Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fancy Up Your Outdoor Space with Chalk

I have a ton of outdoor projects "almost finished."
(if you read this regularly, you are probably not surprised!)
The weather has decided to not cooperate in my patio furniture makeover- very hard to spray paint in wet soggy weather!
But at first sign of the sun -
I will finish it up and reveal it next week
(fingers crossed).

Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main


I have commitment, not really...well, maybe I do.
For my backyard fence,
I found the perfect {temporary} solution.

I love to entertain and there may be a party or two in the future,
so I really wanted something fun and interesting for this barren back fence.

I figured since I am dressing up the playhouse, and then eventually will get started on the fence needed some was looking lonely. My son and I attempted to create some visual interest by creating a "tee pee" based on one we saw at Earthbound Farms...but ours never took off (the dog may have had something to do with just may have been his favorite place to, um, relieve himself).

Anyway, every morning when I open the blinds in our bedroom I look outside and see a blank I had a BRILLIANT (if I do say so myself) idea.

Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main

Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main


Step 1. Determine layout. I used an allover random pattern for this larger stencil.

Step 2. Tape stencil to fence (I simply used masking tape)
Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main 
Step 3. Apply chalk. Now for this step, I sometimes used the side of the chalk and rubbed and sometimes had to use the tip to fill in. It is not perfect...and that is OK!

Step 4. Repeat as often as necessary.

Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main

NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. Based on the roughness of the fence (and your own desire for "perfection) your results may vary. I LOVE the way this looks on my back fence - rustic sunshine!

Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main

I live in a pretty foggy wet coastal area, and the one stencil remained for months and months!
For a party, you could easily do this a day or two before.

Next up...I am trying a chalk/stencil rug!
Or what about a whimsical path to the front door?

Now of course I could have painted the stencil on...
but I thought by using chalk, I could be playful and fun...
imagine the possibilities.
Best part...when you want a change, just whip out the hose.
Temporary Outdoor Art with Sidewalk Chalk and a Stencil from 504 Main

I live in a pretty foggy wet coastal area, and the one stencil has lasted for almost a week, so for a party, you could easily do this a day or two before.

Next up...I am trying a chalk/stencil rug!

Do you LOVE chalk!?
Have any crazy ideas for chalk at your house?
Do you have any unfinished outdoor projects?

Looking for more sure to check out Hometalk!


  1. That is a really cool project. I love how it's soft and understated. Soft of like a little surprise.

  2. Get out! I have a stencil almost just like that- you are so good lady! What a wonderful idea!!

  3. That is SO stinkin' cute ... and what a fun idea for an outdoor party!

  4. Oh my gosh I love this. So simple! I love that sign too.

  5. I love this idea...I've been wanting to do something to "spruce up" our fence...I think I just might have found the project! You are so creative!


  6. How clever! I love the idea of sprucing up the fence! Although I will admit to being slightly jealous of your rustic wood fence. Where we live its all cinderblock fences. Ugh.

  7. lovely artwork I love the fence looks so vintage and pretty come see us at

  8. What a simple and fantastic idea. That looks really great!!

  9. That's awesome... Chalk can be great fun, yo.

  10. LOVE it! maybe the easiest outdoor decorating I've ever seen


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!