Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Trip to Goat Hill Fair

One day while cruising around Facebook,
I noticed my friend posted about Goat Hill Fair.
I was so intrigued -  antiques, vintage, artisan, fair...
close to my house. I was so there! 

Better yet, I heard that Cathe from Just Something I Made was speaking.
I adore Cathe - she is super sweet and amazingly talented.

So I made plans, and lucky for me at the last minute
a friend decided to join me (FUN!). What a fun day
(it was steaming hot...of course I think hot is 60 degrees).
We got a wee bit lost, but made it there just in time for Cathe's talk.
So, that is where we will start...

Cathe brought sample of some of her creations, talked about how she made some of them, shared some tips and tricks, and we got a teeny tiny sneak peek of her book (coming out in Spring 2013!!)

Since we arrived a bit late...we had to move our tails to see everyone.
We spent most of our time at a few booths including:

purveyor of salvaged curiosities
LOVED her creations - old watches, sea glass, water spigots, old bakeware.

We LOVED Bombshell Betty Shop too!

Check out this bracelet!

The Junk Girls were lovely and creative and inspiring

Hand stamped jewelery,

tons of cool vintage finds

and bags of Findings (my fave!)

And to complete the eye candy,
my favorite sign (it did not go home with me)

And a shot of the fair!

So there is some eye candy.
I loved Goat Hill Fair and l plan on heading back for the next one, May 2013!
Stop by their facebook page to see tons more photos!


This post is written and created by 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Oooh...that looks like it was so much fun. Wish I had been there instead of on my wild goose chase.


  2. Oh what a fun day!! I would love to meet Cathe someday - she is just amazing!

  3. that looks like SO much fun!

  4. I'd have been like a kid in a candy store there!

  5. Holly ~
    On behalf of Goat Hill Fair, I thank you for this kind post. It was nice to meet you and talk during a little lunch break. It was truly a BIG "get" that Cathe Holden came to speak at the Fall event. Isn't she a creative, sweet lady? Hope that you will find your way back to the next Goat Hill Fair!
    Shari Nicsevic
    Goat Hill Fair

  6. oh my word, that orange sign is ADORABLE and I loved your bag of "finds"... I wonder if there is a market for Happy Meal toy "finds?" I just cleaned out the girls toy box and found two walmart sacks full of annoying toys! I am plotting their demise as soon as CeCe and Q are fast asleep tonight...bwahahah!

  7. What a fun day out! We really need to start doing things like this.


Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation! I sure hope you come back for more!