Monday, September 19, 2011

Bridesmaids, Girlfriends, Lots of Laughs, and a Link Up

I planned and prepared for my
"Girls Night In" Parisian Extravaganza
and viewing of

and finally it was here!
A little warning...this post is not as "PG" as I usual am here.
This is 504 Main Unrated. OK, not that bad!
This movie I had heard so much about was finally in my hands...
in my house and I was ready to watch it on our new TV
(before it was available in the stores)!!!
But just so ya know, it can be yours tomorrow!
Bridesmaids is available on DVD, Blu-Ray Combo pack or as a digital download on 9/20/11, so you can all snatch up a copy and have your own Girls Night In!
 (A gorgeous flower arrangement from my friend Jaime)

I shared about my party prep on Thursday...
You can check out the detailed menu and the ideas there!
BUT as any good planner knows sometimes you must roll with the day did not quite go as planned (I had a mild case of food poisoning - which after seeing the movie is WAY TOO appropriate...but I swear mine was not even close to theirs - and that is an image that will be burned in my mind forever!), so I had to tweak the menu, and not every teeny-tiny detail was attended to..but I wanted to have FUN more than stress out over rosettes on champagne flutes. And these lovely ladies showered me with more hors d'oeuvres, wine, and fanciful gifts! Who knew! I love these ladies
(and not just because of the gifts)!
(A hand painted card from Kelly and pink sugar to rim the cocktail from Rook No. 17)

We ended up having a wonderful selection of food and beverages, and I tested out my lackluster bar tending skills making Pomegranate Champagne Cocktails. I tried channeling Tom Cruise in Cocktail for this portion of the evening...
but was more little tipsy sorority girl and I was not either tipsy or a sorority girl.
Anyway...they tasted amazing...and were delicious and a perfectly bridal beverage!
 The menu included brie, pickled veggies, pastry puffs, edamame dip, grapes,
and drunken melon balls
(which going with the spirit of the evening we just call "drunken balls")
I went with a modified Parisian theme in honor of the bridal shower
(and I did not send anyone to Paris to research)

The swag for each lady was a pink Eiffel Tower bank, my FAVE lip gloss, and a candle.
I decided to skip the puppy.

Here is a glimpse of the decor.
I was so busy that my photos are lackluster.
It was so much easier to plan an event when I had professional photographers and a staff!
I tinted mason jars pink and selected bunches of carnations for them.
I think carnations have a bad rap and in clusters they look pretty!
 The dessert table
(oops no dessert on the table...but you get the picture)
Treat tower: truffles (not the ones I made!), chocolates, and licorice!

After an hour or more of chatting and enjoying a cocktail or three we headed down to the family room to watch the movie...woo-whoo! I was very happy that after 15 years we finally upgraded the ole TV...and so was everyone else...what better way to watch this hilarious movie than on a new TV (except maybe the dress selection/trying on scene).
I served dessert during the movie:
Crack Pie
Lemon tart
I tried to make this seemingly delicious chocolate truffles...
My husband tested them and after spitting them in the trash said
"I never thought chocolate, sugar, and almonds could taste so bad."
I totally burned this recipe.

(I totally need a media room makeover now!)

While this movie is over the top also has some pretty raunchy I made sure everyone who was coming knew this was definitely an adult movie and that I had the Unrated version...just did not want any surprises!

But all of us ladies were up for the laughs that came our way,
from the silly to the sexy to the cringe-worthy to the
The laughter was continuous and contagious.
A little something for everyone.

We all LOVED the movie and hanging out with the ladies.
Here's a quick "Ode to Bridesmaids"
Thanks to Bridesmaids...
I have a renewed love for giant cookies...
I should have served a ginormous sandwich at the party...
I just might serve a ginormous sandwich at my next gathering...
(I will never look at a sandwich the same again)
I will NOT eat at a-hole-in-the-wall restaurant, especially if it is Brazilian...
Puppies are not good gifts...
Jason Bateman is hot...
Remember to like the nice guy, not f*** the bad guy in the Porsche.
I am glad I am not dating...
I am glad I am not a bridesmaid...
I did however, remember some of the fond memories of being a bridesmaid...
I want to plan another wedding (to the same guy)...
I want a Parisian Bridal Shower (or birthday party)
I am still singing "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips!
(so breaking out the old CD's)
Did you see the movie?
What was your favorite part?
Are you picking up the movie?

Link up  and share your wedding/bridesmaids related story below.
Links back appreciated but not required...this is just for fun!
Everyone LOVES a good wedding story!
You know you have one!
Sponsored post. See my disclosure HERE.
Bridesmaids and Wedding Delights and Don'ts!
Share your story, any wedding-related story. Links back appreciated but not required...this is just for fun!


  1. Oh Holly, that looks like such fun! Getting together with the girls is just the best!

  2. It looks like everyone had a great time! Thank goodness you didn't have to cancel the party due to food poisoning (you're feeling better, I hope!).

    The decorating looks wonderful! If you ever do need a researcher to go to Paris for you, I'd be happy to go. Just sayin'.

  3. What a fun party! My husband and I saw Bridesmaids in theaters and laughed SO hard! It is seriously hilarious! In fact, my husband is so excited to go get this movie on dvd so he can watch it over and over and over {yep, he likes to watch the same movie like 20 times}

  4. I was on the fence about seeing this movie, and now I will definitely see it. I love Melissa McCarthy too so can't wait...I know what I'm doing tomorrow night...big sandwich for one?

  5. Holly, your party was awesome! I think my very favorite part of the movie was that last little snippet in the credits with Megan and the air marshall doing their role playing.


  6. It looks and sounds like a good time was had by all. We are definitely planning on getting the, maybe the unrated version!

  7. what an awesome event!! it sounds like everyone had a fab time...and ate like queens!!



Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!