I began blogging and
we work on The DIY Club together too!
(she is awesome)
Delta Faucet Company has a great couple of days planned for us and I am excited to talk to the other bloggers some more...and play in the water!

Here's who is here!

I will be sharing more of what we do and learn.
Now I just need to get some sleep...
I am in the EST and I am a PST that stays up late
- that equals a little problem.



  1. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Congrats on finishing the book Holly! Look forward to hearing more about your blogger meet up!

  2. O, Holly, WELLD ONE on the book! I know that's been a MASSIVE part of your life recently. And I'm soooo jealous you get to go to a blogger event. We just don't have them here. Have a WONDERFUL time.


  3. Sounds like a great time. Congrats on finishing your book. Can't wait to hear all about it.


  4. So exciting! I can't wait to hear what a backward shower is... :)

  5. Congrats on finishing a book! What is it on?

    Have fun at the blogger meet up. Can't wait to hear all about it! I am attending my first blogging conference this summer. Hope it's as fun and informative as the one your attending!

  6. That is SO exciting about the book! Big news. <3 It sounds like an eventful weekend ahead. That is special that you got to meet DIY Showoff...I love her too. xo

  7. Congrats on the book. Hope you are having tons of fun and will tell us all about it :)

  8. sounds really fun holly! have a great time xoxo

  9. This more than fixes my leaking faucet. It has improved it even. I am eager to use my gerber tools to try this.

  10. I also embark in DIY projects. I have my sets of tools and kershaw knives to help me create pop art objects.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!