Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DIY! (Quick and Easy) Cookie Plate..It's Not Too Late!

Leaving cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer
is a not-to-be-missed tradition in our house.
Heck, I think I left cookies for Santa until I was like 18!

Last year Jules was very upset that we did not
have a plate for the this year we do!
(sorry these photos look awful - taking new ones)

Now, I know Christmas is right around the corner...but this is so quick! REALLY QUICK and EASY! It took me maybe 20 minutes to paint....write on the plate.

I have already done one project with them...but it is not to Christmasy/holiday like so I will post it in January! Seriously thought, these glass markers are so easy to use and really apply the paint well and easy!

  • Glass plate - square or round. I purchased my square one at Walmart for about $2.50 each. I know the craft stores and even Target carry the round plates.
  • DecoArt Glass Markers in your choice of colors - red, green and white for me! 
  • OR Elmers Painters Markers
  • Rubbing alcohol (to clean plate)
  • Masking or Painters tape (something easily removable)  for holding paper in place
  • Print out of message.

Step 1
  • Create a print out. Select a font you like; go to settings and have the printer print the document in mirror image; Print it out in black and white.
  • You need to create a print out because the marker is applied to the back of the plate. The marker, after baking in the oven, it dishwasher safe and durable, but you want to keep the food away from it.
  • I am no printable master, but I just went into Word created a 8 x 8 square and wrote two simple messages:
Dear Joe and Jules,
Rudolph would really like more cookies.
Dear Joe and Jules,
Santa would really like more cookies.

Step 2. 
Clean plate thoroughly with rubbing alcohol and try very hard to minimize touching the plate and getting finger prints on it…if you do (I did) just clean it again)

Step 3. 
Cut out the message and position on the FRONT of the plate with the message facing down. When you like the position, tape down on each side to hold.

Step 4.
Flip the plate over so it is facing down and you should be able to see the “backwards” message through the plate. Yep, it looks weird!

Step 5.
Start your glass marker, by pressing on the tip a few times to load the paint. Then start tracing over the letters on the print out. It takes a minute to get used to writing backward, but it actually adds character in the end.

Step 6.
After you finish writing, decorate. I just dotted the outside rum of the plate in a contrasting color and then added three little “thingies” in each corner.

Step 7.
Let dry for 4 hours, then place in a non-preheated oven. Start oven at 325F and bake for 30 minutes. Turn off oven, open door and let cool.

Step 8.
Repeat for a second plate in reverse colors.

All done and it is super cute (so hard to take a photo...I wish you could see it in person!

What cookies do you leave for Santa?
disclosure: some supplies were provided to me through The DIY Club. See my full disclosure by clicking  Disclosure in the top navigation bar


  1. Super cute, Holly! I love the idea of leaving something for the reindeer, too! We make sugar cookies for Santa. My toddler loves to decorate them! :)

  2. Great tutorial. Thanks. I've heard about "cookies for Santa" tradition, but "carrots for the reindeer"?! :-))--I am learning something new every day.

  3. Awesome tutorial! We usually make sugar cookies. Thanks for sharing.

    ~Mrs. Delightful


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