Saturday, March 9, 2013

How Could I Not #LuvSoFab!?

Six years ago, I joined Facebook (just because)...
a few years later I started a blog...
then twitter, pinterest, instagram, you name it!
I had no idea the impact becoming a a full fledged tweeting, posting,
sharing, pinning member of the social media circuit would have on my life.

When I started blogging, it was for fun.
It still is...but after spending so much time on my blog,
I began to wonder how I can also make the blog work for me.
Around that same time I learned about Collective Bias and Social Fabric.
I was lucky enough to become a part of this community about a year and a half ago.
Social Fabric is a community that offers amazing opportunities to work with brands and on special campaigns, but better yet, all of the people behind Social Fabric and Collective Bias are supportive, knowledgeable, and always willing to offer advice or a suggestion to improve your blog, your post, or even your purpose in the world of social media. Never have I seen such support from a blogging community than I have seen at SoFab!

So the real question is "How could I not #LuvSoFab?!"

Social Fabric offers amazing opportunities.
Opportunities for bloggers, for businesses, for working moms,
for stay at home moms, for entrepreneurs, for men, for anyone -
  to find their voice in the world of social media.
It is about more than blogging.

These campaigns (and many, many more) and opportunities have enriched my life,
my kids lives...and even their friends lives
(I love to share our parties with the other children),
and have introduced me to many new products and companies.
I have a lot to learn still, but since learning the ways of social media and becoming savvy with how brands react to social media and campaigns,
I can hold a conversation with CEO about social media and knock their socks off...
I can advise small local businesses on how to use social media
to bring them more business...
 I can use social media to grow my blog, my presence, my brand,
and create new opportunities for my life and career. 

Little did I know that being a member of Social Fabric would actually be job training. I feel confident once you have worked with Social Fabric, you gain the insight and experience to be a social media go out there and work it with the best of them. You learn how to work with companies and brands, how to act professionally and how to make a campaign successful and have it resonate with the public...the consumers.

I had never expected to gain this knowledge or feel so empowered in the arena of social media when I became a member of Social Fabric, that was a huge bonus. But there is yet another side to this story...I had no idea I would meet some lovely ladies and make some amazing friends through Social Fabric!

Have I convinced you why I LuvSoFab yet?
Whether you say yes or are few more
outstanding opportunities that have some my way. 

Jetting off to NYC to meet Sandra Lee

Surprising my family with a new grill from Sears and Grill up some Happiness.

I Luv SoFab because beyond the extra income, and the perks that come along,
I know I am surrounded by a community of men and women who are supportive and savvy. The campaigns are creative and make me utilize my creativity on so many levels.
I also know I have received some invaluable career-boosting job training while having fun.

I am hoping to attend the first ever #SoFabCon in May.
(and you do not have to be a member to join us!)
I am not even sure my brain can handle all of the information
(oh don't worry I will train it). 
Recenlty (ok, 6 months ago) my husband lost his job,
and since then I hae been working on ways to supplement our income.
Little by little I bring in extra cash.
I am sure that the knowledge I gain with #cbias at the SoFabCon
will assist me in growing blog, my brand,
and re-energize my efforts to finish many of the projects I have been working on,
as well as the confidence and motivation to tackle new projects.

Don't you always feel empowered and invincible
after being surrounded by strong, inspiring people?

 But, guess what...the conference is open to the public and right now there is an opportunity to win 12 all expenses paid passes to the conference.

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre


  1. Girl...tear!!
    This is such a fabulous story!! I am so happy to be sharing the community with you :)
    You deserve to go for sure!

  2. They're just starting to work in the UK - I joined last week. Glad to hear you've had such good experiences :-)


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